545 Self-Admitting Inferiority
With that, the CEOs downed the Maotai in their cups in one go. Then, they filled their glasses again and toasted the sisters. After all, they were Chairman Ye’s biological sisters. They had to respect them.

After toasting, the CEOs all sat down. They looked at the bamboo shoots and fish on their plates with smiles.

Ye Xuan also finished the freshly squeezed grape juice in his cup in one gulp. Then, he picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish meat to put in his bowl. He spoke to the CEOs.

“Everyone, eat quickly. Don’t be so polite. Be casual and try the saltiness of this fish.”

Only then did the CEOs dare to move their chopsticks. They couldn’t wait to pick up the fish and taste it.

As soon as the taste buds on the tip of their tongues touched the fresh fragrance of the fish, the CEOs immediately revealed surprised expressions and sighed.

“Wow, Chairman Ye, your cooking is really amazing.”

“This is too delicious. I’ve eaten all the delicacies in China for so many years, but I’ve never eaten such delicious food. It’s too delicious. Chairman Ye, you’re too amazing!”

“I can’t taste any seasoning in this fish. It seems that Chairman Ye only used salt, but the strange thing is that there’s no salty taste. It feels like it contains many flavors. I can’t describe it at all. It’s worth remembering.”

“Chairman Ye’s culinary skills are really magical. This is the first time I’ve learned that dishes can be so delicious. This kind of dish without seasoning is the true taste of food!”

“When I was young, I heard the elders in my family talk about this. Back then, a person called the Divine Chef appeared in our village. At that time, he was too famous and was recruited by the Empress Dowager to cook in the palace. He was doted on by the Empress Dowager for a while. I heard from the elders that the Divine Chef never put in any soy sauce or condiments when he cooked. However, at that time, there didn’t seem to be any chicken essence, oyster sauce, or anything else. In any case, he didn’t put in any condiments. The dishes he made were the same as Chairman Ye’s. They simply had endless aftertaste. Every time someone ate them, they would talk about it for half a month and crave it all day.”

“Chairman Ye is really capable. It’s very difficult to find a divine chef like Chairman Ye on the market now. Those chefs can’t wait to marinate all the dishes in seasonings. What else can I eat? They might as well let me drink soy sauce and eat chicken.”

“Hehehe, impetuousness is like the skin of an onion. It will wrap around you layer by layer. In the end, you will forget your original intentions and the nature of everything. You can’t be like this as a person. Chairman Ye has really taught me a great principle today. I’ve learned something.”

“CEO Zhang, you’re right. Many people nowadays, especially young people, are like this. They will put a stroke of ink on white paper, but they don’t think it looks good, so they add another stroke of ink. It looks a little better, but it’s not enough. Then, they add another stroke and another stroke. In the end, does it really look good? It doesn’t look good at all. At a glance, it’s all layers of threads. Only those equally impetuous people can’t see how dirty and complicated the work is under the thick ink and colors. This is because their white paper is also made of layer after layer. It deceives the viewer and themselves. As the saying goes, great art is natural. I’ve completely understood the meaning of this saying from Chairman Ye’s meal today.”

“A meal of bamboo shoots and fish with Zen. Hehe, as expected, logic is always hidden above everything in life.”

“Eating this meal is better than studying for ten years, hehehe.”


Ye Xuan did not expect the CEOs to understand so much from a meal. This was indeed unexpected. This was as expected of the top business tycoons in China. They were indeed smart.


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However, he did not say much. He picked up his chopsticks and picked up a few more pieces of fish for his sisters before eating himself.
Because it was too delicious, this meal did not take long. In about half an hour, they finished everything. Everyone’s mouths were covered in oil, and their eyes were shining. They looked like they had not eaten enough and were not satisfied.

However, there were only so many dishes. Although there were still some fish that had not been cooked, they could not trouble Chairman Ye to cook again. Hence, they stopped thinking about it and leaned back in their chairs to rest.

Before they could rest for two minutes, a subordinate in a suit walked into the villa. He looked at CEO Zhang Feng and spoke softly.

“President Zhang, the calligraphy and painting master of the Tianjing Calligraphy Association is here.”

When the CEOs heard this, they all revealed puzzled expressions. They looked at one another and did not know why this calligraphy and painting master from the Tianjing Calligraphy Association had come to this resort.

CEO Zhang Feng naturally saw everyone’s doubts and explained.

“Ah, that calligraphy and painting master, Zhou Li, is here to write some words for our resort. Why don’t we go take a look together?”

All the CEOs were enlightened. This resort had just opened not long ago. It did have a name, but it had not been consecrated with special calligraphy. Its aura was a little lacking.

Therefore, they all agreed and nodded.

“That’s good. Let’s see how this master’s handwriting is.”

“After all, he’s from the Tianjing Calligraphy Association. He naturally has some skills. Let’s see if his calligraphy has that kind of charm.”

“Don’t say that. In the past, I didn’t know much about calligraphy. Later on, I saw many pieces and learned a little. Only then did I understand some of the principles involved. When a calligraphy piece is written well, it does make one feel very comfortable when looking at it.”

“Good words are all-encompassing. Chinese culture is broad and profound. This is a concept that foreigners can’t understand no matter what.”

“Let’s go, let’s go and broaden our horizons.”

“Chairman Ye, let’s go take a look together. This way, please.”

“Chairman Ye, please!”

Ye Xuan nodded and stood up to walk in front with his sisters. Under the guidance of the CEO, Zhang Feng, he walked to the other side.

He was still very interested in this calligraphy and painting master from the Tianjing Calligraphy Association, Zhou Li. He wanted to see what level he was at.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

On the small road at the village entrance of the resort, a middle-aged man in his fifties walked proudly. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit. He also had a goatee and a ruddy face.

Behind him were three young men in Chinese tunic suits. These young men also had a hint of arrogance on their faces. Their facial features could not be said to be exquisite and upright, but they had the aura of calligraphy and paintings.

At this moment, many people who had come to the resort to play stood around. They recognized Zhou Li at a glance and exclaimed.

“Wow, it’s the calligraphy and painting master of the Tianjing Calligraphy Association, Zhou Li. I didn’t expect to meet him at the resort.”

“He even has three disciples behind him. Master Zhou Li is really amazing. Back then, he was the champion of five consecutive calligraphy competitions and was respectfully addressed as the current Wang Xizhi. Even the judges admitted their inferiority when faced with his calligraphy and painting skills.”


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