Silent Witch

Volume 10 Chapter 17

Felix, upon hearing Nero's explanation, was as calm with his never-changing smile. Though, his bewilderment was palpable.

"I heard that the Black Dragon Wogan was making eerie noises at night deep in the mountains…"

"Oh, I've got a sore throat back then."

"It was not for commanding wyverns?"

"It was my scream of ‘Aaaaarrgh, it's huuuuurtss!'. Ever since that time, I vowed to never eat birds alive again."


His smiling face was still there but Felix was bewildered. More so after hearing the continuation of his story. Even Monica who was listening beside him couldn't bear to hear it anymore.

From this story, he discovered that the Silent Witch did not drive the Black Dragon Wogan away. In fact, she only pulled out the stuck bone from its throat.

Perhaps Felix would be disappointed with the Silent Witch after this. After all, she was the person he adores most.

"…ARE yoU DIsaPPOInTEd?"

Felix shook his head at Monica's question.

"Not at all. If you consider it from another perspective, not just anyone could help the Black Dragon and made him his familiar. It won't change my respect toward you… though my impression of the dragon might change a bit."

"Now, had your impression of the dragon increased?"

Looking at Nero's proud expression, Felix had a thought, ‘I guess a dragon can be sloppy too,' and his impression of the dragon might lean more toward this thought.

Expressing his wry smile, Felix asked Nero.

"…let me ask you, do you plan to harm humans?"

"No. I don't have any interest in humans."

His answer sounded indifferent for a dragon who had driven away from his home. Perhaps he was just an easy-going person.

Although he said he had no interest in humans, he seemed so engrossed with human culture and arts. Especially with Dustin Gunter's works.

"Just to make sure… can you use your black flame in human form?"

Black Flame was the strongest black-colored flame the Black Dragon breathes out. It can burn any witchcraft and barriers without any resistance.

According to history, a few hundred years ago, there were a very small number of magicians who could manipulate Black Flame, but in the present day, there simply are none, and Black Flame is treated as a first-class forbidden spell which its severity could rival ‘resurrection' and ‘weather manipulation' if it used.

He couldn't leave him alone if Nero could use such flames even in his human form. But, since he shook his head and denied it instantly, it meant he can't.

"I only can use Black Flame in my original form. I mean, if I can use it in my human form, I would have secretly used it a long ago."


Nero was telling truth. While he was physically strong in human form, he will lose his ability to fly, let alone use black flame.

Perhaps satisfied with his answer, he let out a brief sigh of relief and smiled at the anxious Monica.

"Please rest assured, Lady Everett. I will tell this story to no one. I will keep this secret only between us."

"…tHaNk You…"

Felix relaxed his eyes when he heard Monica's awkward thanks.

At the very least, Monica had resolved one of her problems. After all, she wanted to keep Nero's secret in the dark, so when she heard his assurance she patted her chest in relief.

But their discussion was far from finished. Now, it was Monica's turn to ask.

"I also hAVe A quEStIon I wOUlD lIKE tO aSk yOu, yOUr hIghneSS."

"Is this about last night's incident?"

Monica nodded curtly. She was wondering why Felix wanted to resolve the curse dragon incident alone, to even had snuck out of the mansion last night.

But, before Monica voiced her question, Felix began to narrate his story.

"I've been feeling very uneasy last night. I've been questioning myself: Did my rifle actually pierce the forehead of the legendary cursed dragon and defeated it? As a cowardly person as I am, such thoughts have been running over in my head, and so I decided to secretly check it out myself. But I found out the cursed dragon had moved again, the story became what you had known where I confronted the dragon myself. Because of my arbitrary action, I've made you injured… I'm sincerely sorry for that."

"wHY diD You nOT ask Me or PeOPLe OF The DukE… tO Help You?"

"I don't want people to think of me as a coward person, so I can't ask ‘I feel something not right with the cursed dragon, let's check it out together'. But my vanity has blinded my decision, as a result, many people were injured, and I regretted it."

Her intuition told her it was a lie. But Monica lacked evidence to support her claim.

Monica decided to play the only remaining hand she had.

"THEn… what maDE yoU certAin thAt tHe cuRSED DragOn WaS not a nATUrAL OccURRed pHenOmeNoN BUt a Man-maDe ONE uSing witchcrAft?"

That night Felix had told her,

——Someone has cast ‘witchcraft’ on it. Perhaps a ‘witchcraft tool’ was placed somewhere in its body.

