Silent Witch

Book 14: Chapter 8: For Your Own Sake, Please

Book 14: Chapter 8: For Your Own Sake, Please

Just before the date changed, Isaac, who had been facing his desk, finished his day's assignments and stretched in his chair.

It had been nearly three years since Isaac had come to this estate. When he was first given this room, he had struggled with the chair and desk being an improper height, but now that he had grown taller, such inconveniences were gone.

He was completing the assigned tasks without issue, and his skills with the sword and horse were praised.

Whether he became a servant or a body double with his face reshaped, as long as he could be by Felix's side, that was enough.

The only thing that worried Isaac was how Felix would react when he learned that Isaac would become his body double that alone frightened Isaac.

As he sighed, thinking of the future that would eventually come, there was a modest knocking sound at the door. Who could it be at this hour?

When Isaac opened the door, Felix was standing there. Despite the late hour, he was not in his nightclothes, but wearing a simple shirt and trousers.

"Your Highness? What is it?"


Felix called out Isaac's name as a friend, not a servant, his face stern. Isaac softened his expression slightly.

"What's wrong, Ark?"

Prompted by Isaac's gentle tone, Felix clenched the hem of Isaac's shirt and said:

"Let's go look at the stars."

"Right now?"

Isaac tilted his head slightly, and Felix, unusually stern, nodded. "Right now."

"Can't we just see them from the window?"

"Let's go to the back garden. I had Marcy clear the area near the back door."

It was an unusual proposal, not at all like the ever-obedient Felix. Isaac was honestly surprised.

However, Felix seemed desperately, stubbornly insistent. Even if Isaac refused, Felix seemed ready to go to the back garden alone.

"All right, I understand."

When Isaac nodded, Felix looked relieved and stroked his chest.

The two walked quietly down the hallway and out the back door. There were night watchmen at the front gate, but they would not be a problem if they did not approach.

Felix looked up at the largest tree in the back garden and said, "Let's use this tree."

Previously, Felix had been seriously injured after falling from a tree while climbing. When Isaac looked at him with concern, Felix smiled. "It's okay."

"Elliot taught me how to do it properly."

Saying so, Felix began climbing the tree clumsily but choosing sturdy branches to support his feet. It seemed Elliott had indeed taught him the proper technique.

As Isaac waited below, ready to catch Felix if he fell, Felix waved down to him from above the tree.

"You too, Ike."

If things continued like this, there was little chance of Felix falling. Isaac put his feet on the branches like Felix and slid smoothly up the tree, taking a seat beside him.

Looking up at the night sky, it was quite cloudy, with more than half of the moon and stars obscured. It did not seem suitable for stargazing at all, yet why had Felix so insistently invited Isaac out?

After gazing upwards, Felix turned his eyes to Isaac and furrowed his brow with a smile.

"Sorry for being selfish. Sneaking out of the room to look at the stars I just wanted to do it once with you, Aik."

"Next time, let me know sooner. Then I can prepare things you might like, like tea and snacks."

Felix dropped his gaze slightly and murmured a soft "Yeah." His face looked somewhat sad, and Isaac leaned in with concern.


When Isaac called out worriedly, Felix quickly looked up and spoke with forced cheer.

"Say, Ike. What do you want to be in the future?"


Seeing Isaac's confusion, Felix rushed on quickly, even faster than usual.

"You're smart, and good with swords and horses, so you could be anything you want. A doctor, or teacheror even a knight, maybe!"

"I'm your servant. Now and forever."

If Isaac added that there was nothing else he wanted, for some reason, Felix looked as if he might cry.

His slender eyebrows slanted sadly, and a thin film of tears formed in his clear, blue eyes.

"Hey, Ike."

"What is it, Ark?"

When Isaac responded soothingly, Felix leaned in desperately, then spoke with an uncharacteristically forceful tone:

"I want you to find something you can become obsessed with, for your own sake alone, not for anyone else's. I want you to find many things you truly enjoy and love, just for yourself."

Why was Felix looking as if he might cry?

Serving Felix was Isaac's true desire from the heart.

For Isaac, who had lost his family and felt empty, Felix was everything. He never wanted to lose him again, wanted to protect him. For that, he could do anything.

So he could not think of anything else he wanted to do.

In fact, I don't need anything else, Ark.

Because soon, "Isaac" would be remade, and turned into a doll with Felix's face.

There would be no need for Isaac's will then. All that would be needed was loyalty to Felix. What else was required?

Noticing Isaac's muted reaction, Felix gripped his hand tightly and pleaded desperately:

"Promise me, Ike. Please, promise that you'll look for things you truly enjoy, things you can become obsessed with, for your own sake."

