Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 887: Mystery Journey

As soon as the screen turned, Wang Yi and the illusory figure appeared in a boundless sea of ??fire.

The space was distorted by the fiery flames, forming a strange world.

"Junior Brother Jiujiang, this is the prison burning." Gao Gao smiled.

Wang Yi nodded. He had already learned about many secret realms in advance.

Nine hundred secret realms are more or less dangerous.

According to the normal law, as long as it does not go deep, it is generally not life-threatening.

Like burning a prison, look at the color of the flame to identify the danger, the red flame is not dangerous to the eternal god, the black and red have to pay attention, the complete black flame, the eternal **** can't support it for a long time, if there is a white flame in the depths, only chaos dominates To be able to bear, and the more terrifying flame of nothingness... It is said that the master of chaos can burn.

In addition to the flames, there are other dangers in the burning of the prison.

But the most terrifying thing is the flame of nothingness. When the Eternal True God encounters it, he will surely die!

It is a white flame, and it is a life-and-death situation!

But the flame of nothingness, in the deepest part of the burning prison, as long as you don't die, you won't encounter it.

White flames can be seen from a distance and can be avoided, so these secret realms are dangerous, but not too dangerous.

Wang Yi stared at the boundless sea of ??fire in front of him. "The secret mission of Burning Prison is to search for fire lotus."

"Among them, the nine red fire lotuses are one hundred points."

"Three black fire lotuses are one thousand points."

"One white fire lotus is 10,000 points."

"All completed, it is 11,100 points, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of Chaos Crystals." Wang Yi secretly said in his heart. "For the Eternal True God, it is not a small wealth."

"But the red fire lotus is nothing. It's the easiest to find them after spending time and slowly searching around the periphery. The black fire lotus usually appears near the black flame, which is already a little dangerous for the Eternal True God."

"White fire lotus? If you are lucky, you can find it near the black flame. If you are unlucky, even if you go to the white flame to find it, you may not find one even if you risk your life." Wang Yi shook his head inwardly.

The meaning of the existence of this secret realm is to give the disciples enlightenment, and the second is to train them. Obviously, high-scoring tasks will not be too easy.

"Haha, Junior Brother Jiujiang, I'll take the first step, you should be careful." Gao Gao and Wang Yi chatted a few words, then said goodbye and flew to the other side.

Wang Yi watched Gao Gao's figure disappear and flew to the other side.

When Wang Yi entered the burning prison, his consciousness sensed the various source fluctuations of fire with unprecedented clarity.

It is much different from his cultivation with the Fire Origin Divine Crystal, but this is the induction of the entire external source without any cost.

A Fire Origin Divine Crystal can only allow him to cultivate for a thousand eras.

In front of him, the origin of the flames of the whole world made him realize.

"It's amazing." A tremor appeared in Wang Yi's eyes.

"It is said that some special and rare origin secret realms can help to understand and improve the efficiency of cultivation, which is really good."

Moreover, Wang Yi has already comprehended the origin of the flame, and his sense of the various mysteries of the fluctuation of the origin of this world is even clearer.

If you don't understand the origin of the flame, you won't have the feeling of Wang Yi.

Assuming that the clarity of Wang Yi's perception of the origin of the flame with the flame crystal is 100, then the clarity of the induction is about 20!

"This is only the outermost periphery of the prison." Wang Yi was slightly excited. "It is said that the closer you are to the depths of the burning prison, the more and clearer the mystery of the origin of the flame is sensed. However, the core of the burning prison, it is dangerous to enter the master of chaos. Isn't the eternal true **** courting death?"

In the flames that filled the sky, Wang Yi was flying cautiously.

Although he has many treasures on his body, he left a drop of "undead blood" in the Tongtian Tower, and he can be resurrected after death.

However, it is better to be cautious.

"I have a Chaos Master Palace on me, which should be able to resist white flames."

As for the legendary flame of nothingness...

Even the master of chaos must be faced with caution, and Wang Yi has no clue in his heart.

