Silent Witch

Book 13: Chapter 13: Verify the Information

Book 13: Chapter 13: Verify the Information

That night, Monica peered out of the attic room window, her nerves on edge.

"It requires courage to climb out of the window, doesn't it, Nero?"

"Just close your eyes and jump all at once, and it won't be as frightening."

"I can't. If I close my eyes, I won't be able to calculate the precise timing for landing"

Monica had planned to sneak out of the attic room that night and make her way to the forest, following Heidi's instructions. However, even the journey from the attic room to the forest posed a challenge.

Being one of the Seven Sages did not change the fact that jumping from a great height was a terrifying prospect. If the high-ranking wind spirit, Lynn, had been present, Monica might have easily overcome this problem. But she couldn't rely on Lynn's assistance and had to manage on her own.

She had been secretly practicing flying magic for some time, but she still struggled to maintain balance. This was a result of Monica's motor nerves. Above all, she found it difficult to coordinate her body movements while focusing on a magic spell.

As Monica repeated to herself, "Alright, let's go, let's go," Nero hopped onto the windowsill and gazed up at her.

"Are you certain it's alright for me not to accompany you? You're going to meet that eerie, squishy guy, correct?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. Nero, you stay here."

Monica spoke firmly, and Nero narrowed his golden eyes, darker than the moon.

"After all, I am your familiar. If you encounter any trouble, make sure to call me. I will crush and sweep away anything that stands in your way."

In the past, Monica might have flinched and remarked, "Your words sound excessively ruthless" But now, Nero's presence provided her with an odd sense of security.

During Nero's hibernation, Monica experienced loneliness for various reasons.

"Thank you, Nero. Yes I'll be relying on you."

"Not just relying, but depending on me."


The phrase "learn to rely on others" had been repeated to Monica countless times by Cyril Ashley.

Though she still harbored fear when it came to seeking help from others, Monica was gradually beginning to change.

"It's alright. I believe I can bring myself to ask for assistance."

Those words were partially meant for herself.

Nero smiled contentedly and gently patted Monica's hand with his paw.

"Very well. Go!"


Monica placed her foot on the windowsill and leaped down. As she activated her chantless magic, she felt the cool breeze of the spring night envelop her entire body.

A powerful gust of wind embraced Monica and gently cushioned her landing.

Although she bounced a bit too forcefully on the cushion of wind, causing her to stumble upon touching the ground, she quickly regained her footing and brushed off the dirt from her clothes.

Let's go From this point onward, the real challenge begins.

At the designated entrance to the forest, Heidi awaited Monica, dressed in her Serendia Academy uniform.

"I've been waiting for your arrival. This way, please."

Heidi proceeded into the depths of the forest, holding a lantern in one hand. Monica silently followed behind her.

As the cold spring night wind rustled through the forest, the swaying trees concealed the moon that hung in the night sky.

Heidi walked confidently along an unmarked path until she finally halted in front of a towering Zelkova tree.

Dangling from the tree was a striking young man with golden hair, Felix Ark Ridill.

However, Monica immediately discerned that it was someone else.

"Please cease your impersonation of someone I know."

"Oh, come now, isn't it fitting since we're about to discuss him'? There is no other visage that suits this setting, is there?"

With the same countenance as Felix, Yuan chuckled.

At the sound of his honeyed, scorched voice, Monica furrowed her brow slightly, and Yuan raised the corners of his lips, revealing a grin that Felix would never wear.

"Well, let's see if your information is accurate. First, I would like to hear your information, Monica Everett, the Silent Witch."

Monica pondered what to say but realized that beating around the bush was futile. She chose to ask directly.

"Do you know Arthuur, the doctor?"

"An old friend and traitor who, alongside me, delved into the study of body modification magic in the empire. A scoundrel who pilfered my research findings and fled to a neighboring country."

"That man fled the empire over a decade ago. By that time, your body modification magic was already perfected Am I correct?"

Yuan narrowed his eyes like a cat and tilted his slender neck.

"Indeed! As a reward, would you like me to kiss you with this face?"

"I'll pass"

Three years ago, when the emperor was replaced, the empire lifted the ban on body modification magic.

Until then, body modification magic was also treated as forbidden magic in the empire. That's why Yuan didn't make his research results public But there was a man who brought them out.

That man was Arthuur, the doctor known as Arthur in the Duchy of Crockford.

"I've been pursuing that detestable man for a long time And a year ago, I finally discovered that he was hiding in the Duchy of Crockford But he was already deceased."

Yuan's eyes, which were just a few seconds ago the same blue as Felix's, began to change. They clouded over, resembling moss growing on a rock. Eventually, they transformed into an unfathomable black.

"And while investigating the cause of Arthuur's death, I No, more accurately, my master noticed something."


