After the first half of the play was over, Baron Colette prompted Lana and Monica to have their lunch without him. Apparently, he had some business to discuss with the attending nobles at the school festival. After all, the seasonal events of the high society in the summer drawing to a close and the number of balls dwindling, so the Serendia School Festival has become an important social event for those who have been invited.

As for Lana and Monica, they decided to return to the school building to get some light meals.

During the school festival, the cafeteria was open to the public, which it's packed with people for the most time. So to provide a space for light meals and tea parties, the school has opened up some of the classrooms.

"I heard Glenn was helping out in the light meal area…"

"From what he told me, his family owns a butcher store. Will he serve grilled skewers too, I wonder. Shall we go visit his class?"


Since the first half of the play just finished, the school building has been crowded with the audience from the play. Monica, who used to be in a mountain cabin, would have probably gotten nauseous and exhausted in no time.

… maybe I've grown up a little…

Having Lana next to her was probably one of the reasons why she didn't feel overwhelmed by the crowd. Lana was able to weave her way through the crowds with ease. By following Lana, Monica was able to get through the crowd without much trouble.

"You walk in crowded places… very well, Lana."

"Is that so? But the local bazaar is even more overwhelming, you know. It's so tightly packed that if I'm not careful, I won't be able to take a single step…oh?"

Lana stopped and looked ahead, and Monica followed suit.

Ahead of Lana's gaze, Felix was surrounded by several students. The students surrounding Felix looked familiar to Monica. They were the people responsible for directing the play, staging, etc.

Lana, who was in charge of costumes for the play, tilted her head and asked, "What's going on?" Then, a girl with glasses who was trying to persuade Felix noticed Lana and waved widely.

"Miss Lana Collette! You just came in time! As a person in charge of the costumes of the play, please help me convince His Highness!"

"…What's happened, Senior Mabel?"

When Lana asked skeptically, the bespectacled schoolgirl known as Mabel turned red and spoke rapidly.

"The student who plays Ralph fell off the stage set and got hurt. He broke his arm and can't continue to play the role. We need someone to replace him!"

Both Monica and Lana rounded their eyes at Mabel's words.

Ralph was the main character of the play. Finding a replacement for him would prove to be difficult.

…so the reason they're coming to see His Highness…

Monica glanced at Felix as she began to grasp what was going on, and saw him shrugging his shoulders in a troubled manner.

"Right, they're begging me to replace him. Now I'm in a bit of a bind."

Apparently, Felix was not that interested in performing on the stage. However, Mabel was trying her best to persuade Felix in exaggerated gestures.

"Your Highness! Looking at these circumstances, the only choice I have is to cancel the play or ask Your Highness to perform on stage! The Gods of Art will always give me a test, but only if I can overcome this ordeal will I receive the applause I deserve!"

Mabel, who often went on trips to her own world when it came to art, looked a lot like a certain musician.

Felix probably didn't want to cancel the play either. After all, it was the main attraction of the festival.

Felix held his chin in his hand and pondered for a moment.

"Is there anyone else who can fill in the role?"

"Not just anyone can play the main protagonist, Ralph! First of all, he must be a tall man to match the costume! Secondly, the second half of the play is mainly dragon-slaying scenes, despite the lack of dialogue. In other words, he has to be physically strong! Third, his voice! This is the most important. In the outdoor stage, the voice does not reverberate as much as in the indoor stage. In other words, he must have a voice that resonates well!"

Well, given those conditions, it certainly seemed that there was no one more qualified than Felix.

Felix had slender long legs, tall, handsome, and physically gifted to the point that he was praised by his teachers in sword art and horseback riding classes. Also, as he was used to speaking in public, he knew how to speak in a way that could be heard by many people. Even though he was not shouting, his voice echoed clearly. Above all, if the country's second prince were to play the role of the first king, that would be enough to boost the excitement of the audience.

Monica sneaked an earful to Lana.

"Oh, um, is it possible to adjust the costume to match the actor?"

"It's difficult. It was originally designed to look good on tall men, so forcing someone to fill the hem would make it look unnatural."

In that case, the options were getting very limited.

Mabel and the others were desperate not to let Felix slip away at any cost. Their eyes were like those of a snake aiming for its prey.

As Monica was perplexed by the tense atmosphere, the door of a nearby classroom rattled open and a voice that ridiculously loud came out.

"Aaah! You came, too, Monica, Lana! The spice roast is just about ready! And I recommend the veal stew! The school chef cooked our meat really well, and it taste so tender and juicy, you have to try it!"

Glenn who had the sleeves of his uniform rolled up, wearing a bandana on his head and an apron tied to his uniform looked very much out of place as a student at this school.

While the students involved in the stage were stunned by the sudden intrusion, Glenn noticed Felix's presence and greeted him with a cheerful smile.

"Oh, President! Thank you for ordering my family's meat today! My father and mother are both very proud of me! It's like I've done a lifetime's worth of filial piety!"

Felix smiled graciously at Glenn, who had a big smile on his face.

But Monica saw that his eyes narrowed for a moment as he examined Glenn's entire body. He's definitely up to something.

"I'm glad to hear you feel that way, Dudley."

"No, I'm really thankful for that, President!"

"Really? Then would you do me a favor?"

"Anything you say."

When Glenn nodded in reply, Monica inwardly held her head.

Oh, you shouldn't, Glenn. You can't just nod at the President's request…

Of course, Monica's inner voice did not reach Glenn.

Felix gave a beautiful smile and turned to Mabel and the others.

"I believe the person you need for his replacement was tall, physically strong, and with a strong voice… right?"

"Well, yes…"

"I guess he fits the description perfectly, then."

So said Felix as he patted Glenn on the shoulder.

Well, it's true that Glenn was taller and more physically capable than most boys his age. Not to mention the loudness of his voice.

Glenn, not understanding this situation, looked at Felix with a blank face.

"Well, a replacement? For the president? Oh, you mean acting as student council president for a day? I have no confidence in my ability to say something wise like President, though."

"No, it's much easier than that. You are going to slay the dragon and protect the beautiful heroine."

Felix's words made Glenn's eyes sparkle. It was as if he was a dog being offered a piece of meat with a bone.

Monica swore she could feel the image of his tail wagging around on his back.

"Slaying the dragons… protecting the heroine… that's awesome! It's so cool!"

"So cool?"

When Felix recited Glenn's words with a tilt of his head, Glenn clenched his fists and reiterated his remarks.

"I mean, that's super cool!"

"Ah, yes, it's cool. After all, you're going to be acting as a hero of this country. So you'd better tone down your accent."

"Got it! I mean… Yes, sir!"

The fact that he seemed to believe he had hidden his accent with this was already quite worrying.

But Felix saw nothing wrong with that and pushed Glenn toward Mabel and the others.

"As you can see, he's very eager to do it."

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna do my best… I mean, I'll do my best!"

Mabel and the others' faces were colored with anxiety and confusion. They weren't the only ones. It was the same for Lana and Monica. And yet, with a face full of enthusiasm, Glenn said, "So, what kind of dragon are we fighting?" and so on.

And so, with all of the tumultuous events of the second half of the stage about to take place, the curtain was about to rise.

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