Silent Witch

Volume 10 Chapter 4

Speaking of education, magic was a part of mandatory education. While people were not demanded to have practical experience, they were at least required to have a minimum of knowledge of it.

In fact, it would only be inconvenient for Duke Crockford if the boy can use them. So the boy was told to keep his hands off from practicing magic, but strangely enough, the more things that are prohibited, the more people want to touch them.

More than anything, the boy had magic that he really wanted to use. Magic to make a contract with a high-ranking spirit using a spirit stone.

The boy had studied magic on his own to achieve this before finally, he'd succeeded in doing so.

—Are you my new master?

Upon successfully completing the magic, a spirit appeared in the form of a young man with light blue hair. His features were neat and tidy, but his thin presence made him seem almost ignorable. While his eyes were pale in light blue, its color was paler than the aquamarine of the contract stone.

So, the boy smiled faintly and spoke.

"Spirit Wildeanu. I need your help to make my wish come true. I believe this wish should be appropriate to be fulfilled by you, a former servant of Queen Irene."

—What is your wish?

The spirit asked in a faint voice, to which the boy replied with a very thin smile and eyes… that driven by obsession.

"I want to shine a certain star in the night sky."

* * *

The vibrations brought his consciousness back to reality, and he remembered that he was in a carriage.

As Felix was lightly rubbing his eyes, he heard some joyful voices coming from right next to him.

"That's unfair, I certain you've done something to the card…"

"I really haven't done anything to the cards. You're just too bad at playing card games."

"Just to let you know, I even had done like this before…"

"Okay, it's my win."

"Ah, wait…!"

Glenn turned over the cards in his hand to reveal his hand, and Eliane scattered her own cards in her lap and squealed in frustration.

The cards they were using had illustrations and letters on them. It was probably a game that was popular among common children.

"Good morning, you look like having fun."

When Felix called out to her, Eliane jerked her shoulders up and hid her card in a panic as she looked at him.

"G-Good morning, Lord Felix. I'm so sorry for making such a racket…"

"No, don't worry about it. By the way, what kind of game is that?"

"I-I was doing this as a part of my social studies to understand the current trends of common people…"

Eliane seemed uncomfortable with the fact that she was playing the games of ordinary folks.

But Glenn didn't seem to mind as he collected the cards and said.

"It's a game that's popular among common folks these days. You have to collect four cards of dragon claws, scales, wings, and eyes, and the first one to complete the dragon wins. The type of dragon you complete depends on the type of parts you have, and the stronger the dragon, the higher your score. By the way, the strongest dragon is the black dragon…"

He could understand how well-designed the game was after listening to Glen's explanation. Although the rules were simple enough for a beginner to understand, the game involved a lot of strategies and was surprisingly deep.

Perhaps this game was designed to help people learn about different types of dragons through playing.

‘That sounds interesting,' said Felix with an innocuous comment, and Glenn smiled, showing his white teeth.

"President, would you like to join in this round?"

"I would love to, but I think we are about to reach the mansion."

As Felix looked out the window, the driver added, "Yes, we are almost there."

Glenn regretfully collected the cards and put them in his bag. In addition to the cards, the bag was filled with what looked like playthings and dried fruit for snacks. The fact that there was nothing that would be useful for the escort mission was very much like him.

By the time they arrived at the Duke Rehnberg Household, the sun had completely set.

The group was greeted by an earnest-looking middle-aged man with neatly stroked grayish blond hair.

"My name is Peter Sams, and I will be taking care of you for the next few days. If you have any requests, please do not hesitate to contact me."

Hmm, Felix cocked his head.

Felix was vaguely remembered with Peter's face.

"I think I have seen your face before. Haven't you been at your grandfather's house before?"

Peter's eyes widen in surprise at Felix's words.

For a moment, a bitter expression of anxiety appeared on his face. Peter quickly regained his composure and bowed his head like a servant.

"It is an honor to be remembered by His Highness. Indeed. I used to be a servant of Lord Crockford."