"All right, if you insist on it. I'll give it some thought."

"Yeah, it's a promise."

Why had Felix suddenly said such a thing?

Trying to discern Felix's intentions from his childlike face, a strong gust of wind blew, rustling their hair. The branches swayed, and leaves rustled noisily. The hand gripping Isaac's had grown quite cold.

"The wind is getting stronger. We should head back before it becomes unhealthy to stay out here, Ark."


Surprisingly meekly, Felix nodded.

The two climbed down in silence and slipped back inside through the back door.

When they reached Felix's room, Felix took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Isaac.

"Ike, will you read this once you're back in your room?"

"Can't I read it here?"

"No. Absolutely not until you're back in your room."

Remembering when Felix was younger and would write letters to practice his handwriting, giving them to Isaac with a cute "This is for you. Write me back, okay?", Isaac smiled faintly.

"Got it, I'll read it once I'm back in my room."

"Yeahwell then, good night, Ike."

"Good night, Ark."

Isaac watched Felix close his door and then returned to his own room.

There, he held up the envelope he had just received to the candlelight.


The envelope seemed to contain something other than just paper, bulging slightly. Shaking it produced a soft, metallic rattling sound, like chains rustling together.

Isaac carefully opened the package that had been sealed with wax and took out the contents.

Before the letter spilled out, a small object rolled into Isaac's palm from the tilted envelope. It was a necklace featuring a large aquamarine gemstone the keepsake spirit contract necklace that had belonged to the late Queen Irene.

Why had Felix put such an important object in an envelope?

With trembling fingers, Isaac took out and unfolded the enclosed letter.

"My Dearest Ike,

Thank you for always being so kind to me. Thank you for looking after me so much. No matter how many times I say it, it will never be enough.

Ever since the day you became my servant, and the day you became my friend, every single day has been truly enjoyable and filled with happiness. That's why I became spoiled and too dependent on you.

I heard from Grandfather. That you were taken in to become my body double. That eventually, they plan to reshape your face to be my stand-in.

That for that purposethey would give your body the same scars as mine.

It's all because I'm so weak. Because I couldn't live up to Grandfather's expectations as a proper prince.

I can't bear the thought of you being remade because of me.

So please, run away from this estate. Escape and become free, and then find what you truly want to do for yourself.

Not for me, but for your own sake, I want you to live freely and find many things you love and can become obsessed with.

After I give you this letter tonight, I plan to cause a bit of a disturbance. Use that opportunity to escape through the back gate.

The enclosed necklace should fetch a decent sum if sold. I don't know how to convert it to money, but I'm sure your clever self can manage it.

This is the most I can do right now. I'm sorry this is all I can offer.

You, my most devoted servant and dearest friend.

I wish for your happiness more than anyone else.

Felix Ark Ridill"

All the blood drained from Isaac's body, and his ears were ringing.

Just like when he saw his mother impaled by a dragon's claw before his eyes, without thinking, Isaac rushed from the room.

Ark! Ark! Arkk!!

When he opened Felix's room door, the room was empty.

However, not much time had passed since they parted. Felix could not have gone far.

As Isaac looked around wondering where Felix could be, he heard a scream-like voice from somewhere distant.

"Someone, please! The princethe prince is on the roof!"

Isaac dashed outside through the back door they had used earlier.

Now that he thought about it, Felix's suggestions to look at the night sky and use the back door were intended to give Isaac a path to escape.

If he went out the back gate from the back door, Isaac would be free.

However, he did not do so. Without hesitation, he ran toward the front of the estate. If Felix was trying to lure everyone's attention away so Isaac could escape, it would be in the opposite direction from the back gate, he reasoned.

Sure enough, there were the night watchmen and several servants gathered at the front of the estate, looking up at the roof.

On the roof was a small figure visible. Gently swaying golden hairunmistakably Felix.

From the top floor balcony up to the roof, a ladder had been propped. Most likely, Felix had used it to climb up. That he had prepared the ladder meant he had planned this in advance.

A strong gust of wind blew. The clouds parted, revealing the round, faintly glowing moon surrounded by twinkling stars that had been obscured.

No, stop, Ark!!

On the roof, Felix reached out toward the shining stars

And fell.

A dull thud. Screams from the servants.

The small body thrown into the garden's flowerbeds had limbs bent at unnatural angles.

A roar like that of a beast rang out. Not realizing it was his own wail of anguish, he pushed through the servants to Felix's side.

"AhahhAaark? Wake up, please wake up"

The body he touched was still warm.

But the vacant, open blue eyes reflected only the stars of the night sky, and would never blink again.

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