So why Felix was so certain it was witchcraft when even the Seven Sages like Monica couldn't tell the difference between a natural curse and witchcraft?

With his usual smile, Felix answered Monica's question.

"I'm sorry if my words back then had made you misunderstand. Actually, I was not sure whether it was witchcraft or not. My experience of observing many convicts being subjected to witchcraft had told me so… that's what drove me to make that conclusion."

He lied again. Monica was sure those words were not coming from his assumption, but a fact that he had known the thing that eating away the cursed dragon was witchcraft.

Not satisfied with his answer, Monica tried to find another way to pry.

"…THen, WHat ABOuT THe iCE MaGic tRAcE I FoUnD On ThE cUrsed draGoN'S foReHead? WAs IT your DoiNG, yOUr higHNeSS?"

"It was the after-effects of bullets imbued with ice magic. I left it behind during the day because I thought we were only going to hunt… I would have brought it along If I know that incident was going to happen."

Perhaps Felix had anticipated Monica's possible question and prepared his answers in advance. The way he answered the question without pause only make it more like he tried to cover the truth.

…and Monica can't force the royal family to talk and pursue the matter further.

"I tHank yOU fOR CLEaRing My DoUbtS, yOuR higHNEsS."

She might didn't get the answer she wanted but she thanked him anyway, to which Felix replied with his usual warm smile.

However, the light of his beautiful blue eyes looked hollow like a bottomless pit. And Monica couldn't help but gulp at the sight.

He didn't look like put any pressure when smiling, but… for some reason she felt intimidated when looking at it.

So, Monica clenched the almost tremble fist inside her sleeve before asking him the last question.

"…TheN, I HopE YoU Could aNsweR mY LAST queStioN."

"What would it be, Lady Everett?"

"HOw MUCH do YOu KnoW ABouT THe [CONCH flame] inCIDeNT, youR hiGHNEss?"

Right after they arrived at this mansion, Felix told her.

——I knew it, you’re the person who saved Cyril from the outburst… and also saved me from the [Conch Flame].

Felix might aware of his assassination attempt during the [Conch Flame] incident.

Apart from Monica and Nero, the only people who knew the details of that incident were Louis, Lynn, and the culprit herself, Casey. And lastly was her father.

How much does His Highness know about the incident? Did he realize… Casey was the culprit?

If that was the case, Casey, as the person who was responsible for her attempt to assassinate Felix, would be dragged out and executed without question.

And I don't want that to happen…

Her cold sweats were flowing profusely on her clenching hands and her heart was thumping loudly.

However, despite her nervousness, Felix answered her question lightly.

"Nothing very much. I only know that you have saved me from that [Conch Flame]."

If he were telling the truth, it meant Felix was unaware of Casey's involvement.

Feeling relieved, Monica patted her chest in her mind. To which Felix smiled and said.

"I also have a question for you. I learned you were involved with Cyril's outburst and [Conch Flame] incident."

Alarmed at his words, Monica's shoulders trembled under her robe, but unable to read her current state, Felix fixed his gaze on her.

"Could it be… you are a faculty member of Serendia Academy, Lady Everett?"

Monica's heartbeat almost burst out at those words.

"…N-NO, I'm not. i Just CoINCIdEnTLY hApPENEd TO bE thERe whEN bOTh INcideNTs HappEnEd."

"I see… I really can't thank you enough for what you have done for me. Not only did you protect me from the [Conch Flame], but you also saved the treasurer of our student council."

"But, ISN't He…"

Monica covered her mouth in pale after realizing she had let out a doubtful remark involuntarily.

But it was too late.

Oh no, I've done it…

Contrary to Monica's nervous state, Felix remained calm with his warm smile plastered on his face and continued with his words.

"Oh, pardon me. I made a mistake. Cyril's our vice president, not the treasurer."

Cyril was the vice president of the student council at Serendia Academy. And everyone who attends there knows about it.

But for an outsider like her—much less if she were the Silent Witch who should have not any connection there—should have not known this fact.

But, she reacted when he stated he gave that false information, and it had given her away.

He figured it out! He realized that the Silent Witch was at Serendia Academy!

Felix didn't try to pursue the matter further. However, he definitely noticed.

His blue eyes which were outlined by the golden long eyelashes were looking at Monica with unconcealed happiness.

"I guess I shouldn't have kept the sick person chatting with me. I hope your left-hand recovers soon. Then, if you would excuse me."


Unable to reply, Monica could only keep silent while hanging her head low.

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