562 Hidden Merit and Fame
“Alright, let’s do this. Let’s split into two teams. One winner will be chosen from each team, and then the two of them will enter the finals.”

“Alright, let’s go with the two teams just now. Team A will compete first. We’ll watch.”

“Alright, then come quickly, sisters. Let’s go first!”

“It’s here, it’s here!”


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With that, the sisters of Team A entered the light green seawater in the shoal area under the lead of their Big Sister Ye Wan.
This area was not big. A round trip was only 50 meters long. It was still suitable for everyone.

After they were ready, the sisters swam out under the preparatory sound of Ye Xin, the leader of Team B. Among them, their Big Sister was the fastest. She was the first to reach the turning point. Then, she turned around and swam back.

Following closely behind was Fifth Sister Ye Fei. As the famous Heavenly Queen of the music industry, there was no need to mention Ye Fei’s lung capacity. Therefore, in a short while, she surpassed her Big Sister and finally won the championship.

The other sisters slowly swam to the finish line. They looked at their Fifth Sister Ye Fei with unconvinced expressions as if they were saying, “I made a mistake. Otherwise, I would definitely swim faster than you.”

However, the truth was the truth. No one could do anything about it. Then, Team B went to the water with their Third Sister Ye Xin leading the way.

After everyone was ready, Fifth Sister Ye Fei shouted “start” and everyone jumped out. In the beginning, their speed was almost the same.

However, after turning back, Third Sister Ye Xin immediately exerted her strength and instantly surpassed everyone by a large margin. After all, Third Sister Ye Xin practiced martial arts. She often swam and worked out. Naturally, she had a certain advantage. It was within everyone’s expectations that she would surpass everyone.

Seeing that everyone had been left behind, Ye Xin smiled smugly. Looking at the approaching finish line in front of her, she was overjoyed. However, all of a sudden…

She felt a big black figure rush past her like a yacht. Water splashed all over Third Sister Ye Xin’s face, stunning her.

She wouldn’t believe it no matter what. She didn’t expect Ye Xuan to swim so quickly. He was even more ferocious than a strong swimmer. Was this the advantage of being small?

However, she did not know about this. The only thing she knew was that she had lost. She had lost completely.

Even though she might not even know how she lost.

As for the other sisters, they were even more unaware. They swam with their heads lowered. After reaching the shore, they realized that they did not even rank in the top three. They immediately revealed unconvinced expressions.

The sisters on the shore looked at Ye Xuan’s speed and felt deep admiration. However, Fifth Sister Ye Fei didn’t take him seriously. After all, this speed wasn’t very fast. She felt that she still had the ability to compete with her little brother.

Then, it was the final match between Ye Xuan and Fifth Sister Ye Fei. Everyone was worried and wanted to see who would win.

Just now, Ye Xuan deliberately held back his strength, so his sisters didn’t see Ye Xuan’s true strength clearly. They placed their hopes on Ye Fei and wanted to let Ye Xuan, who had never lost before, suffer and dampen Ye Xuan’s spirit.

Seeing that the two of them were ready, Big Sister Ye Wan gave the signal to start.

Instantly, Fifth Sister Ye Fei seized the initiative. With the advantage of being the first to attack, she naturally had a higher chance of winning.

Behind her, Ye Xuan still hadn’t moved. This made Fifth Sister Ye Fei reveal a smug smile.

However, just as she was feeling smug, she heard a loud splash from the side.

The figure splashed past her like a cheetah. Then, in a few seconds, it rushed back. By the time she reacted, the competition had already ended.

“I announce! The winner is our Little Brother!”

Hearing her Big Sister’s voice, Fifth Sister Ye Fei was numb. She turned her head and looked at Ye Xuan, who was already standing on the podium, in disbelief.

A cry sounded in her ears, making her feel like she was in a dream. It was not real at all.

She didn’t even know how exactly Ye Xuan swam such a long distance in a few seconds.

Even an engine couldn’t travel at such a fast speed, right?

Her heart was filled with questions that could not be answered. It made her entire body numb and she could not swim anymore.

However, the truth was the truth. This was something that could not be denied no matter what.

It was also something that could not be changed or slandered no matter what.

Meanwhile, Ye Xuan looked at his Fifth Sister Ye Fei, who was in a daze in the water, and was happy. After all, this speed was too shocking. It was reasonable for her to be stunned for a while.

His sisters were also dumbfounded as they looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief. They pulled his small body around as if they wanted to see if there was an engine on Ye Xuan’s body. The splash was as big as the jet behind a yacht.

Moreover, his speed was so fast that everyone thought that Fifth Sister Ye Fei, who had a huge lung capacity, would win. They did not expect Ye Xuan to swim so fiercely. He was simply inhuman.

It was like a 50-meter race. Everyone thought that the cheetah would win, but a creature that was twice as fast as the cheetah suddenly appeared. How could everyone not be surprised?

Then, they discussed this matter in shock.

“No way, Little Brother. Are you a modified person? Did you install an engine on your body? Isn’t this speed too fast?”

“Oh my god, it’s simply like flying on the water. Your hand even left afterimages. It’s too terrifying.”

“This is simply cheating. Little Brother, how did you do it? It’s too ridiculous. Is this the advantage of being small?”

“I’ve never seen anyone swim so fast. It’s as if they’re one with the water.”

“This is too ridiculous, too ridiculous. I’m dumbfounded.”

“It’s indeed too terrifying. This has simply broken the Guinness World Record. Oh my god.”

“Little Brother, you’re simply a swimming god. I’m stunned. I’ve never seen or heard of such speed.”

“Look, your Fifth Sister is stunned. She’s at a loss in the water. It’s as if she’s dreaming.”

“Hahaha, I’m dumbfounded. I’m also dumbfounded. This speed is simply ridiculous.”

Hearing his sisters’ shocked voices, Ye Xuan smiled and looked at the dazzling sunset, hiding his achievements.

“Alright, let’s go eat. It’s almost dark.”

Seeing that the surrounding sky was gradually darkening, Ye Xuan couldn’t help but urge her. Then, he went into the water and dragged his Fifth Sister Ye Fei, who was still in a daze, up. He brought his sisters to the dining area.

Not far behind the beach was the commercial street. There were many hotels, hotels, cafeterias, convenience stores, and so on.

Ye Xuan scanned the dazzling cafeteria and asked his sisters.

“Sisters, what do you want to eat?”


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