324 Going Back

Faced with the supervisor’s domineering accusation, the fan who hit the security guard was also stunned.

She did not expect the other party to be so domineering.

Where did this supervisor get the confidence to criticize consumers like this?

He even canceled KFC’s tenancy!

What right did he have?

How dare he, a mere supervisor, offend an international corporation like KFC?

Just because of this security officer?

It was simply unbelievable!

Wasn’t this supervisor afraid that this group of female fans with off-the-charts combat power would go online and give Huaxing Plaza bad reviews?

One had to know that these fans were best at voting on the rankings every day. In particular, weren’t online celebrities with a devoted fan base like Han Yu created because his female fans followed the slogan, “With one vote from you and one vote from me, Han Yu will debut tomorrow”?

Wasn’t Huaxing Plaza afraid that they would be voted against tomorrow?

The female fan opened her mouth slightly and was about to say something when Han Yu walked over and stood in front of the female fan. He said to the supervisor, “Go ahead and sue me! At most, I’ll pay for the security officer’s medical fees. I was the one who saw that security officer wanted to attack my fan. It’s fine if a man doesn’t protect a girl, but he actually wants to hit a woman!”

Han Yu’s words caused the surrounding fans to scream.

Seeing that their idol had stood up, the surrounding fans naturally followed their idol. They pointed at the supervisor and scolded, “That’s right! It was clearly the security officer of Huaxing Plaza who wanted to hit others, but Han Yu stopped them in time! Not only did you not reflect and apologize, but you even counterattacked! Han Yu was just defending himself and attacked to protect his fans.”

“That’s right, that’s right. Han Yu is indeed my idol. He’s a real man. I really didn’t misjudge him. Han Yu is too handsome!”

The surrounding fans also looked like they were infatuated with him.

When Han Yu heard this, he was also proud. It seemed that his actions of protecting his fans had won the favor of many fans.

Han Yu also felt that he was extremely handsome.

Han Yu knew very well that as a popular celebrity who could not sing well, could not dance, and did not have any acting skills, he could become famous not by relying on his ability, but by using his character. Therefore, weren’t his most important clients these female fans?

They were all ordinary girls, and they were basically repressed people who were very active on the Internet.

If he wanted to win the favor of such a repressed crowd, the key was to create a gentle persona who would protect their fans and help them fight against the “injustice” they encountered in their lives.

At this moment, it didn’t matter if this supervisor jumped out. He happened to be the kind of “villain” that Han Yu needed.

Han Yu thought about it and decided to resist even more fiercely. Only then would his persona have the sorrow of fighting against injustice.

As for the truth, the fans and netizens did not care. As long as Han Yu insisted that the supervisor and security officer were bullying the poor girl, it would be fine.

“I didn’t expect the supervisor of Huaxing Plaza to be such a person. He’s really bullying others! If you do this, even if you don’t say anything, I’ll terminate the contract with you, just like KFC! You guys don’t have the spirit of following the contract at all. At that time, it’ll be up to the judge to decide who wants to pay the penalty! Call the police? I’m afraid you won’t call the police—”

Just as he was saying this, Han Yu’s phone suddenly rang.

Han Yu frowned. He was giving a speech and was talking excitedly. Which blind person called him at this time?

He picked up the phone and saw that it was the director of a movie that he had just signed a contract with.

Although he had signed the contract, Han Yu would only join the production team next month. At this moment, the director might have something important to tell him. Han Yu played the male lead of this movie, so he valued this opportunity very much.

Hence, Han Yu quickly picked up the phone and said seriously, “Director Wang? Hello, hello. What’s the matter?”

After a few seconds, Han Yu’s expression changed. He said in surprise, “What? Terminate the contract? Why…”

Before he could ask why, the other party hung up in a hurry, as if Han Yu was a plague.

Then, Han Yu’s phone kept ringing with various notifications. There were calls, text messages, and WeChat messages.

One by one, directors, variety shows, and commercial actors called or sent messages saying that they wanted to terminate the contract.

Han Yu was also flustered as he held his phone. Coupled with the fact that a large number of fans were looking at him, he walked towards the backstage while answering calls.

The fans were also stunned. Why did Han Yu suddenly leave?

After a while, the company’s manager called and said that he wanted to terminate his contract with Han Yu. He even scolded him.

“We’re terminating our contract with you! Come to the company today and take your luggage before leaving. How unlucky. Damn it.”

“What’s going on, Brother Wang?” Han Yu was also stunned. Why did his management company call to terminate the contract?

At this moment, Han Yu felt a chill run down his spine, but he was unwilling to give up. He was secretly looking forward to seeing if that entertainment program was messing with him.

“Are you asking me? I wanted to ask you. How did you offend Huayi Entertainment? It was Huayi Entertainment who sent a message saying that they wanted to ban you. They even said that you were a banned artiste and called for the entire entertainment industry to boycott you.”

Hearing this, Han Yu was stunned and paralyzed with fear.

“H-how is that possible? I didn’t offend anyone, right?” Han Yu sat on the ground and asked with a trembling voice.

“You didn’t offend anyone? In that case, where are you now?” Brother Wang asked disdainfully. He didn’t expect this kid to be so ignorant.

“I… I’m doing a commercial performance at Huaxing Plaza.” As Han Yu spoke, he was suddenly shocked. He thought of how tough the supervisor’s tone was today. Could it be that he had someone supporting him? “I… I hit a security officer to protect my fans.”

“Did you hit someone? Was it to protect your fans? You make it sound so nice, but do you still want to pretend in front of me? You brat, you caused trouble outside again. Forget it, come back. Don’t even think about coming back to the entertainment industry. Go back to your hair salon. As for the penalty for breaching the contract on our side, since you’re a banned artiste now, you still have to pay it. I think the money you’ve earned over the past few years is enough to pay for it. In the future…”

Han Yu stood rooted to the ground. His cell phone gradually slipped from his hand as he shouted, “I’m finished…”

After coming out of the toilet, Ye Xuan and Ye Qian didn’t continue to watch the performance and went straight to the seventh floor of Huaxing Plaza for a meal.

Just as they were eating dessert, Ye Qian’s phone suddenly rang.

Ye Qian picked up the phone. “Hello? Okay… Okay, okay!… No problem!” After saying a few words, she said to Ye Xuan apologetically, “Xiao Xuan, I just received a call and might not be able to accompany you. I’m going back to the research lab. I’m going home to pack my things now.”

“Is it very urgent?” Ye Xuan asked.

Ye Qian nodded firmly.

Ye Xuan put down his spoon and said, “Let’s go back then.”

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