Corey was a tier 2, an early stage tier 2.

No matter how high Corey's physique was, Corey should not be able to store up to 50 tier 3 nightmares and abominations in his finger.

If storing nightmares and abominations above a person's tier required just a powerful physique, then it would be entirely reasonable for Corey to be able to store up to 50 tier 3 nightmares and abominations.

But the requirements was not wholly dependent on a person's physique, but also his soul.

Especially the soul.

Corey knew nothing about the soul nor did he know anything about his own soul.

He only knew that his soul got upgraded to a cosmic soul.

He didn't know what that meant or how that benefited him.

So, Corey was completely ignorant about his own soul.

Storing a nightmare or an abomination in the finger put more strain on the soul than the body and a demi-paragon with Corey's current stats should only be able to store ten tier 3s in the finger.


Corey did not know this. But who was he to complain?

"To find a nightmare I can store, I need to either go to the world of dreams and nightmares. Or enter people's nightmares and find a tier 3 nightmare."

"As for abomination."

"Well, that'll depend on luck I guess."

Corey released a sigh, then he continued observing his changed right index finger.

Altering the physical structure of living beings and storing nightmares and abominations were not the only things Corey could do with the finger.

Corey could create create a nightmare or an abomination with the finger.

And the best part?

The nightmare or the abomination could grow alongside him.

It's tier would increase whenever his own tier increases.

Whenever Corey stored a nightmare or abomination in his finger. The tier of that nightmare or abomination could no longer increase.

Only by creating a nightmare or abomination could its tier increase.

Corey decided to name the finger, The Nightmare Finger.

As for the ability to alter a living beings physical structure, he named it Polymorphing.

Moving away from the abilities related to the nightmare finger, Corey's main reason for wanting to stay a few more days in a room was to look at a certain thing.

His Library of Records, or the actual name, The Perceptual Nexus Repository.

"I'll probably still call it The Library of Records. Much easier to remember."

Corey mumbled, then he entered the Library of Records.

Corey vanished and his vision changed in a second.

"What the fuck?"

Corey exclaimed as he found himself floating in a dark space before a door.

Around him were countless stars and far far far into the distance was a white star with chains.

"This place again."

Corey exclaimed as he gazed at the white star with chains for a few seconds before looking away.

He took a look at his surroundings and he realized that in front of him were three doors.

The doors were all white and looked the same with the only difference been the different symbols at the top of the doors.

The door at the left had the symbol of two sabers crossed against each other.

The door in the middle had the symbol of an open book.

The symbol at the right had the symbol of a hammer striking a cauldron.

As Corey looked at the three symbols, information about the three doors and certain other things flowed into his mind.

The left door was the virtual reality room where Corey had used to combat opponents he could not defeat in their first bout.

The middle door was the library of records where all the records of everything he had seen and various other information were kept.

The right door was the alchemy anvil, the new installment to the Perceptual Nexus Repository.

As Corey perused through the information that flowed into his mind, his expression changed from surprise to happiness, then to frustration and then… extreme disbelief.

"This can't be possible right?"

Corey subconsciously spoke as his gaze moved from the alchemy anvil to the virtual reality room.


It turns out Corey had really underestimated the improvements that were made to his talent from the complete baptism of the Eye of God.

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