Below the clear, pleasant blue color stretched across the sky, dozen people from noble families disembarked one after another from the carriages after arrived at the perimeter of Serendia Academy before they're passing through the gate. As Monica watched the scene from the window of the school building, she clenched her fists in tension. Finally, the school festival had begun.

When it comes to the day of the school festival, Minerva has a strong image of students running around busily, but Serendia Academy's festival has a completely different atmosphere, especially since it's a school for the children of noble families.

Serendia Academy mainly held several events such as exhibitions, research presentations, musical performances, shows, plays, etc., but since the servants handle most of the behind-the-scenes work and chores, the students who are not involved in the actual stages and presentations usually have much free time.

So what do the other students who are not on stage do? They entertain the guests.

Those who had family members visiting were enjoying family time together after being away for a long time, while those who were thinking of serving the royal family were busy promoting themselves.

Monica, who had nothing to do with either of them, was currently following Felix in his inspection route, keeping a certain distance between them in case of emergency. She had a general idea where Felix's inspection route would be, so all she had to do was to avoid being in his sight as much as possible while remaining alert to her surroundings.

As she walked down the hallway, she saw Felix entering the classroom ahead of her. Apparently, he was inspecting the Historical Society's exhibit.

Peeking quietly into the classroom, she discovered that Felix was chatting with several nobles. Entertaining the guests was also his job.

Guess he'll be in this classroom for a while now…

She didn't want to accidentally bump into Felix when he came out of the classroom, so she stayed in one corner of the hallway and pretended to look at the exhibits.

The walls were covered with posters of plays that will be taking place in the outdoor theater. After all, it was the highlight of the school festival. Virtually all the students in the school would come to see this play. Of course, Felix would be there to watch the play from a special seat.

I still have plenty of time before the play starting… maybe I should check around the stage for anything suspicious.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Monica Norton?"

A voice came out suddenly from behind her, making Monica's shoulders jolt.

Monica turned around, wondering who exactly it was, but then her eyes widened to the limit.

Standing behind Monica was a young man with a large build, black hair, black eyes to match, which exuded a dignified air.

It was Roberto Vinkel, a student from the [Temple], whom Monica had played against in a chess tournament and who had asked her for her engagement based on chess.

The school festival at Serendia Academy generally requires an invitation. Without it, they cannot attend the festival. So, why was he here?

Roberto looked closely at Monica's flabbergasted face and nodded his head as if he was convinced of something.

"I knew it, you are Miss Monica. Your vibe is different from the last time I saw you, so I was wondering what would I do if I mistook you for someone else."

Come to think of it, on the day of the chess tournament, she wore makeup and had a different hairstyle. It was natural that Roberto, who didn't know the usual Monica, would be confused.

"I think your outfit today also looks good, it's quite fresh and clean."

"T-Thank you…"

Monica gave an awkward laugh and took a step back. But behind her was a wall with posters on it. Which's why her thin back easily hit the wall.

As Monica tried to move away, Roberto took a step closer with a big stride.

"I really wanted to see you again, so I force myself to accompany my teacher as his entourage…"

Generally, the invitations were also distributed to the teachers of the neighboring schools. After all this time, Monica realized that there was a possibility that Minerva teachers and professors she knew were coming, and that fact made her pale quickly.

I-I knew I should have asked Lana to do my makeup…!

Lana had promised to help her with the dress and some make-up for the ball in the evening. But she felt bad if she also asks her help during the morning festival and refrained from doing so. Now she regretted it.

As Monica was holding her head inwardly, Roberto took another step closer.

Monica's body began to tremble as she realized how close they were, too close for mere acquaintances to be talking face to face. She felt like a cornered little animal.

"Have you given any thought to my proposal the other day?"

"W-W-W-W-What proposal…?"

"An engagement."

Of course, she hadn't given any thought to it.

Her whole day during the chess tournament was filled with thoughts of how to deal with when encountering Barney and guarding Felix. To be honest, she had almost forgotten about Roberto.

"I-I… I don't intend to get an engagement, so…"

"If there are any inconveniences, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will take care of it to the best of my ability. I will do everything in my power to make you happy."

