449 Live-Stream Teaching

“I’ve seen many self-defense techniques. Many of their actions are not standardized. For example, when the criminal holds a knife to one’s back, they say that you should reach out to snatch the knife and turn around to attack. I really, really don’t recommend this action.”

“There are three reasons. First, when you try to snatch the knife, you have to know that you will do it with a backhand, while the criminal is holding the knife with his hand. A person holds the knife tightly when holding it normally, so it’s impossible for a person to snatch the criminal’s knife like in the video.”

“Moreover, if you try to snatch it back, it will be difficult for you to exert strength. Even if you catch the knife, you won’t be able to exert strength. In the end, it will be very easy to anger the criminal and cause irreversible damage.”

“Second, there’s the problem of reaction and posture. No matter what, the criminal has a chance to attack first. There can’t be any luck in this matter.”

“I think those unscrupulous videos show them snatching the knife. I think they have ulterior motives and don’t care about their lives at all. Under such circumstances, once you make a move, the criminal can immediately attack. There’s no time to turn around and snatch the knife.”

“Even for a trained person, it’s not easy to act like this. Once you make a mistake, your life will be in danger, so I don’t recommend everyone to do this.”

“Lastly, the third point involves an environmental problem. This is because the places where the criminals attacked are definitely dark alleys and other places with no one around. Or rather, there are other places. Let’s take the dark alley as an example.”

“A person can’t see their surroundings clearly for a moment when they walk into a dark alley from a bright place. What if you are attacked in this situation? In addition…”

Ye Chan watched from the side as her Third Sister spoke with relish. She listened very seriously.

Her Third Sister’s teaching was indeed professional. She spoke logically and without any nonsense. It was all on the point. Not only was Ye Chan serious, but even the viewers in the live-stream were instantly immersed in it and discussed her teaching.

[Wow, a Chinese martial arts master is indeed a Chinese martial arts master. She’s really professional. I’ve long felt that the videos taken by those marketing accounts were complete nonsense. Now that I hear Sister Xin say it, it’s really on point.]

[Her teaching is full of content. I love it. As expected of a master.]

[No, I’m just puzzled. If that’s the case, won’t there be nothing we can do if the criminal stabs us in the back with a knife?]

[What’s the hurry? Sister Xin hasn’t started talking yet. She’s just correcting those mistakes.]

[That’s right. I feel that that person is a troll. He’s about to start arguing halfway through. Everyone, ignore him.]

[Continue watching. She’s starting to teach.]

“Alright, I’ve finished talking about the mistakes. Everyone, remember this so that you won’t forget it when the time comes.”

“Next, it’s time for teaching. First of all, based on what I just said about being stabbed in the back by a criminal, I’ll give everyone a few solutions here.”

After Ye Xin finished speaking, she picked up a cup of tea and took a sip to moisten her throat. Then, she returned to her cell phone and stood sideways, pretending to be stabbed in the back by the criminal.

“Alright, let’s say that I was kidnapped by a criminal. He pressed a knife against my back. I’ll teach the girls with good flexibility first.”

“It’s actually very simple. Ah, just raise your leg high and poke the criminal’s shoulder with the tip of your foot. Do you see that? That’s it. Hit the shoulder of whichever side he is holding the knife with. You have to use strength and speed. Because the shoulder is connected to the hand, there are acupuncture points and some tendons on the shoulder. This will cause him to be unable to hold the knife for a moment. After we kick his shoulder, we will immediately break free from his other hand that’s strangling his neck.”

As Ye Xin spoke, she raised her leg from the front and placed it above her shoulder. Then, she lowered her leg and demonstrated to the audience.

When everyone saw this action, they did not expect it and immediately started discussing.

[Impressive. This move can work. It really can. Girls are shorter. A kick can reach the criminal’s shoulder.]

[What if a 1.7-meter-tall girl like me faces a 1.6-meter-tall criminal…]

[Indeed, there are still many drawbacks. It’s impossible for everyone to just kick the shoulder. Moreover, the requirement for flexibility is still very high.]

[If you can kick his shoulder, you can also kick his face. You can just raise his leg and kick his face. He will definitely suffer.]

[Is the user in front an idiot? If you kick his face, the criminal will be in pain, but he will still have strength in his hands. He can show you a white knife going in and a red knife going out.]

[Haha, that’s right. If you kick the criminal’s shoulder, it can make the criminal’s hand weak for a short period of time. Even if you don’t kick it well, you can make his hand lose its balance and quickly break free so that you can use Ah Wei’s Eighteen Moves.]

[Hahaha, don’t be anxious. Sister Xin hasn’t finished speaking. There are some issues now. Let’s slowly watch the stream.]

Ye Chan felt the same when she saw everyone’s discussion. There were too many uncertain factors, so it was not easy to do this.

At this moment, Ye Xin lowered her legs and stood sideways. She stretched out her hand and continued.

“Alright, let’s talk about boys now. It’s a little difficult to raise your legs high. Moreover, even some girls might be taller than the criminals. It might not be easy to kick their shoulders, so there’s such a method.”

“It’s using your elbow to push against the criminal’s arm. It’s the muscle on the arm holding the knife. It’s very weak there. Once you push it up, you can cause the criminal’s hand to cramp temporarily. At this moment, you can break free and prevent the criminal from committing a crime.”

“Ah, let me show everyone. That’s it. When you’re being held hostage, push him and hit his ribs or stomach. Then, you can break free with your other hand.”

As Ye Xin spoke, she demonstrated a set of movements. First, she would block the criminal’s hand that was holding the knife and cause him to cramp. Then, she would hit the other side of his stomach or ribs to break free.

In order to prevent other situations from happening, Ye Xin also displayed a few other moves to deal with knives. She also displayed the self-defense techniques one should use after breaking free. She showed everyone how to dodge the criminal’s knife and put him down.

There were many moves that answered almost all the audience’s doubts and perfectly resolved all the problems.

It formed a perfect process that made the audience gasp in amazement. They were shocked and teased her.

[Criminal: You didn’t expect this, did you? I’m also in the live-stream!]

[Criminal: I understand. I’ve already started learning.]

[Speaking of which, what if the criminals don’t cooperate with me?]

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