580 Uneasy
“It’s the environment. In my era, there were people everywhere. You know, they all did that kind of business. I didn’t have a reason to go to school properly. I was very poor and was about to starve to death.”

“Look at this helicopter. Compared to our environment back then, it’s really f*cked up. I can already imagine the feeling of sitting on this helicopter and playing everywhere.”

“If I bring two girls from England and a glass of 1982 Lafite, oh my god, it’ll be too satisfying.”

“To be honest, there isn’t a day when I don’t wonder when I can become rich. However, I’ve accomplished nothing in the past 38 years. I don’t know why.”

“You didn’t get a gift from the Father, that’s all.”


“Yes, that’s how I comfort others.”

“Okay, you’re doing great.”

While the foreigners were talking, Ye Xuan and his sisters came to the backyard and headed straight for the helicopter.

At this moment, a burly man in a suit and sunglasses was already standing in front of the helicopter. When he saw Ye Xuan, he jumped down the cabin and lowered the stairs to welcome Ye Xuan and his sisters into the helicopter. This scene stunned the surrounding foreigners.

Because of the long-term environmental impact, they subconsciously thought that it would be a helicopter from an investor or a soccer star in Europe and America. However, they never thought that it would be from China in Asia. Since it was indeed rare for Asians to take a helicopter, they were very shocked.

They were even more amazed by their sisters’ beauty and discussed this matter again.

“Oh my god, they’re actually Chinese. They’re Chinese, right? They should be Chinese. They’re so beautiful. I’ve never seen such beautiful women. They have the aura of Chinese beauties.”

“That figure and appearance are really amazing. I’ve never seen such beautiful women. They’re really amazing. If I marry her, my life will be worth it.”

“To be honest, I’ve always been deeply afraid of the mysterious Eastern countries. Their culture and those academics that I can’t understand at all amazed me every time. Most importantly, the women there are especially interesting. I think that that is really the most beautiful place on Earth, a place where all the beauties in the world are gathered.”

“The more you understand Eastern civilization, the more terrified they become. I was once obsessed with Chinese culture, but after I understood it in depth, I realized that I couldn’t understand it at all. Take these Chinese beauties for example. I really don’t understand why they have the smell of a zither all over their bodies. They’re floating. Yes, they’re called fairies.”

“They don’t look old. They’re really beautiful. I wonder which family these princesses are from. Are they all sisters?”

“They all look similar. They should be sisters. This kind of thing is very common. They can take a helicopter at this age. Look at us. It’s really infuriating to compare ourselves.”

“I often read about ancient families in Chinese novels. Those families are passed down from generation to generation and have never been shown in the secular world. I think these beauties look like they’re from an ancient family. They’re too interesting.”


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“Are you crazy from reading novels? Are there still ancient families in this era? Don’t be ridiculous. I think they’re just the children of a rich family. However, to be able to come to Summer Island and even take a helicopter, their background must be quite powerful.”
“Many years ago, no one believed in the Rothschild Family. Have you heard of this family?”

“If you’re too free, go back and do something. Flying has been banned on Summer Island for a long time. Other than airlines or ferries, if they can take a helicopter here, it’s obvious that these beauties have extraordinary backgrounds. They might be from the Chinese government, or they’re from aristocratic families and the top echelons of society. I’m really amazed.”

“I think so too. I didn’t expect to see such a shocking scene here today. Sigh, I wonder what level of person they are. Fortunately, I didn’t provoke them previously.”

“I even ordered coffee for them at the Tea Rice restaurant. Fortunately, I knew better than to provoke them. Otherwise, I would probably be swinging a pickaxe in the mines in Africa and mining while being whipped.”

“Alternatively, the police will contact your family the next day and ask them to claim your body.”

“Hahaha, that’s not necessary. From what I know, the Chinese are still very benevolent. They usually won’t do such a thing. At most, I’ll lose two limbs.”

“I agree. It’s fine to tease them a little, but it’s a big problem to touch them. I like the Chinese very much and they’re very suitable to be friends. Most importantly, they’re smart and can always think of some strange ideas. This is what we’ve always lacked.”

“To be honest, I’ve always had a good impression of China, so I’ve never flirted with Chinese beauties. I respect them very much. Their country has never invaded any country and has always been helping others. I’m really grateful.”

“However, there’s no lack of trash. In the entire Asia, other than China, I really can’t find another place that really has morals or has citizens look human.”

“You know who I’m talking about in your hearts. A country without a stain is worthy of the respect of the entire world. I hope that nothing will happen to these beauties on Summer Island in the future, especially when it comes to dark-skinned people like you. If anything goes wrong, I’ll be the first to ask you. Don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

“Hey, Sir, we’re just here for afternoon tea. We’re all good citizens. Don’t blame us for what those people did.”

“I sympathize with you, but I can’t tolerate the appearance of sin. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that a lot of sins have appeared on your heads. Everyone can see it, so behave yourselves.”

“Okay, officer…”

“Okay, sir…”

At this moment, Ye Xuan and his sisters boarded the helicopter. The man in the suit with sunglasses also retracted the ladder and closed the hatch. When the helicopter closed the hatch, the wings instantly increased the rotational speed, and noise and strong winds followed.

After a while, it slowly took off and flew vertically into the sky. After reaching a certain height, it flew into the distance.

The interior walls of this helicopter were covered with high-grade soundproofing, so they could not hear much noise after closing the hatch. At the very least, they could still hear conversations clearly.

There were two very long sofas in the cabin. They were made of the softest natural latex cushions. At this moment, his sisters were sitting on the sofa with uneasy expressions.


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