Silent Witch

Book 16: Chapter 6: Testimonies

Book 16: Chapter 6: Testimonies

The moment the Silent Witch removed her hood, a stir went through the room.

Few knew the face of the Silent Witch, who rarely appeared in high society and kept her hood on even at ceremonies. In fact, there were likely few who had even heard her voice.

She had always kept a low profile, hunched in corners, shrinking away from attention. But now she stood straight, her back upright, gripping the golden staff permitted only to the Seven Sages.

With traces of youth in her made-up face, her light brown hair was tied up high, adorned with a chaste white rose ornament. Her mystical eyes, appearing brown or green depending on the light, looked straight aheaddirectly at Duke Crockford.

Why had he not realized it until now?

Amidst the confusion, Isaac questioned himself inwardly.

Lady Everett, whom he revered, had been so close by all along.

Thinking back, there had been plenty of hints. And yet, in Isaac's mind, the "revered Lady Everett" and the "timid little Monica Norton" had never connected as one and the same.

Truthfully, even seeing Monica before him now, Isaac could scarcely believe it.

The black dragon in human form watched Isaac with an amused grin.

Ah, but that black dragon at her side alone was the proof that she was the Silent Witch.

"Silent Witch."

Cutting through the commotion, the King spoke.

With those two words, the hall fell as still as if doused with water.

The King, his brow unfurrowed, calmly regarded the Silent Witch.

"You claim that one is the true Second Prince."


Even before the King, the Silent Witch opened her mouth without faltering, her demeanor stately.

"As you may know, Your Majesty, allow me to explain again for those present here. Since last autumn until now, I have been attending Serendia Academy as a student while guarding His Highness the Second Prince."

That the Silent Witch had been secretly guarding the Second Prince in disguise caused another stir.

Even Duke Crockford furrowed his brow, if only momentarily.

Amid this, one of the ministers close to the Duke raised his voice angrily,

"What is the meaning of this?! Serendia Academy is under Duke Crockford's jurisdiction! To sneak in there under false pretenses is a mockery of His Grace!"

Whenever someone yelled at her, Monica Norton would typically flinch, her eyes welling up as she hung her head.

But the Silent Witch merely cast a chilly sidelong glance at the ranting minister and stated,

"Does your outburst hold enough value to interrupt my explanation?"

The minister's eyes bulged as he fell speechless. "Wha-?!"

Clearly, he had never imagined a mere young girl around his child's age would talk back to him like that.

As the minister's face reddened with rage, the Silent Witch stated flatly,

"This guard duty was entrusted to me directly by His Majesty the King. Do you take issue with His Majesty's decision?"

"Why no, but"

Confirming the minister had fallen silent, the Silent Witch continued, "For nearly a year, I have observed His Highness the Second Prince up close. Therefore, I can state with certaintythis is the real prince."

Declaring so in a confident, assured tone, the Silent Witch slowly surveyed those present.

"If my sole testimony is deemed insufficient, then"

With those words, the Silent Witch snapped her fingers.

Her attendants stepped back into the hallway, only to return holding a stack of documents.

The dragon in human form handed the documents to the Silent Witch with an overly theatrical flourish.

The Silent Witch took one paper and read aloud in a resounding voice,

"I have conversed with my brother, the Second Prince Felix Ark Ridill, multiple times at Serendia Academy since meeting him at the New Year's Ceremony. His statements then were consistent and logical. If one is to declare him an impostor, a proper investigation of the facts should be conducted. Albert Frau Robelia Ridill, Second-Year Student of Serendia Academy's Junior Division.'"

The sudden mention of the Third Prince's name left everyone present, Isaac included, gaping in astonishment.

Only Duke Crockford's expression hardened ominously.

