Silent Witch

Book 16: Chapter 16: One Year Later, at the Royal Palace

Book 16: Chapter 16: One Year Later, at the Royal Palace

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Under the bright summer sky, the resonating sound throughout the castle of the Ridill Kingdom was an orchestral and solo piano performance.

It was "Piano Concerto No. 5" composed by the rising court musician, Benjamin Moulding.

The first movement, with its relatively fast-paced melody, gave the impression of the solo piano and orchestral strings competing against each other.

This transitioned into a gentle melody in the second movement, and then burst into a lively rondo in the final third movement, like a flower blooming.

The solo piano and orchestra, which had been competing in the first movement, now complemented each other in the third movement, chasing after a single melody. The melody played was rich yet vibrant, deeply stirring the hearts of the audience.

Both the King of Ridill and the Emperor of the Schwarzgalt Empire, who was a state guest, seemed greatly satisfied with the performance of this young genius musician, showering the stage with generous applause.

Amidst everyone immersed in the afterglow of the wonderful performance, Elliot Howard was applauding with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

As Elliot hastily left the concert hall, he locked eyes with a woman walking from the opposite end of the hallway.

Despite wearing a practical blue uniform, the glamorous beauty who caught his eye was his former classmate, Bridget Graham.

"Well, if it isn't Miss Bridget. Long time no see."

"Good day to you. You came too?"

"Yeah, accompanying my father."

It had been about a year since Elliot last saw Bridget, at the Serendia Academy graduation ceremony.

As the daughter of Marquis Sheilbury, Bridget had rejected all marriage proposals after graduation and instead took the female official recruitment exam, passing with flying colors.

In less than half a year, she demonstrated her talents and was exceptionally promoted to become the diplomatic aide to the Third Prince.

"I hear you were the one who arranged today's concert, Miss Bridget?"

"Yes. The Black Lion Emperor expressed interest in hearing a rising musical genius from our country."

On the occasion of the neighboring emperor's visit to the Ridill Kingdom, the First and Third Princes were tasked with handling the reception arrangements.

For the Third Prince, who had hardly ever been involved in diplomatic affairs, receiving the emperor was a major diplomatic debut.

As the Third Prince's diplomatic aide, Bridget must have been quite busy as well.

"Still, you did well to get Benjamin. I bet it was a hassle to invite a moody person like him."

Benjamin had frequently performed at the palace while attending Serendia Academy, but his activities had expanded even further after graduating.

There were even rumors that his concert schedule was booked years in advance.

When Elliot pointed this out, Bridget wore a meaningful smile on her well-shaped lips.

"Did you know that Silent Witch was invited as a special instructor for the Magic Corps' training a while ago?"

The familiar name caught Elliot off guard, but he nodded.

"Yeah I heard she was quite something"

The Silent Witch had apparently rendered the entire Magic Corps unable to battle at almost the same time as the start of their magic combat training.

Thinking about the usually timid Monica even knowing her true identity, it was hard to believe.

Still, Elliot understood, as he knew her formidable skill in chess matches.

"So how does that connect to Benjamin?"

"Benjamin Moulding happened to witness that magic combat when he was struggling for ideas for a new piece."

"Ah, I think I can see where this is going."

According to Bridget, upon witnessing Monica's chantless magic, Benjamin was struck with an epiphany, inspired by her intricate spellcasting to compose a piece.

Oh, that magnificent magic would make for such wonderful music! I wish I could see Miss Monica perform her chantless magic again, preferably in actual combat!'

"Conveniently, Hubert Dee was there, so I arranged a little magic combat setting. A special seat was prepared for Benjamin Moulding to observe."

"I-, I see."

In other words, Bridget had prompted Hubert to challenge Monica to a magic combat and had Benjamin observe it.

She had done Benjamin a great favor, securing his promise to perform at this concert in return.

"Soon, Benjamin Moulding's new piece, the suite Silent Witch', will be completed. The Black Lion Emperor, who became a fan after this concert, will surely be delighted."

"If Monica found out, she might just faint mouth foamed from shock, no?"

Elliot had just experienced the awkwardness of having music composed with himself as the image. To think that the piece from the school festival back then would be completed and released!

As Elliot gazed off reminiscing about those days, he noticed the Black Lion Emperor and Third Prince Albert walking side by side down the far end of the hallway.

Elliot hastily straightened his back.

However, the Black Lion Emperor seemed not to notice Elliot at all, instead walking straight towards Bridget.

Up close, he was indeed a dignified man. His wavy black hair and chiseled features made for a handsome visage, but more than that, his mere presence exuded an overwhelming aura.

"Prince Albert has informed me. Miss Bridget Graham. This concert was arranged by you."

Unfazed by the emperor's direct address, Bridget offered a graceful smile.

"You flatter me. I merely made the arrangements as per Prince Albert's instructions."

Albert blushed shyly, acknowledging Bridget's thoughtfulness in giving him credit. The still-young Third Prince then said earnestly,

"No, Bridget has been very helpful beyond just this concert. She's an aide far too capable for someone like me."

"You honor me, Your Highness."

Though Albert had grown taller and more mature-looking over the past year, the way he stole glances at Bridget's beautiful profile was undeniably youthful.

As Elliot inwardly chuckled at how obvious it was, the emperor took a step forward and took Bridget's hand. With his rugged features sternly set, the emperor declared,

"I took a liking of you. Become my consort."

Stunned by the emperor's abrupt proclamation, Albert's expression crumpled, his eyes wide open and jaw dropped.

It was unclear from his demeanor whether the emperor was joking or serious.

Even Elliot let out an "Oooh?" as he watched for Bridget's response.

How would she answer the proposal from the emperor of the empire, the highest of state guests?

As Elliot and Albert watched with bated breath, Bridget lowered her long lashes and let out a wistful sigh.

"Your Majesty, I am flattered by your words, but I have vowed to give myself only to the gentleman who presents me with a blue rose."

Suddenly, the emperor threw his head back and laughed heartily.

"Kukahh! Trying to test me, are you Not bad. I rather fancy a willful woman."

The emperor leered at Bridget's face with a sly grin.

"Very well. There is nothing I cannot obtain. Next time, I shall come to propose with a bouquet of blue roses."

With that, he flicked his coattails.

Albert scurried after him, but Elliot overheard him mutter under his breath, "Blue roses maybe Sir Thorn Witch could make some"

After the two rounded the corner of the hallway, Elliot glanced sideways at Bridget.

"Playing a heavy hitter like that, you really are quite the wicked woman, Miss Bridget."

"Why, I had no intention of setting an impossible task."

Bridget narrowed her golden eyes.

The alluring smile on her lips could likely charm most men out of their wits.

"Blue roses can be made with just a scarf after all How adorable."

Elliot muttered, "Oh, so scary," with a shudder.


Of all the characters in the story, the man most likely to be remembered in later ages was Benjamin Moulding.

Piano Concerto No. 5 is the one from V9C9.

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