Silver Overlord

Chapter 573 - Come Again

Chapter 573: Come Again

The spring wind of the second lunar month greened up the trees on the roadside of the capital city. As the temperature grew warmer, the streets became more crowded. There were many powerful officials in the capital and the population was huge. Consumption was huge too so all those on the main streets were the merchants, escorts, and logistics people that came incessantly...

In the west part of the city, a squad of eighty escorts with the Wu’an Escort Agency flag protected forty to fifty carriages as they slowly headed into the capital city.

From afar, the grand outline of the capital city appeared before them. The escorts all became joyful. They were at the capital, knowing that their mission was almost over. They were quite fortunate as the trip was safe. If they rested up a few days here and then were lucky enough to get a return mission, then they would earn even more...

Behind this squad were five carriages with people inside. They followed the escort squad. This was an extra mission the escorts picked up on the side of the road. Usually, for escort squads that ran long-distance missions, if they weren’t protecting something too sensitive, then merchants or bypassers could pay them some silver to follow them. That way, they could avoid ordinary bandits and enjoy a comfortable trip while the escorts get paid. Everyone was happy.

These were normal occurrences for escorts that usually came into the capital.

Just before the capital city, there was another diverging path. A shorter escort under the signal of the lead guard rode his rhinodrake steed and turned to the back of the squad.

“Everyone, the capital city is here. The capital city is under the Emperor’s feet. There are usually no bandits during the day. Our squad is going to the temple ahead to do the exchange so we won’t be keeping up with everyone. I wish everyone luck and safety. Those who seek fame get fame, those who seek wealth get wealth. Maybe in the future our Wu’an Escort Agency might need you guys to come visit. Farewell!”

This guy had a sweet mouth, especially with these pretty words. Those following the convoy knew it was time to split up. Everyone cupped their fists and parted ways while thanking them.

One carriage that followed the convoy continued down the public road for more than half an hour before arriving at the western suburb carriage parking area.

This carriage parking area was a stop for horse carriages. It was a place for people to draw customers. The capital was huge and there was a huge travel market. Therefore, those who didn’t have their carriages could come here to ride them. There were quite a lot of carriages here and it was very busy.

The carriage that followed the convoy squad stopped. Those few people inside all got off. The coachman counted seven. There was still one inside. The coachman looked inside and saw a young person sound asleep inside the carriage. He was almost even drooling.

‘Knock knock knock...’ The coachman knocked on the door and spoke louder, “Customer, we’re at the capital, you can get off now...”

“Huh...” The young man opened his sleepy eyes and glanced outside, “Oh, we’re at the capital?”

“We are. If you want to find a place to stay, you should hurry. After dark, the inns are charging extra for foreigners who want to stay...”

“Alright, thanks for the reminder!” The young man yawned and grabbed a simple bag and his long sword before getting off. Then, he studied the place.

The nearby people glanced at him and pretended he didn’t exist.

This young man wasn’t very handsome. He was a bit tanned and he had medium height and build. He had a tight fit that was grey and overwashed. His simple weapon and bag were clearly that of a foreigner on his first time out looking for an opportunity in the capital city. There were too many youths like him in the capital. There would be 200 to 300 thousand youths like him that came to the capital each year. Most of them couldn’t find a foothold in the capital. Only a few lucky or capable ones or ones that had friends to help could stay. Those capable ones might be able to become a guard for a wealthy family. As for attaining fame and wealth in the capital, there might not be one in one hundred thousand.

The youth stood there for a while. Seeing how no one was interested in looking at him a bit more, the youth had a strange smile and rubbed his face. He quietly said to himself, “This place is really like a taxi stop...”

This youth was none other than Yan Liqiang.

Probably no one in the entire Great Han Empire could guess that the legendary Yan Liqiang who was said to be in secret cultivation had switched identities and appeared before everyone with an ordinary face in the capital in this carriage parking lot.

Yan Liqiang came back this time for big matters.

The air here was mixed with horse manure and urine. The people getting on and off were also a blur to him. Coachmen were yelling out, trying to draw customers and there were a few stalls selling flatbreads and steamed buns. The stalls were steaming and quite some people were squeezed there.

Yan Liqiang acted like a newly-arrived youth. He asked for directions first before arriving at the flatbread stall and spent a few copper coins to buy a spring onion flatbread. He chewed on it as he walked out of the place.

There were a few hoodlums squatting underneath a tree with a few blades of grass in their mouths. Their eyes glanced cunningly at everyone. Yan Liqiang walked before them but they didn’t glance at Yan Liqiang for one extra second...

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