Duke Crockford and Duke Rehnburg have a deep friendship, so having a servant presented to another family is not uncommon.

However, the look of anxiety that Peter showed for a moment bothered Felix.

Maybe he had done something poorly in the Crockford family and was sent to another family. Or maybe he was a liaison between Duke Crockford and Duke Rehnberg.

Deciding that it was probably not something to bring up at this point, Felix put that thought away.

"Well then, I will be in your care from today… I was just wondering, has Lady Everett arrived yet?"

"Yes… oh, speak of the devil."

There were two figures walking towards them from the back of the hallway. A small figure wearing a hooded robe holding a staff in her hand, and a tall young man.

The small figure was wearing a hood so tightly to even hide her face from view. However, the dark blue robes and long staff that only the Seven Sages were permitted to wear indicated that this person was the Silent Witch that Felix had admired.

But instead of the Silent Witch, whom Felix longed to meet, he was drawn to the man standing beside her. Felix had met this man once before.

His black hair was slightly unruly, his eyes were golden and sharp. The man who wore an old-fashioned robe when he met before was now dressed in the kind of neat clothes you would expect an attendant would wear.

"You are…"

Eliane and Glenn looked at Felix in curiosity, who could not hide his surprise.

The dark-haired man grinned and opened his mouth.

"Oh, I remember, I met Your Highness once."

"…it's been a while, Bartholomew Alexander."

When Felix mentioned the name, the dark-haired man puffed out his chest with pride.

"Indeed, I am Bartholomew Alexander, servant of the Silent Witch."

* * *

Monica was so surprised that she thought her heart would jump out of her mouth.


Monica tugged on the hem of Nero's shirt and moved to a corner of the hallway. Felix and the others were looking at the exchange curiously, but Monica was no longer in the mood for that.

"Oh, what's the matter, master?"

Monica pressed closer to Nero, who was smirking at her, killing her voice.

"H-H-H-How did you know His Highness, Nero?"

"Hmm? I haven't told you? I encountered him when I carried Chilly Guy to the boys' dormitory."

"Y-You never told me that!"

In all likelihood, the Chilly Guy he's referring to was Cyril Ashley. However, it had been three months since Monica had stopped Cyril's outburst.

At that time, Nero carried the unconscious Cyril to the boys' dormitory… but she never imagined that he had encountered Felix at that time!

You'd only told me "I've delivered him" at that timeeeee!

If Monica had known that Nero had met Felix in human form, she would never have given him the role of an attendant.

"And what the heck is Bartholomew Alexander? You were thinking of another alias, weren't you?"

Sir Bartholomew Alexander was the name of the hero of a well-known adventure novel. Anyone who hears that name will think it was an alias and will suspect him to a large extent.

Nero didn't seem to feel guilty, instead, he simply stated bluntly.

"Alias, huh? Yeah, I forgot about it. I cannot remember the names of people I am not interested in."

At least remember your own alias!

Monica covered her face with her hands and collapsed to her knees. This was a complete mistake on Monica's part in selecting the right personnel(?).

But Nero, the man responsible for the incident, seemed to have no qualms about it.

"It's nothing to fuss about. Only a few people have seen my humanoid form ever since the escort mission commenced."

That's right. Aside from Lynn, the only people who have seen "Monica Norton" working with Nero in human form at Serendia Academy were Casey during the assassination attempt and Barney during the chess tournament.

At least, there was no one here who would make assumptions about the connection between Nero in human form and Monica Norton. Norton.

"…When you met with His Highness three months ago, you didn't mention my name, did you?"

"There's no way I'm bringing it out. I'm not that stupid."

"…I'll make sure to have you explain everything later… but for now, please be a good attendant, you hear me?"

After adamantly reminding him, Nero slapped his chest saying, "Oh! Leave it to me!" She felt uneasy, she felt nothing but uneasy. Even so, she couldn't just leave Felix and the others standing at the entrance.

After pulling back her hood tightly over her eyes, Monica stood in front of Felix, bent her knees, placed her staff at her feet, and dropped to one knee. It was the utmost courtesy a vassal could show to royal family.