"My master is an astute individual. He instructed me to delve into the matter. I approached Felix Ark Ridill through the chess tournament and the school festival to verify this fact."

Yuan then shifted his gaze towards Monica. It was now Monica's turn to speak.

Monica took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Ten years ago there was another victim who perished alongside Arthuur in the fire incident He was a servant of His Highness Felix at the time, by the name of Isaac Walker."

Bridget mentioned that Felix held him in high regard, like a brother, the young man with a scar next to his right eye.

"He did not die ten years ago. So whose body was discovered at the scene of the fire?"

There is only one answer to that.

"It was the real Prince Felix."

The fate of Felix Ark Ridill, as foretold by the stars, remained unseen even with the power of the Star Oracle Witch for the past decade.

Of course. The true second prince had already perished during that time.

Monica attempted to swallow her saliva but failed. Her mouth was dry, and she lacked sufficient saliva to swallow.

After taking another deep breath, Monica revealed the truth of ten years ago with parched lips.

"Ten years ago, for some reason, the real Felix passed away. Thus, under the command of the Duke of Crockford, the doctor, Arthuur performed body modification magic on Felix's servant, Isaac Walker to make him resemble the prince."

It was not unreasonable for Bridget to have overlooked this fact.

To the people of the Ridill Kingdom, body modification magic was a distant tale. Even Monica, who was aware of its existence, did not believe that the technology to alter one's appearance had been perfected a decade ago.

Eig, that was Isaac's nickname.

Monica was acquainted with a young man named Eig. That is why she was able to discern this truth.

"And the duke killed Arthuur to silence him, and burned the body of the true prince, who had perished alongside him in the fire."

Monica suppressed the urge to bow her head and looked directly at Yuan.

"You approached him to confirm his identity, didn't you? A skilled magic user can detect traces of magic when in close proximity."

Yuan clapped his hands theatrically and laughed like a child, exclaiming, "Well done."

"The answers have been revealed. Now it is time for the deal."

Indeed, now that the truth of the past had been unveiled, what mattered was the "future."

Yuan and Heidi were individuals from the empire. Currently, the Ridill Kingdom and the empire were not in a hostile relationship However, the Duke of Crockford was attempting to incite a war.

Creating a casus belli was a simple task. For instance, they could blame the empire for the recent influx of dragons into the Ridill Kingdom due to land development.

"What do you intend to do with this truth?"

"Of course, we will expose it. And we will do so immediately after Felix Ark Ridill ascends to the throne."

Monica's face turned pale.

Undoubtedly, that was the worst possible time for the truth to come to light.

To Monica, who was growing pale, Yuan spoke with a smile.

"Naturally, we will not make the announcement in the name of the empire All we need to do is reveal the truth, along with the evidence, to the anti-Duke Crockford faction among the nobles of the Ridill Kingdom Perhaps the Count of Bright would be suitable?"

The Count of Bright. He was Keith's father, who had once conspired to assassinate Felix.

Why was Keith's father's name being mentioned here? The reason became clear with a little thought.

"We have connections with the nobles in the Ridill Kingdom To be precise, through the Randall Kingdom."

The Randall Kingdom was a small country situated between the two dominant powers of the Ridill Kingdom and the empire. For the past few decades, they have managed to maintain a neutral position, avoiding any conflicts. However, it appeared that they were now leaning towards the empire.

Yuan devised a plan to reveal the truth about the "fake second prince" to the anti- Duke Crockford faction in the Ridill Kingdom, using the Randall Kingdom as a conduit.

It was not difficult to envision that this revelation would create internal strife within the Ridill Kingdom.

The empire could weaken the Ridill Kingdom without deploying a single soldier.

"Ah, I must mention that even if you were to eliminate Heidi and me here, it would be futile As I mentioned earlier, my master possesses exceptional foresight Tell me, do you comprehend why I agreed to your session of questions?"

Yuan regarded Monica with a slightly pitying gaze.

"Because once you discover the truth, there is nothing you can do."

Indeed, just as Yuan had stated.

The empire had become aware of Felix's true identity as an impostor. Undoubtedly, they possessed evidence at the ready All they needed to do was expose the truth when Felix ascended to the throne.

And Monica had no means to prevent it.

"Hey, Miss Silent Witch. My master has a proposition for you."

As Monica looked up skeptically, Yuan spoke in a coaxing tone.

"Why not join our side?"


Taken aback by these unexpected words, Monica's eyes widened, and Yuan playfully winked at her.

"The primary reason we accepted your invitation is this. Our master The emperor wishes to extend an invitation to you."

Yuan extended his hand towards Monica.

The hand that had taken countless lives, stained with blood, swayed and beckoned to Monica.

"Instead of witnessing the decline of the Ridill Kingdom, why not come to our empire, Monica Everett, the Silent Witch?"

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