Silent Witch

Book 15: Chapter 16: Declaration of Determination

Book 15: Chapter 16: Declaration of Determination

Everyone was left speechless upon hearing Monica's proposed plan.

Certainly, that method could avoid war and Isaac's executionbut.

"If we fail, it won't just be getting expelled from the Seven Sages. We'll be executed, fake included."

Claudia's words summed it all up.

Monica nodded resolutely. She had already steeled her resolve.

"If that happens, I will take full responsibility."

In the Supreme Council meeting, Monica alone would actually carry out the plan.

In the worst case, she was prepared for the possibility of being solely held responsible and executed. That level of resolve was necessary to go against Duke Crockford.

In the tense atmosphere, Cyril spoke up.

"Instead of worrying about failure, we should use our heads to increase the chances of this operation succeeding."

His words changed the mood in the room.

At least Cyril was willing to consider the plan positively.

Cyril looked at Monica with the keen eyes he showed during meetings.

"Treasurer Norton, I have questions about the operation. Specifically, about the important magic tool"

"It will be the Black Chalice."

The magic tool Monica's father had tried to create. A device that could determine blood relations by analyzing blood.

This was absolutely necessary for the operation.

"But is it really possible to make it?"

Instead of answering, Monica took out the materials she had brought. As thick as a dictionary, it contained her father's design plans with Monica's additions.

Monica handed the materials to Hubert, sitting on the sofa.

"You're more knowledgeable about magic tool creation than me, Senior Deewould you mind taking a look?"

"Mmm, Mmm, I thought I was just called here to testify that you're the real Silent Witchso this is the main task, eh?"

Hubert skimmed through the materials.

He read at a speed that made one doubt if he was actually reading, but Hubert had comprehended the contents perfectly.

After going through the last page, Hubert threw his head back and laughed loudly.

"Ahyahyah! What's this! This thing requires the types of equipment and materials used by Minerva's professors! The estimated budget alone could build a mansion in the capital!"

"I have the money. Inever spent my salary."

"Where will you procure the materials? Obsidian and hematite processed for magic tool, and various chemical solutions for mana particles extraction won't be easy to obtain, right?"

Yes, creating the Black Chalice required equipment, materials, and time.

Which is why Monica determined she couldn't do it alone.

"Lana, can you procure the items listed here within a week?"

Seeing the materials list, Lana's eyes widened slightly.

But soon her eyes narrowed, the eyes of a skilled merchant.

"For the ores, I can check the inventory at the Southern Doll Port branch immediately. Even if they're out of stock, I have many connections with jewelers to definitely obtain them. For the chemical solutions, my father has an acquaintance at a magic tool trading company, so we'll have to rely on them. One week might be too tight, but if we use fast horses, I think we can just make it."

If Monica tried to procure all this herself, it would take over a month. Magic tool materials are that difficult to obtain.

There were only two weeks left until the Supreme Council meeting. One week for materials, and less than a week with Hubert's help for tool creation. It would be cutting it close.

Hubert was undoubtedly a genius at magic tool creation. Technically more skilled than Monica.

"If we have the materials, you can make it, right, Senior Dee?"

"To make this, we'd need proper equipment It'd be possible if it's Minerva, but I'm banned from there."


While Minerva was the best place for researching magic, and had excellent facilities for tool creation, acting there risked being noticed by Louis, which had to be avoided at all costs.

So Monica had already secured an alternative facility.

"For the facilities I've secretly made arrangements with Count Anvard."

The name Monica mentioned made everyone look perplexed.

Except Neil, who exclaimed, "Ah, the chess tournament guy!"

The recently-succeeded young Count Anvard, Barney Jones.

Monica's classmate from Minerva and current rival.

Lana muttered "That dorky glasses guy?" under her breath, making Monica smile wryly.

"I rushed to meet Barneythe Anvard Count this morning and got permission to borrow his facilities."

Anvard County was home to many skilled craftsmen and renowned workshops for magic tool processing. Monica made arrangements with Barney to borrow one of them.

Being located between the capital and Serendia Academy made Anvard County conveniently situated for travel.

With Barney's facilities, Lana's procuring materials, Hubert's expertise, and everyone's cooperation, creating the Black Chalice was feasible.

"Mmm, mmm, I haven't agreed to help yet Of course, there's a reward for me, right?"

As Hubert leered lecherously, Glenn frowned.

But Hubert's remark was expected by Monica.

"I'll arrange for the kind of magical duel you love so much, Senior Dee."

"You'll be my opponent, right, Monica?"

"No. But it will definitely be a formidable foe worthy of your satisfaction, Senior Dee."

And this magic duel was a key part of the operation.

To stall a certain individual, a magic duel is necessary.

When Monica named that individual, everyone fell silent, and Hubert burst into raucous laughter.

"Good, good! An opportunity like that doesn't come often! Hyahaha! As expected of my queen. You know how to handle your dog."

"Um, Senior Deethat my queen thing could you stop it"

Monica protested with an embarrassed expression, but of course, Hubert paid no heed.

In fact, Hubert stood up from the sofa, went before Monica, and knelt down with a broad grin.

"Command me, my queen. Tell your hunting dog to tear out the prey's windpipe."