But while Monica was on her knees, Nero was standing beside her haughtily.

"This person is my master, Silent Witch. As the name implies, my master doesn't speak, so if you want to convey something to her, you can speak to me."

Everyone in the room was taken aback by the attendant attitude who was more overbearing than his master.

Amidst this shocking situation, Felix smiled wryly in reply.

"Why are you still standing while your master was kneeling down?"

"Why would I kneel to you? My master is her, the Silent Witch, not you."

"Even when the royal family standing is higher than the Seven Sages?"

"I don't care if you're royal family or not, I'll only kneel to someone greater than myself."


Monica stood up silently and pounded Nero's back with her fist.

You can't! Be rude! To His Highness!

Nero's lips twitched in frustration as if he sensed what Monica was trying to say.

Monica tried to get Nero to lower his head, but no matter how hard she reached, the petite Monica could not reach the tall Nero's head.

While she carefully to not let anyone see the face behind her hood, Monica tiptoed to get Nero to lower his head.

Looking at the exchange between Monica and Nero, Felix couldn't help to let out a chuckle. Despite the fact they were being rude in front of him, he acted magnanimously while showing no anger or displeasure.

"I see. I'll try my best to be the kind of person you want to kneel down to one day."

"Oh, good luck."

With her no-chant spell, Monica created a mass of wind to hit Nero's head without his consent.

"Owww!!" yelped Nero in a complaint before groveling down on the floor.

"What are you doing!? …OW!"

Monica fired a second shot mercilessly to silence Nero while kneeling before Felix.

Aaaaaaaaah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry if Nero is being rude to you. I'm sorryyyyyy!

As Monica rubbed her forehead against the floor in trembling, she heard a small murmur.

"…a no-chant spell…"

Felix's voice sounded quivering, but it also contained some revere in it.

Her gaze behind the hood glanced toward the voice… and she saw Felix in his gleamed eyes as if he was moved beyond words.

"Please raise your head, Lady Everett."

While forcefully swallowing the almost out of her stiffened voice, Monica raised her head just high enough not to be seen under the hood.

Felix kneeled down in front of Monica and whispered the words that only she could hear.

"I knew it, you're the person who saved Cyril from the outburst… and also saved me from the [Conch Flame]."


How did Felix know about [Conch Flame]? The only person who was aware of that incident was Louis, Monica, and the involved person, Casey.

Felix took one of Monica's shaking hands in his and kissed the back of her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Everett."

Felix's cheeks flushed rosy as he looked at the Silent Witch, his blue eyes somehow enraptured as if he were… a young man in love.

Her current situation reminded Monica of the man called Eig in the entertainment district who had praised the Silent Witch.

——"Please forgive my behavior. To tell you the truth, I’m actually a big fan of Silent Witch. When it comes to her, I can’t help but be rather talkative."

O-Oh. N-Now I remember, so he was telling me the truth!

It was a bit of shock for Monica when she heard that statement in the Porter Antiquarian Bookstore, though it was only from a stranger's perspective.

However, when she was confronted with the reality of the situation, sweat began to trickle down Monica's palms.

As Monica's face stiffened under her hood, Eliane raised her voice somewhat agitatedly.

"Peter! Peter! His highnesses and his entourage had just arrived, please prepare some tea for them first!"

"Yes, my lady."

Peter responded promptly to his lady's order and urged the group to the parlor.

When Monica was released from Felix's hands, she held her fast-rising heart above by pulling her robe down. What should I do, I feel like I'm going to throw up from nervousness.

As she killed her voice while letting out a ragged breath, Felix smiled as if he'd been enraptured at Monica.

"Now, we should be on our way too, Lady Everett."

If it were possible, she would have preferred to stay here, but Monica was Felix's bodyguard. And if the royal family urged her to join them, she could not afford to disregard their request.

So Monica followed the group to the parlor as she hugged her cane to her chest and hunching over with a downcast expression.

…at this time, she forgot that Nero was sprawled out on the floor, completely oblivious to what was going on.

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