620 Let’s Begin
After a while, the sun was warm enough and the fog on the sea dissipated a lot. When the chatting CEOs saw that it was about time, they looked at Ye Xuan and spoke.

“Chairman Ye, there’s no fog now. Shall we start?”

After saying that, just as he was about to board the boat, he suddenly saw a large black fleet coming from afar.

The ships in this fleet were all luxuriously configured, and they were twice the size of these fishing boats. The people on the ships were elites. Just looking at them from afar was enough to make people exclaim.

The CEOs were all shocked by this fleet. The smiles on their faces froze like sour milk. They looked at the fleet and discussed this scene in disbelief.

“This… What’s going on… Why is there a fleet here? Did something happen here? Why is there a fleet here? Does anyone know?”

“I— I don’t know. I don’t know why a fleet suddenly came. What’s going on?”

“Don’t you know? I don’t know either. This is too shocking. The fleet has already arrived. Did you see that? Those ships are each more advanced than the other. It’s too advanced.”

“Indeed. It looks too advanced. I don’t know why the fleet would come here. Fishing isn’t banned in this sea. Why would these fleets come here?”

“It’s really too strange. Moreover, the configuration of these fleets is too good. Look at our fishing boats. They’re simply not enough. Could these fleets be here to fish?”

“Haha, CEO Li, what are you saying? How can this fleet be here to fish? Which fleet is here to fish?”

“Then why else would they come? It’s strange. The fleet even came to the port. This is the first time I’ve seen it.”

Ye Xuan looked at the CEOs and smiled. Seeing how puzzled and shocked they were, he was also happy. Then, he took a step forward and explained to the CEOs.

“How is it, CEOs? Is my fleet mighty?”


These words simply scared the CEOs so much that they trembled. They were already shocked enough earlier, but now that they knew that this fleet was actually called over by Chairman Ye, they were even more shocked. They looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief and spoke in shock.

“C— Chairman Ye, did you call this fleet over? This is too exaggerated. Oh my god.”

“Chairman Ye, you’re really here to fish. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen anyone use a fleet to fish in my long life. Chairman Ye, you’re really generous!”

“This is simply too mighty. That fleet looks really advanced. Chairman Ye is indeed Chairman Ye. He’s really amazing!”

“This has really widened my horizons. I’ve opened my eyes today. Chairman Ye’s ability is really extraordinary. He actually pulled an entire fleet over to fish. Aiyo, this young master is really amazing.”

Although the CEOs said this, they seemed to be shocked. All of them praised how mighty and powerful Ye Xuan’s fleet was, how generous Ye Xuan was, and how extraordinary he was.

However, they were all extremely speechless. Everyone used a fishing boat, but Ye Xuan had brought a fleet over alone. How could their fishing boats compare to this fleet? It was filled with elite equipment, and the people fishing were all top-notch professionals. They were not simply people who grew up by the sea, were good at swimming, and fished for a living.

These people had always lived on the sea. By smelling the sea, they knew where there were many fish and where the fish swam. How could these fishing boats compare?

What was the point of playing?

Although they thought so, the CEOs definitely did not dare to say it out loud. Since the fleet was already here, it was useless to say anything else. They only hoped that their fishing boats would shine later and catch the most fish. After all, other than hoping for luck, there was no other way. They could only get over it.

After a while, the black shadow of the fleet on the sea got closer and closer before stopping at the port.

As they got closer, the luxurious, noble, and high-end feeling of the ships was perfectly reflected. The CEOs looked up and the shock on their faces intensified. It was really breathtaking.

Seeing that the fleet had arrived, Ye Xuan didn’t waste any time. He looked at the CEOs and smiled.

“Then let’s begin. CEOs, I’ll get on the ship first. I’ll see you at noon.”

The rules of fishing were that they could fish for the entire morning. It was eight in the morning now, and there were still four hours until noon. With just four hours, it was indeed difficult to stand out from everyone.

After all, fish were not stupid. It was impossible for them to stay under the water in groups and wait for them to catch them.

They were all very smart. When they sensed any movement, they would slip away. Usually, when people went out to sea to fish, they would only return after a day. This was only a small fight. The big fishing boats would go out for a few days or even half a month. Fish looked easy to catch, but there were actually many tricks.

It was the same principle as hunting. It was just that one was on land and the other was in the sea. One knew more about humans and the other did not know much about humans.

However, just because they knew less about humans did not mean that they were stupid. Therefore, four hours was still very tight.

When the CEOs heard Ye Xuan’s words, they recovered from their shock and hurriedly boarded their fishing boats to sail towards the sea. After all, time was precious. They had to hurry up and catch more fish than others in four hours.

For a moment, the port became much quieter. The fishing boats scattered in all directions, and the fleet returned the way it had come and disappeared into the white fog.

After a while, everyone found a suitable spot and began to cast a net to catch fish. Time was tight, so they could not cast a big net. They would reel in the net after the fish entered. Most of them used a one-time method. They would reel in the net after circling once.

There were not many fish caught, but it was relatively efficient. It was just a little costly. Fortunately, everyone had prepared enough nets for this fishing competition. Moreover, the quality was very good, so there was no need to worry too much.

Meanwhile, Ye Xuan was standing on the deck of the ship and looking at the sea view in the distance. He enjoyed the sea breeze.

Now, the ship had anchored. The sea was calm, and there seemed to be no sign of fish.

However, this was the effect that Ye Xuan wanted, so he instructed a captain standing beside him.

“Go and inform them to set up a net here. Use the largest net and drive the ships around. All six ships will cast a large net and reel in the nets in two hours.”
“Yes, Chairman Ye.”

The captain replied and turned to the other side. He held a wireless walkie-talkie and instructed everyone.

“All of you! Start casting the net now. Take the largest and best fishing nets and drive the ships around. We’ll reel in the nets in two hours!”


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