Silent Witch

Book 14: Chapter 2: Main Dish Served Under the Cloche

Book 14: Chapter 2: Main Dish Served Under the Cloche

Among the Seven Sages of the Kingdom of Ridill, Emanuel Darwin, the Jeweled Magician, has three favorite things: After-dinner tea, gold, and power.

However, this morning, the usual tea leaves were unavailable, and he went without tea after breakfast.

To cap it off, the magic tool workshop he runs experienced a rent increase, one of his apprentices was poached by another workshop, and sales were in the red.

With an indescribable rage stirring within him, Emanuel made his way to the luncheon venue.

He had been invited to lunch this day by Second Prince Felix Ark Ridill.

The venue was a high-class restaurant in an upscale neighborhood halfway between the royal capital and the Selendia Academy.

The meal was something to look forward to, but more than anything, Emanuel was thrilled to have been summoned by the prince rumored to be the next king.

Compared with the politically inept First Prince and the lackluster Third Prince, the Second Prince was a capable man.

Supported by the influential Duke of Crockford, he had a wealth of diplomatic achievements and, moreover, valiant military exploits as the slayer of the dreaded cursed dragon. It was as if all the necessary arrangements were already in place.

Emanuel had been cozying up to the Duke of Crockford and receiving various forms of patronage, but his interactions with the Second Prince, whom the duke supported, had been limited. He had tried to close the distance at social gatherings, but no matter what he did, he found himself treated no differently from the other nobles, which left him perpetually dissatisfied.

Upon arriving at the fancy restaurant, Emanuel was guided to a private room in the back.

Prince Felix was already seated. Upon noticing Emanuels arrival, Felix lifted his face and offered him a polite smile.

Greetings, Lord Darwin.

Thank you very much for inviting me today.

Please, the thanks are mine. Take a seat.

At his invitation, Emanuel took a seat as a servant promptly poured an aperitif into his glass. Sipping the fine red wine, Emanuel began to consider how he might ingratiate himself with Felix.

Though the Seven Sages were said to serve as advisors to His Majesty, in actuality, it was only the Star Oracle Witch who primarily fulfilled that role for the current king. Astonishingly, the others had little interest in state affairs.

Emanuel always believed that he should be the one chosen, but the current king, heavily influenced by the Duke of Crockford, refused to appoint him as an advisor.

That's why Emanuel wanted to cultivate a close relationship with the second prince, who would be the next king. If he could make himself indispensable to Felix, he would be able to become the king's advisor in both name and reality. He would be able to rise above the other Seven Sages and become a truly influential figure.

He decided it would be safest to touch on the topic of the cursed dragon incident and praise Felixs heroics Just as he was forming this plan in his mind, Felix set down his wine glass and opened his mouth.

Oh, right. I visited Lord Darwins workshop the other day. It was quite an impressive operation.

Rather than being pleased, Emanuel was seized by a sudden anxiety at Felixs words. He had received no notice of the princes visit to his workshop. Perhaps it had been a secret inspection?

Indeed, your reputation as the Jeweled Magician is no exaggeration. I was thoroughly impressed by the remarkable magic tools on display. Not only were their functions extraordinary, but their aesthetics were exquisite as well. Your apprentices are exceptionally skilled, it seems.

Felix continued to gush about the marvels of the workshop, but Emanuel couldnt help but feel increasingly restless.

Well, Im honored by your praise.

He managed a laugh, but it came out forced and unnatural. As he struggled to maintain a semblance of composure, Felix produced something from his pocket and placed it on the table.

It was a topaz brooch with delicate engravings.

By the way, Lord Darwin, do you happen to recognize this brooch?

Let me see It appears to be a magic tool, but Pardon me.

Emanuel used a silk handkerchief to pick up the brooch and examined the engraved magic formula. His eyes widened in surprise.

It was customary to engrave the name of the creator on magic tools that were sold in the market. Signed pieces commanded a far higher price than unsigned ones.

And the name engraved on this brooch was Emanuel Darwin.

Your Highness Where did you

I purchased it at a certain street stall. The shopkeeper claimed it was made by the Jeweled Magician himself. However, the magic formula employed was rather crude for an item of that supposed origin.

A cold sweat trickled down Emanuels back.

Still, he put on his best act of confusion.

Oh my, how strange. Of late, there have been unscrupulous individuals who have been engraving my name on inferior magic tools to make a profit. Its become quite vexing, reallyespecially since the ones behind this scheme seem to be unlicensed artisans who arent members of any guild

The shopkeeper who sold me this brooch said it was secondhand, so I later dispatched an underling to investigate its origins. The original owner I identified in this manner claims to have purchased it directly from the Darwin Workshop.

Emanuels face tightened, but he forced a smile.

Well, that must be some sort of misunderstanding. The Darwin Workshop only handles first-rate products! Such inferior magic tools as these

When was the last time you personally crafted a magic tool, Lord Darwin?

Felixs smile remained unchanged. Yet, the very air around him seemed to grow colder.

