Silent Witch

Book 15: Chapter 9: Bartholomew Alexander Again

Book 15: Chapter 9: Bartholomew Alexander Again

The criminal Isaac who killed the Second Prince, used flesh manipulation magic to copy his face and swap places with him is currently in a room of the so-called prison tower within the grounds of Ridill Kingdom's castle.

The prison tower was used to imprison noble prisoners of war in times of war, but for the past few decades, it has mainly been used for imprisoned nobles and royals.

Although Isaac is considered an impostor who pretended to be the prince, since he has not been sentenced yet, he seems to be receiving treatment befitting royalty.

The room is quite clean with basic amenities, and even has luxurious furniture like in a noble's mansion.

Except for the iron bars on the windows and the iron door with multiple locks, it could be called a comfortable room.

Isaac himself is also wearing a bracelet-like charm that seals his magic spell and resistance, but he is not chained up. He can move freely inside the room and is properly served three meals a day.

At noon, the gap under the iron door opens slightly and a meal tray is slid in. The meal consists of bread, a vegetable-rich soup, and even fruit.

Isaac licked a bit of the soup with his tongue. There was no unnatural bitterness or numbness, so the food didn't seem to be poisoned.

Well, of course

Duke Crockford knows Isaac will never tell the truth. So he wouldn't make the risky move of poisoning a prisoner's food.

As Isaac was tearing off pieces of bread and putting them in his mouth, he heard a cat's meow from the window. Looking over, there was a black cat sitting on the other side of the iron grating.

This floor should be about four or five stories high for a normal building. How did it climb up here?

As he was puzzled by this, the black cat raised one paw as if greeting a close friend.

"It seems prisoners get pretty good treatment, huh?"

The words Isaac heard came unmistakably from the black cat's mouthhuman speech. Startled, Isaac dropped the bread, and the black cat grinned slyly.

"Yo, Prince. You seem in a hell of a pinch."

That tone and those mischievous golden eyes were familiar.

"Good day, Mr. Bartholomew Alexander."

When Isaac said that, the black cat let out a rumbling cat-like laugh.

"Not bad, calling my name properly even though you know who I really am. I don't dislike that obedience."

"It's quite a cute form you have today."

"Heh, ain't I cute? Feel free to praise me more. Meow."

As the black dragon meowed, Isaac smiled ambiguously and approached the window.

The window grating formed a crisscross pattern with narrow gaps that even the black cat's body would have difficulty squeezing through.

"Are you here on Lady Everett's orders, I wonder?"

Did the Silent Witch care about him even a little? Or perhaps

"Did Lady Everett become disappointed in me?"

Isaac understood the weight of the crime he committed and was prepared to be condemned by others.

Still, the thought of being disappointed by the woman he respected made his chest ache a little.

Seeing Isaac's expression darken slightly, the black cat snorted.

"Don't worry. My master won't feel disappointed in other people. Since she doesn't expect anything from them in the first place."


"Ah, but maybe that's changed a bit recently? No, never mind. Just talking to myself."

The black cat nodded and twitched its whiskers as it looked up at Isaac.

"Hey, Sparkly Prince."

"I'm not a prince anymore."

"Then Sparkly."

"Don't you have another way to address me?"

Ignoring Isaac's protest, the black cat said,

"You have an intention to die here?"

A transparent smile naturally surfaced on Isaac's face.

He had already decided the answer to that question ten years ago.

"I' have been dead for a long time."

Isaac Walker died ten years ago. The one here is just a defective doll without a face or name. Only the Duke of Crockford and Elliot know that.

As Isaac laughed darkly, the black cat stared intently at him with golden eyes.

"Hey Sparkly, should I guess your real name?"

Isaac's heart skipped a beat at those words.

If this black cat knew Isaac's name, it meantthat this cat, and its master the Silent Witch, knew the truth from ten years ago.

That's ridiculous. The only ones who should know about the body swap ten years ago are Duke Crockford and Elliot.

Isaac swallowed hard, and the black dragon of Vorgan grinned at him

"Dammit. I forgot. Um, what was it? Ai? Zackzack? Water? Something like that?"

