Silent Witch

Book 14: Chapter 10: What He Truly Wished For

Book 14: Chapter 10: What He Truly Wished For

After taking over as Felix Ark Ridill, Isaac spent a year intensively studying politics.

Ostensibly, Felix was bedridden due to illness, so he couldn't train in swordsmanship or horseback riding outside. Therefore, he only moved enough to prevent his body from deteriorating and devoted himself entirely to book learning.

Impersonating Felix was never difficult for Isaac. He had been by Felix's side, observing him more than anyone else.

It was also convenient for Isaac that Marcy, the head maid whom Felix adored, had retired.

The duke then thoroughly dismissed servants who knew Felix and assigned new servants to take care of the fake prince. There was no way he could be found out.

The only difficulty Isaac faced when taking over was that he couldn't find Felix's diary.

If he was going to impersonate Felix, he wanted to understand the diary's contents perfectly, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it. Felix had likely disposed of it secretly after resigning himself to death.

But I do remember that one page.

The childishly drawn image of his ideal prince.

If that was Felix's aspiration, then Isaac would recreate it as closely as possible.

Excelling in swordsmanship, academics, kindness, gentleness to all, and chivalry towards women the perfect prince straight out of a fairy tale.

The only exception was that the Duke of Clockforde forbade him from learning magic, as Isaac and Felix had different affinities, which could reveal his true identity.

Nevertheless, Isaac secretly studied magic behind the duke's back.

After all, the prince that Felix wished for had to be versed in magic too.

More importantly, learning magic might allow him to contract with a high-ranking spirit.

Isaac moved the aquamarine from the necklace Felix left behind into a pocket watch with a hidden lid, always keeping it close. He put it in the inconspicuous pocket watch instead of wearing the necklace openly to avoid drawing the duke's attention.

Sometimes Isaac would gaze at the aquamarine in his pocket watch and lose himself in thoughts of its water-blue color, so reminiscent of Felix's eyes.

Someday, I'll definitely contract with a high-ranking spirit.

Because that's what Felix had always wished forto be able to do the same as his mother.

So if that was Felix's wish then Isaac would make it all come true. With that thought, Isaac devoted himself to studying magic.

More than anything, mastering magic would provide a powerful weapon against the Duke of Crockford when Isaac eventually turned against him.

Isaac was convinced that someday, he would defeat the duke.

For now, he would obediently follow the duke's lead and use his power.

But once the throne was secure then that man who had toyed with Isaac's and Felix's lives would be eliminated.

Three years passed since Isaac debuted in high society as Felix. Now fourteen years old, Isaac was enrolled at Serendia Academy's middle school level, despite his outward age as Felix being twelve.

While under the duke's jurisdiction, Serendia Academy was a fully residential school, naturally allowing more freedom from the duke's watchful eye.

Between his studies and socializing, the enrolled Isaac devoted himself to studying magic.

Magic was an advanced field of study. No matter how gifted he was, there were limits to what he could achieve alone. Hence, he focused solely on the subject of spirit summoning.

Studying magic was challenging but not unpleasant. It seemed to suit Isaac's naturethe more he learned, the more he craved deeper knowledge and applications.

If he succeeded in summoning spirits, perhaps he could study practical magic as well. With such thoughts, Isaac persisted and finally succeeded in the spirit contract ritual.

The spirit Isaac summoned was Willdean, the high-ranking water spirit residing in the late Queen Irene's aquamarine.

The summoned spirit had a form nearly human, but with water-tinted hair of an unearthly hue.

The outward age appeared to be in the mid-twenties. The pale aqua eyes looking down on Isaac reminded him of young Felix.

"Spirit Willdean. Lend me your power to fulfill my wish. This is a wish befitting one who once served Queen Irene."

It is said that spirits slumbering in spirit stones can vaguely glimpse the human world.

Then this spirit should understand the general events from Queen Irene's death to the present.

With that in mind, the spirit asked its new master, "What is your wish?"

Isaac answered with a faint smile, voicing his sole desire.

"I want to make a star shine in the night sky."

Just as the hero Ralph left his name as a star, Isaac wanted to leave behind the name of Felix Ark Ridill.

Because that was Felix's wish in life.

As Isaac spoke those words, Willdean turned her pale aqua eyes towards him.

Willdean was expressionless, as spirits tend to lack emotional fluctuations. And yet, for some reason, he looked sad to Isaac.

"Is that Prince Felix's wish?"

"Yes, that's what he told me in life."

"Is that all?"

Furrowing his brow at Willdean's words, Isaac silently urged her to continue. With what seemed a melancholic expression, Willdean said.

"Didn't Prince Felix wish for anything else?"

Willdean was hinting at something in a roundabout way.

Recalling events from years ago, Isaac finally realized what he was referring tothe words Felix had spoken to him the last night they gazed at the stars together.

I want you to find something you can become obsessed with, for your own sake alone, not for anyone elses. I want you to find many things you truly enjoy and love, just for yourself.

He had never forgotten those words, but he had intentionally avoided dwelling on them.

Because if I pursued my own likes, how could I become the perfect prince?

A slight irritation rose within Isaac towards the spirit before him. Perhaps sensing it, Willdean averted her eyes.

"My former master Lady Irene once said this, Even bound by the position of royalty, I hope my child never forgets to pursue individual happiness'"

However, Queen Irene passed away shortly after giving birth to Felix, who was then shunned by his grandfather, never able to pursue individual happiness.

Despite his love of the stars, his astronomy books were taken away, and he was scolded for wasting time on such trivialities.

With what feelings did Felix impart those words to Isaac, wishing him to find his own likes and enjoyments? Isaac fell silent, and Willdean told him.

"Please do not disregard Prince Felix's final wish"

What the spirit said made sense to Isaac.

Because only Isaac could fulfill Felix's wish.

"This is troubling. I've already experienced all the leisurely pursuits befitting royalty."

For him, opera viewings and hunts were merely social obligations, not personal enjoyments.

From the perspective of "leisures Isaac could truly enjoy," such high society events seemed unsuitable.

Something I can immerse myself in, something I find enjoyable

Since taking over as Felix, the boy Isaac Walker had become thoroughly worn down, warped, and distorted.

He had pursued Felix's ideals to such an extreme that Isaac could no longer think of anything he truly wanted for himself.

"Well then, I suppose I'll try indulging in some night revelry as an experiment. Willdean, as a water spirit, you must be skilled in illusion magic, correct?"


"Assist me in sneaking out of the dorms. Can you do that?"

At Isaac's request, Willdean nodded. "Yes."

Then his form seemed to melt into water, its color shifting. When he regained his outline, his appearance was now identical to Isaac'sor rather, Felix's. This must be the spirit's illusory magic.

"As my master commands."

Eventually, once he became king, Isaac would have no time to pursue personal enjoyment.

So just for now. He would spend this brief period before kingship on the remnants of his life as Isaac Walker.

At that time, not knowing what he could immerse himself in, Isaac thought this way.

AN: From then on, as Isaac started indulging in nightly revelries, Willdean was frequently left exasperated.

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