A gentle smile transformed into an icy one.

I believe one of your apprentices testified that you havent made a single magic tool with your own hands in years. That youve been having your apprentices make them and simply signing your name before putting them up for sale Apparently, that apprentice couldnt bear the pangs of conscience and has since moved on to another workshop.

It was precisely that apprentice who had been poached by another workshop that had been the cause of Emanuels recent frustrations.

But how could Felix have knowledge of this?

Forgive me, but I dont quite understand what youre implying

If this is true, your workshop will be shut down and your position among the Seven Sages will be in jeopardy, wouldnt it?

Emanuels forehead beaded with sweat as he frantically searched for an excuse.

I have no idea what youre talking about

Lord Darwin, would you be so kind as to do me a small favor?

Felix produced a small bottle from his pocket. It was so small that he could conceal it within the palm of his hand. A colorless liquid sloshed around inside the bottle.

Please, give this to the Duke of Crockford to drink.

It was obvious that the liquid was harmful to the human body. Felix was essentially ordering Emanuel: If you value your seat among the Seven Sages, cooperate with me and poison the Duke of Crockford.

But while Emanuel sought favor with Felix, he had no intention of doing his bidding.

The nerve of this greenhorn, making such demands!

Refusing to be intimidated, he suppressed his agitation and laughed heartily.

Hahaha! Regrettably, your grandfatherthe Duke of Crockfordhas given his tacit approval to this arrangement. The fact is that I have been rather busy and havent been able to devote myself solely to creating magic tools.

Due to his busy schedule of patron meetings and social gatherings, Emanuel had hardly made any magic tools himself in the past several years. That was why he had been having his apprentices make them and simply signing his name before selling them.

And the Duke of Crockford was aware of this. Despite knowing, he continued to provide Emanuel with patronage. Supporting the Seven Sages was advantageous to the duke.

Even if Felix were to expose this fact, Emanuel was confident that the Duke of Crockford would protect him.

In such cases, evidence could be suppressed, allowing one to control the narrative.

Hes just a boy, trying to rattle me!

Still, requesting that he poison the Duke of Crockford was a reckless move. It was only right that he report this matter to the Duke of Crockford. However, by keeping it to himself, he could gain favor with Felix.

The Duke of Crockford and Felix. Were he to choose a side, the duke with actual power would be the obvious choice. However, the duke was elderly, and considering the future, it wouldnt hurt to be indebted to Felix.

As Emanuel pondered these cunning thoughts, Felix let out a sigh.

I see. You believe you can find a way to deceive your way out of this.

With that, Felix reached for the bell on the table and rang it. At once, a servant with unusual, bluish-white hair placed a dish with a cloche over it before Emanuel.

It seemed that the meal had finally arrived, but curiously, the dish was placed before Emanuel alone.

An ominous premonition washed over Emanuel, and he looked up at Felixs expression. As before, the prince wore an inscrutable smile.

Please, lift the lid. Oh, dont worry, its nothing dangerous.

Emanuel gripped the defensive magic tool he always kept on hand and cautiously lifted the lid.

This is

What lay on the white plate was an object familiar to any magiciana mana measurement device.

As Emanuel froze in shock, Felix steepled his fingers and spoke.

Its nothing more than an ordinary mana measurement device And it hasnt been tampered with, I assure you.


It is generally said that mana grows until one reaches the age of twenty and gradually diminishes thereafter.

The minimum mana required to be a member of the Seven Sages is 150. Those who fall below this threshold are no longer eligible.

The last time Emanuel had his mana measured, he had scored slightly below 160 But that was then.

Please, if you have nothing to hide, simply touch the device. Lord Darwin?

Y-Yes, indeed

Emanuels hand trembled as he touched the measurement device. The devices dial slowly rose.

Attribute: Earth. Maximum Magic Power: 138

That was Emanuel Darwins current mana.

H-Hahaha It appears that this device may be malfunctioning!

If thats your belief, perhaps we could remeasure your mana in a more official setting? Using a device provided by a neutral third party.

Felix had seen through him. He had discovered that Emanuel had been using a modified measurement device to falsely inflate his mana readings.

He could get away with selling magic tools made by his apprentices under his own name, but there was no way to fake his mana.

Once it was made public, Emanuel would be stripped of his position among the Seven Sages.

Felix flaunted the vial of poison, shaking it gently. He then placed it before the rigid Emanuel.

As one of the Seven Sages, Emanuel Darwin, the Jeweled Magician I would very much like to maintain a close relationship with you. In the years to come.

In the years to come likely referred to the time after Felix had ascended to the throne.

At this moment, Emanuel was being tested by the future king.

I will not tolerate a turncoat. Choose between me and the Duke of Crockford or so he implied.

"You will show me your loyalty, won't you?"

Emanuels hand shook as he picked up the vial.

If he wished to remain one of the Seven Sages he had no choice but to assassinate the Duke of Crockford and submit to the young prince.

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