"Prince Felix is the savior who rescued my Duke Reinberg House during the Dragon Damage. As a heroic prince skilled with the sword, how could he be so easily killed by mere assassins? Furthermore, when the prince stayed at my family's duchy after the winter break, he spoke of events there without any contradictions. If he was truly replaced by an imposter after the New Year's Ceremony, it would be impossible for him to casually discuss the food he ate at my home, including the flavors. Please reconsider this matter carefully. Eliane Hyatt, First-Year Student of Serendia Academy's Senior Division.'"

Following the Third Prince, the name of the Lady of House Reinberg also appeared, further stirring the crowd's reaction.

Duke Reinberg himself seemed unaware of his daughter's actions, his eyes wide with surprise.

"The duties of the Serendia Academy Student Council President are immense, making it impossible to fulfill them overnight, even with prior information gathering and preparation. Any Serendia alumni present at this Supreme Council should well understand this. After the New Year's Ceremony, the Student Council President's performance remained flawless. He also remembered minute details from before the winter break. Therefore, the claim that the Student Council President was replaced after the New Year's Ceremony should be reconsidered. Cyril Ashley, Third-Year Student of Serendia Academy's Senior Division.'"

The Silent Witch took the statements one by one, reading out their contents aloud,

"The prince highly praised the music I performed at this Serendia Academy and even allowed me to play at the magic duel's stage after the new year! At that time, the prince who requested my performance also referenced my past performances, demonstrating a true understanding of my musicality. It would be impossible for someone recently replaced to comprehend my musical essence! Therefore, I stake my life as a musician to declare that the Serendia Academy Student Council President Felix Ark Ridill is genuine! Benjamin Moulding, Third-Year Student of Serendia Academy's Senior Division.'"

Isaac's fellow students who had spent time with Felix as himself were testifying to his innocence.

"Chess. Playing chess would easily reveal whether someone is genuine or not. Prince Felix Ark Ridill participated in the previous chess tournament, leaving records behind. If he is an imposter, a single game of chess would immediately expose it. If a verification match is required, I would gladly oblige. Just let me know. Robert Vinkel, First-Year Student of Sellendia Academy's Senior Division.'"

Ah, I can't help but wonder why I did chess with him.

Despite the situation, Isaac couldn't help but inwardly chuckle.

After reading through several statements, the Silent Witch snapped her fingers again.

Instantly, the thick stack of documents held by her attendant fluttered up as if borne by windchantless magic, no less.

The papers danced as if with a will of their own, arranging themselves in flawless beauty before the King.

The awe-inspiring display of intricate mana control, performed chantlessly by the Silent Witch, drew looks of trepidation.

Yet the one responsible for such a showy performance continued speaking as if it were no great matter,

"These are testimonies gathered from the teachers and students of Serendia Academy. I ask that you read them before passing judgment."

Among those present were Serendia alumni and parents of current students. To them, these testimonies could not simply be dismissed as childish drivel.

Moreover, with such a substantial number, each individual account, no matter how trivial, would warrant verification.

The truth was that Felix and Isaac had swapped places ten years prior. But here, the stated time was "after the New Year's Ceremony", so the students' testimonies did not contradict.

Just how had the reclusive Monica gathered so much evidence?

But what is she thinking?

Monica surely knew the truth that Isaac had caused her father's death, that he was an imposter Second Prince.

"That one has already admitted his guilt."

The speaker was none other than Duke Crockford.

The Duke's expression was unreadableyet an aura as sharp as a drawn blade oppressed all present.

"He has already confessed his crime. What more is there to discuss with this impostor?"

With each word from the Duke, the atmosphere shifted.

His words rang true. The Duke's words were righteous. This aura radiated outward like ripples centering on the Duke's faction.

The Silent Witch cut through that chain with a single declaration:

"Then let me show the truth, so that all may understand."

Saying so, the Silent Witch drew something small from her sleeve.

It appeared to be a small gobletnot gold or silver, but glossy jet-black as if carved from stone itself.

Holding it up for all to see, the Silent Witch proclaimed loudly,

"With this magic tool of my creation, the Black Chalice', I shall prove that the one before us is true of royal blood."

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