Jake learned about his title only after he returned to the lower floors with Irene. Pleasure Demon’s range was 50 meters and as long as his Will was higher than the women around, they would feel the need for extreme pleasure.

There was one thing about this title that made him pause. All women affected by it had to be exclusively pleased by him, the Pleasure Demon. Other men simply had no chance. That meant the women would be attracted towards him only.

He wouldn’t be able to farm points by standing in the center of a village and making the entire population commit an orgy. However, this was better in his opinion.

‘I’ll just fuck them all myself,’ Jake thought with an evil smile. That was his plan all along, after all. Greedy and Lustful.

With the addition of a witch, he made the monsters create a room for her as well. Jake also made an experiment chamber for her as she seemed to be a potion maker.

After she converted, Irene only thought about making forbidden potions and studying curses. Jake was worried she would explode things. He ordered the monsters to create her experiment chamber on the other side of the underground river.

Speaking of it, the goblins didn’t find any dangerous monsters living there. This underground river was connected to the rivers near Erpis and Senesten village.

The goblins had found another way out of the dungeon instead. Thankfully, it was concealed. That way led straight to the 18th floor, so Jake had to put traps on it.

He left that job to his newest witch and the goblins. He slightly regretted letting his monsters kill that trap master, who could have been a valuable slave for this job.

Jake decided to be more careful next time. As it was his first time fending off a large group of adventurers, Jake had made many mistakes. He should have captured more of them alive and made them his servants.

‘Still, I caught the big fish, a 3rd Circle Mage…’ Jake thought as he sat on his high-back chair on the 18th floor

A week later, Jake was with Vin and Yunna on the fifth floor. This place looked completely different.

A swarm of spiders surrounded a large ball of web hanging by the ceiling. Having the size of adult humans, black and red, these spiders looked terrifying.

However, the three people standing at the back weren’t scared in the least. Instead, they were concerned about the white ball of webs.

”Master, this Spider Queen has almost finished her evolution. She can come out of that ball any time now!” Lena sat on his shoulder and said.

She had grown a bit after the dungeon expanded. Now she was slightly bigger than his palm.

”It’s happening…” Vin suddenly said. Jake focused on the web ball and saw a shiny black appendage cut through it.

The spiders below stirred as their queen came out. As more appendages cut the ball, it fell on the floor and burst. Vin and Yunna saw this spider queen had a pale, fully humanoid figure.

”Look, she’s naked!” Lena was quick to point out the obvious.

However, neither Jake nor the two women beside him were paying attention to her.

Jake’s irises reflected a tall woman with a curvy body. He particularly focused his gaze on her six long appendages and the small crown-like extensions on her head. That’s what differentiated her from a normal woman.

Isa had silver hair and orange-red eyes. Her face was oval and symmetrical. She had cherry-red lips which she opened after seeing the Dungeon Master.

She didn’t care if her cunt and nipples were shown. As a monster, Isa didn’t think like humans. Placing her appendages on the floor, the Spider Queen’s body rose, and she ‘walked’ toward Jake. The surrounding spiders parted ways for their queen.

As Isa came closer, Vin frowned. She didn’t like how shamelessly this monstrous woman was showing her body to the master. Yunna didn’t think too much about it.

She knew she could arouse her master with her naked body. She was confident as a succubus.

”Thank you for coming to see me, master.” Isa stopped standing on her appendages and lowered her body. Seeing their queen bow, the surrounding spiders went silent.

”This evolution has benefitted you a lot, I see,” Jake said as he analyzed her stats with [Demon Eye].

”It is because of the three humans I ate, master.”

Yunna, Vin and Lena couldn’t understand what they were saying. Jake was speaking in monster tongue. It was an ability he bought from the system which allowed him to speak to all monsters. [Spider Tongue] was already fused with it.

”Go to the 10th floor and settle on the place this fairy brings you to.” Jake ordered and the spider queen bowed again.

He told Lena what to do and left the fifth floor with Vin and Yunna. After this, he checked the other monsters as well.

His Hell Knight was in the first chamber which any intruder had to walk through to get to his abode. Keirth was placed on the 18th floor along with the imps. Jake had summoned another batch of them, this time with two 2nd Circle imps.

On the 15th floor, the minotaur hadn’t evolved yet, but it was the strongest among the 2nd Circle monsters under him.

Jake had bought five 2nd Circle Earth Golems with nearly all the points he gained from a week of fucking. It was because they knew land transformation magic.

Within a day, the floors lower than the 12th were all transformed. The golems widened the corridors, creating secret chambers. Flattened the places with boulders and did many more things to make his dungeon into an intricate labyrinth.

With mana torches and mana crystals on the walls, the place looked sophisticated and completely different. It looked like the insides of a palace instead. A place with many traps for Irene to place.

On the floors 8-12th lived the previous monsters.

The Orcs had three 2nd Circle Warriors. The goblins actually birthed a shaman, and the Kobolds had a new chieftain. All trolls living on the 8th floor had reached the 1st Circle, but they had yet to birth a 2nd Circle monster among them.

There were a few black wolves and direwolves remaining in the dungeon. These two breeds of monsters had taken the greatest losses. At present, his Three-eyed Hound Lark was their leader.

It had already eaten one of them.

The seeds Jake had spread on the 1st floor were all over the upper areas of the dungeon, giving it rich vegetation.

Jake spread other types of seeds as well which relied directly on mana to grow and survive. With the dungeon’s current mana, they had formed a new ecosystem here.

After seven days, the kobolds created the full map of his dungeon. Jake also had many points, and he planned to use them to buy monsters from the system.

All in all, it was going pretty well. After some more weeks, Jake was going to start a new phase of plans regarding his cult…

‘It’ll soon be time to corrupt the surrounding ruling structure of humans.’

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