"Well, you don't have to go that far just stalling will be enough"

The disturbing sight of Hubert kneeling before Monica left everyone at a loss for words.

As Monica whimpered "Awawawa" in embarrassment under their stares, Cyril cleared his throat loudly.

"I understand the outline of Treasurer Norton's operation. As the Serendia Academy Student Council Vice President, I permit its executionbut"

Cyril paused and surveyed everyone in the room.

"This is an operation where one misstep could lead to ruin. Participation is not mandatory. If anyone wishes to withdraw, leave now."

"I'm in."

Lana spoke without hesitation.

"If a friend asks for my help, I'll give my all. Time is precious, so I'll start moving as soon as this meeting ends."

Lana snorted haughtily with a defiant smile.

"I'll cooperate too."

Surprisingly, Prince Albert was the next to nod.

"I can't stand the idea of things going Duke Crockford's way. As a royal, I have my prideI want to get back at the adults who looked down on me."

Neil then raised his hand earnestly and spoke.

"I'll cooperate too. I don't think the chances of this operation succeeding are low at all. If we work together, we can surely rescue the Student Council President and avoid war."

"If Neil is cooperating then I can't let him fall to ruin if we fail"

Beside the sincere Neil, Claudia muttered in seeming annoyance.

"I will also assist."

It was Roberto Vinkel who raised his hand smoothly.

The only person here from the neighboring Randall Kingdom.

"If the Ridill Kingdom and the Empire go to war, my Randall Kingdom bordering them won't be spared No, the Ridill Kingdom will likely attack Randall first to gain a foothold for invading the Empire. But more than that"

Roberto's rugged features hardened as he looked at Monica.

"My brother told me, Never miss a chance to prove your manliness.'"

Prove his manliness? Monica wondered what that meant.

Was he just supposed to keep looking at Roberto?

Confused, Monica received Roberto's solemn words.

"Please, feel free to observe me thoroughly, Miss Monica."


"Your conduct in this operation will determine everything, Monica Norton."

Bridget deliberately used Monica's surname as she spoke haughtily, chin raised.

"The Supreme Council gathers this nation's eliteWith such unrefined behavior, anything you say will only be met with scorn."

"U-Ugh that's"

Aware her appearance and conduct lacked the dignity befitting a Seven Sage, Monica shrank timidly.

Bridget snapped her fan shut sharply and declared, "I shall provide thorough guidance to ensure my fellow Student Council member does not embarrass us at the Supreme Council."

The confident smile on her beautiful face wavered ever so slightly, tinged with sadness.

"When you rescue that foolish servant, be sure to convey His Highness Felix's final wish."

Monica gasped, then nodded firmly.

Elliot sighed wearily.

"Geez, this is a pain. I really intended to just be an observer."

Yes, Elliot had been a mere observer all along. Knowing much yet never deeply involved, just watching.

Even so, he knew Isaac and Felix better than anyone else here.

"Ah, that's right. I never got to say serve you right!' to that guy. Lending a hand in the rescue to laugh in his face wouldn't be so bad."

Elliot grinned wryly and told Monica, "I'll get to savor the look on his face when the guy he hates most rescues him."

"Um, what about you, Lord Glenn?"

It was Eliane whispering tentatively to Glenn.

As the person most likely to voice approval or objection first in such cases, Glenn's silence and pensive expression were conspicuous.

Of course, Glenn would be the most conflicted about participating in this operation.

Monica couldn't force Glenn's cooperation either.

With everyone's eyes on him, as he mulled his decision, Glenn finally spoke slowly.

"Yeah, I've decided. I really thought it through myself."

Glenn spoke as if trying to convince himself.

"When I was at Minerva, I hated that school. Nothing but unpleasantness, not a bit of fun."

Saying so, Glenn glanced briefly at Hubert, who remained nonchalant.

Glenn looked slightly irritated but composed himself and continued.

"But since coming to Serendia Academy, every day has been super fun. That's partly thanks to Neil and Monica for having you as my friends but there's also the Student Council President's influence too."

As Glenn recounted memories like the courtyard barbecue and cultural festival play, Cyril furrowed his brow, muttering "A courtyard barbecue?!"

Neil just smiled wryly, trying to placate the indignant Cyril.

"So I wanna save the Student Council President! And then! I'll congratulate him on graduating at the graduation ceremony!"

"Glenn thank you."

As Monica bowed deeply, Glenn flashed his usual bright grin.

"No need for the mushy stuff!"

Seeing Glenn's trademark smile, Eliane seemed relieved as she patted her chest.

"I I can at least help behind the scenes, I think."

With Eliane voicing her assent, no one else made a move to leave the room.

Cyril nodded. "Very well."

He surveyed everyone.

"From this moment, we shall commence the Serendia Academy Student Council President Rescue Operation!"

At Cyril's powerful declaration, Monica felt her blood pulsing loudly through her entire body.

What they were about to undertake was an extremely reckless gamble. Their foe was the nation's most influential person, no less. The odds were against them.

Failure meant certain ruin.

And yet, Monica felt no trembling fear. A stronger emotion filled her chest instead.

"I will make it succeed, no matter what."

The words slipped out before she realized, making Cyril smirk confidently.

"Of course."

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