Even the composed Isaac couldn't help but burst out laughing, his shoulders shaking.

The black cat swished its tail ashamedly and glared at Isaac.

"Well, whaddya expect? I'm bad with human names. Calling you Sparkly is enough."

"Isaac Walker. I'd appreciate it if you could remember."

When Isaac said that with a lingering laugh in his voice, the black cat turned away petulantly.

But this was surprising. If it could say Isaac's name, that meant

"So Lady Everett found out my real identity, didn't she? Are you and her the only ones who know?"

"It's not something I can go blabbing to just anyone."

"A wise decision."

If he carelessly revealed Isaac's identity, Duke Crockford would try to crush the Silent Witch with all his power. He didn't think that person would likely leave any evidence of the body swap ten years ago.

Even if someone claimed Isaac Walker existed, they'd just be crushed by the Duke in the end.

"So you're not gonna spill everything honestly?"

"No. That would mean failing to preserve Felix Ark Ridill's name."

If Isaac told the whole truth, the only thing left would be the dishonorable fact that Felix committed suicide ten years ago.

That won't do.

Isaac can no longer keep calling himself Felix from now on. But at the very least, he wants Felix Ark Ridill's name to be remembered with some honor regarding his manner of death.

"I want Felix's past diplomatic achievements and dragon slaying exploits to be recorded as the real Second Prince's deeds. The wicked Imperial Magician' then targeted the prince for those great feats, killing and swapping with him after the New Year's ceremony. And finally, the impostor is executed in a gruesome fashionThat's the flow I want."

All Isaac can think about now is how to preserve Felix's honor in death.

For Duke Crockford as well, having his grandson the Second Prince leave behind a noble tale aligns with his interests.

From now on, Isaac will praise Felix's exploits with his own mouth, while being executed as the villain who tried to take advantage of them. Reviled by those who admired Felix.

"In two weeks, there will be a Supreme Council gathering the nation's top leaders. There, I will act as the worst villain who tried to steal the hero prince's name. The more infamous I become, the more tragically beautiful the hero prince's story will be."

Isaac spoke in a singing tone, and the black cat looked at him like it was seeing something sickening, its nose scrunched up.

"I can't comprehend how humans think at all."

"I don't think many humans could understand me either."

He was aware that he was insane.

But he couldn't stop now. He couldn't turn back anymore.

"Ah, but Lady Everett knows about me. I have complicated feelings."

If possible, he didn't want the person he respected to see through his ugly lie.

Still, a small part of his heart was happy.

"That Lady Everett remembers my name makes me glad. Now I can face the execution stand with peace of mind."

He can slightly understand Felix's wish to not have his name forgotten now.

That said, Isaac doesn't wish to become a star. Just having his name remain in the memory of someone he respects is enough.

Isaac smiled at the black cat with the smile of someone resigned to death.

"One last favor to ask? When the soldiers came to take me away, I hid a pocket watch with my contracted spirit Willdean's spirit stone inside in the bushes by the boys' dorm at the academy. Since my contract with Willdean will be automatically terminated after my execution, could you have that delivered to Lady Everett?"

"Yeah, sure, I can pass that along."

Saying that the black cat nimbly turned and scampered down the tower.

"And that's what happened."

Back in the guest room for the Seven Sages within Ridill Kingdom's castle grounds, Nero relayed everything he had seen and heard to Monica.

After silently listening, Monica packed her few belongings into a travel bag and stood up.

As one of the Seven Sages, Monica could stay in this lavish guest room in the castle for as long as she pleased. But she had no intention of staying even one night.

Because Monica had something she needed to do now. And she couldn't afford to waste even a little time.

"Nero, we're making a detour before returning to the academy."

"As long as it's not somewhere cold again."

"Don't worry, it's very close to the capital."

The time limit was two weeks away.

Two weeks from now at the Supreme Council, the fate of the youth who impersonated Prince Felix would be decided.

The Supreme Council was essentially a gathering of the nation's leaders. As one of the Seven Sages, Monica would naturally attend and so would Duke Crockford.

This Supreme Council would be the stage for the final confrontation.

There, Monica would have to fight.

Against her fated enemy, Duke Crockford.

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