321 Sign-In Again!

Actually, Liu Yanran’s fatigue today did not come from Zhang Fuju, this clown. It was because Ye Xuan did not tell her the amount of the donation, making her awkward and nervous for a long time.

After the cocktail party ended, Ye Xuan went to the rooftop and bade farewell to everyone. Then, he took Liu Yanran and left on the helicopter.

Ye Xuan also understood Liu Yanran’s situation, so he sent her home first. Then, he didn’t go home first but returned to the vicinity of his house.

Then, Ye Xuan changed back into casual clothes and walked home.

The moment he arrived at the entrance of the house, Ye Xuan saw a figure pacing back and forth at the door.

It was his Eighth Sister Ye Qian.

Ye Xuan said, “Eighth Sister, why are you loitering at the door?”

When Ye Qian heard the voice, she immediately turned around and hugged Ye Xuan tightly.

Ye Xuan was almost out of breath before Ye Qian let go of him.

Ye Qian sounded a little tired and blamed Ye Xuan, “Where did you go again?!”

It turned out that Ye Qian had been nervous the entire night when she saw that Ye Xuan had left without saying goodbye.

Ye Xuan could feel her nervousness and said softly, “I… I went out for a stroll.”

“A stroll! You didn’t even tell me you were taking a stroll! You sneaked out! What if something happened?! You didn’t answer my calls!”

Ye Xuan remembered that he had indeed muted his phone after arriving at the event location. He took out his phone and realized that there were really many missed calls…

Indeed, he had returned home a little late tonight.

Feeling guilty, Ye Xuan repeatedly promised his Eighth Sister that he would keep in touch in the future and comforted his Eighth Sister for a long time.

“Eighth Sister, I was wrong. Please forgive me. I won’t dare to do it again.”

“No! You’re a bad brother!” His Eighth Sister covered her face as sobs came from behind her hands.

Ye Xuan panicked. He was most afraid of women crying. “Eighth Sister… My good Eighth Sister… Hey, don’t cry… I… I’m a good brother.”

“No! Unless you agree to one condition of mine, only then will you be a good younger brother!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll definitely promise you!” Ye Xuan quickly spoke.

“You’re going to eat fruit with the robot I made for you!”

Ye Qian had given Ye Xuan the fruit-peeling robot for many days, but Ye Xuan had never used it. Firstly, he resisted fruits, and secondly, he resisted using that silly robot to eat fruits. Therefore, every time Ye Qian looked for him, he would find an excuse to slip away.


After Ye Xuan agreed, Ye Qian removed her hands from her face.

There were no tears on her face at all! So she was pretending to cry!

“Haha, Little Brother, you agreed just now. You’re not allowed to go back on your word!”

Who was the child here…

Ye Xuan was helpless.

The following days were also very peaceful. The only thing that made Ye Xuan dissatisfied was that because he was forced to sign an unfair agreement, Ye Xuan had to be fed fruits by the little robot every day. Moreover, Ye Qian had to record his reaction and adjust the various data of the robot.

Ye Xuan was now a living white mouse!

Who would have thought that the dignified Chairman Ye would be stuffed with all kinds of fruits by a robot and unable to resist?

There was really a counter to everything!

The little robot peeled an apple. Not only did it peel a thick layer of the fruit, but it also insisted on putting it in Ye Xuan’s mouth.

Ye Qian looked at the effect. After recording something on the paper, she turned off the power of the little robot.

“Hmm… From the looks of it, this little robot performed the best when it’s providing strawberries, cherries, and other berries. There’s indeed a small problem with the program’s judgment. By the way, we can add a nutrition calculator to record how much nutrition the user consumes every day. Then, we can choose a recipe for the user and choose a suitable fruit every day. Yes, yes! I’m really a genius!” Ye Qian concluded in satisfaction.

It was more than a small problem. It was a very big problem!

Ye Xuan complained in his heart.

How could he eat apples, pears, pineapples, and so on after the skin was removed and there was only the core left?!

However, Ye Xuan heaved a sigh of relief when his Eighth Sister finally let him off.

Just as Ye Xuan let down his guard, his Eighth Sister suddenly pounced on him and bit Ye Xuan’s face.

“Hey! Eighth Sister! What are you doing?! Don’t bite my face!” Ye Xuan was so frightened that he didn’t dare to struggle, afraid that Ye Qian would bite him. He knew that an eight-year-old child’s face was very tender, so it was normal for his Eighth Sister to drool.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qian took a piece of fruit from the corner of his mouth. Ye Qian stuck out her tongue and showed the fruit to Ye Xuan.

After swallowing the fruit, Ye Qian said, “Seriously, my mouth is filled with powder from being fed by the little robot, and my clothes are stained with juice. Forget it, let’s go take a shower together.”

It was all because his Eighth Sister made a feeding program that was too rough.

Ye Xuan kept cursing in his heart. When he reacted, he was already carried to the bathroom.

“Eighth Sister, what are you doing?! I’m old enough! I can take a shower myself!” Ye Xuan struggled.

However, Ye Qian ignored him and looked down slightly. “Are you very old? Hmph, you’re still young! Now, be good and let me bathe you!”

Then, Ye Xuan was forced to take a shower with his Eighth Sister.

The two of them soaked in the bathtub together. The bathroom was very moist. In the warm water, because it was too comfortable, Ye Xuan felt like he was about to fall asleep.

At this moment, Ye Qian was also resting with her eyes closed.

Ye Xuan signed in while taking a shower.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the gene-editing repair potion formula!]

Eh? had he received a formula?

Ye Xuan looked at the content of the formula curiously.


It had to be known that human cells were divided and replicated every day using genes as a template.

During this period, it was inevitable that there would be wear and tear, mistakes, aging, mutations, and so on.

Many diseases in humans were caused by the duplication of their genes.

For example, cancer was the result of a problem during replication. Ordinary cells would age, and there was a limit to replication. However, cancer cells could replicate infinitely.

In fact, everyone had a certain amount of cancer cells in their bodies, but the immune system in their bodies would constantly eliminate these cells. Only when they passed a certain critical point would it become cancer. At that time, the immune cells would retreat step by step and the army would collapse.

However, the effect of this gene-editing repair potion could repair the genes which had problems with replication and restore the cells to health. It could allow people to have the repair ability of a newborn.

It could be said that it used a person’s own strength to achieve the effect of repairing all diseases.

In terms of treating illnesses and people, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a divine medicine!

Meanwhile, editing genes could not only repair some people’s innate flaws, but also create some superhuman genetic warriors.

In this regard, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a strategic weapon.

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