There was no way she could say, "I'm the Seven Sages in infiltration, so I can't get engaged or anything.

To the mumbling Monica, Roberto urged her to be as honest as she could be.

"I've never seen anyone play chess like you, and Professor Redding told me that you've just started playing chess. If that's the case, then you have a lot of room to grow… why don't you join me in my quest to become a better chess player?

For Monica, although chess is fun, it's only a part of her elective course. She has no plans to dedicate her life to it.

"B-But… I-I…"

What should she say to convince Roberto to back off? But she had a feeling that no matter what she said, she would be forcefully debunked.

The tension and confusion made Monica's blood run cold as her eyes began to moisten.

She knew that Roberto had no ill intentions, but for Monica, who was bad at facing people, the intimidating Roberto was very frightening.

The large figure standing in front of her overlapped with her uncle's figure from the past. The figure of a large person looking down at her where he swung his fist down.

Scary, scary, scary, scary, scary.

Just as she was about to unconsciously protect her head with her hand, she heard the sound of someone's footsteps.

"Roberto Vinkel. Professor Redding's been looking for you near the school gate."

When Monica looked toward the voice, out of the corner of her eye she saw a person with stunning platinum blonde with deep blue eyes approaching swiftly towards them. It was Cyril Ashley, the vice president of the student council.

Cyril stepped in between Roberto and Monica before looking coldly at Roberto.

"Treasurer Norton is a member of the student council and is very busy during the school festival. I would appreciate it if you could schedule your personal business for another day."

"Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry."

Roberto nodded with a sincere look on his face, gave a formal "See you later," and left at a quick pace.

As she watched his back, Monica let out a deep breath of relief. If it hadn't been for Cyril, she would have crouched down on the spot.

Monica took a few deep breaths to regulate her erratic breathing and then looked up at Cyril.

"Um… Lord Cyril…"


Cyril silently stared at Monica. He looked like he was in a bad mood, which made Monica cower. He was probably upset because of all the trouble she had gotten him into.

"I-I'm sorry, for causing trouble in your busy schedule, Lord Cyril."


As expected, Cyril kept looking at Monica's face in silence, but now with his brow wrinkled.

As Monica fidgeted restlessly and kneaded her fingers, Cyril suddenly held out one hand in front of Monica. In his hand, he held a white rose with a blue ribbon as a flower ornament.

Monica rounded her eyes and looked alternately at Cyril's face and the flower ornament, but for some reason, Cyril looked away and said,

"Wear this on your clothes somewhere."

"…? A flower? …come to think of it, I saw other people wearing them, too…"

Monica had noticed here and there that mainly female students were wearing flower ornaments in their hair or on the chest of their uniforms. Was this a part of the school festival events?

When Monica looked at the flower ornament curiously, Cyril appeared a little surprised.

"What, you haven't heard of flower ornament?"

"Is this some kind of event?"

"…well, it's fine if you haven't."

Cyril said plainly when Monica tilted her head. But in the meantime, his gaze wandered restlessly to his feet.

Looking at his behavior, which for some reason looked nervous, Monica couldn't help but widened her eyes, but then saw Cyril lifted his slender chin as he usually did and pointed to the flower ornament.

"It's a charm that will prevent you from getting disgraced for today. You should wear it on when you go to the ball."

"T-To think this charm has that kind of effect…"

Monica was impressed by the flower ornament in her hand and looked down at it.

The white rose ornament did not seem to have any magic formula in it. This was probably referring to a customary or folkloric charm, not a magic charm.

She's not sure what the meaning of this flower ornament was, but it was said that wearing this ornament would save her from getting disgraced for today. What a revolutionary charm!

Looking at the flower ornament again, Monica couldn't help but smile at the soft scent emanated from the white roses.

What a beautiful flower…

Even for her, receiving a flower-like ‘charm' like this from someone was a first.

"Thank you for giving me such a beautiful flower, Lord Cyril!"

Cyril's mouth lifted slightly when he saw the loosened Monica's face turned into a smile, before giving her a small, satisfied nod.

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