"To understand the origin of flames here, you will get twice the result with half the effort." Wang Yi enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by the origin.

After comprehending the origin of the flame, coming here is like a fish returning to the sea.

Wang Yi flew all the way toward the depths of the burning prison.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and rewarding one lotus seed from the "Burning Prison Red Lotus". 】

Wang Yi raised his brows and looked at the extra red lotus seed on the panel. It was crystal clear and sparkling, beautiful and moving, and there was a desire to swallow it.

"Is this the lotus seed of the flaming red lotus?" Wang Yi took it out and looked at it carefully.

The Flame Red Lotus, also known as the Burning Prison Red Lotus, is a treasure naturally bred by the Burning Prison.

Its lotus seeds and petals can temporarily enhance the ability to sense the origin of the flame, which is regarded as an auxiliary cultivation treasure.

"The secret mission requires a red lotus, but this is actually a lotus seed." Wang Yi shook his head. Not sure what to say about the stinginess of the panel.

"Try it." Wang Yi swallowed it in one gulp, and sure enough, his sense of the origin of the flames around him became clearer.

If it was twenty before, it should be forty now.

Wang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Prison Burning Red Lotus is so potent. The training effect of Burning Prison Black Lotus is said to be ten times that of Red Lotus, and the effect of Burning Prison White Lotus is a hundred times that of the former! It is said that Burning Prison White Lotus also permanently enhances the user's flame source talent. The effect is definitely a top-level treasure in the minds of practitioners who practice the flame origin path."

"You must get it." Wang Yi was moved.

"Fortunately, although the secret realm quest says to search for treasures, these do not need to be handed in, and they can be left for themselves at that time."

"I have the protection of many treasures such as the Chaos Dominant Palace. Even the black flame area and even the white flame area can be used." Wang Yi took action and accelerated to fly deeper into the prison.

The deeper the prison, the clearer the sense of the origin of the flame.

If the induction range is displayed in numbers, it is forty-one...forty-two...fifty...continuously rising.

As Wang Yi went deeper, the temperature of the surrounding flames continued to rise.

A red and black flame appeared in Wang Yi's sight.

Here, for the Eternal True God, there is already some trouble.

Without the protection of battle armor, the Eternal True God would not dare to touch this flame.

But Wang Yi didn't care.

Not to mention that he is wearing a mechanical treasure "Baqi Sheng" that is close to the holy level, even his own physical defense has reached the limit of the eternal true god!

It can be said that even if Wang Yi wears nothing and goes out naked, these flames may not hurt him.

Wang Yi's current body is so abnormal!

There are only white flames and the legendary flames of nothingness. To make him afraid.

And reminders kept coming in Wang Yi's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and rewarding a "Burning Prison Red Lotus". 】

Finally rewarded with a Prison Burning Red Lotus.

A whole body fiery red, as if a coquettish red lotus made of pure flame appeared on the panel.

A red lotus has twelve lotus seeds.

Wang Yi took it out, shoved it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it after a few sips.

Also smacking his lips.

Cow chew peony is just like that.

The clarity of the induction of the mysterious fluctuations of the source of the surrounding flames has been improved again.


Wang Yi went deep all the way, with constant reminders in his consciousness.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and rewarding three "Prison Burning Red Lotus" lotus seeds. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and rewarding a "Fire Origin Divine Crystal". 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and reward the "Flame Crystal Sand" side. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and rewarding a "Burning Prison Red Lotus". 】


Gao Gao, the illusory figure who had separated from Wang Yi soon, was also searching in the sea of ????fire and comprehend the origin of the flame. Still muttering. "My eighteenth-order secret method, I don't know when it will be created." Gao Gao sighed, its time in the Infinite Universe is running out. So Gao Gao became anxious.

"I need more points to exchange for better secrets and more treasures for cultivation."

"If I can rush into the top 100 next time, I will be able to get more resources, and I will have a little more confidence in becoming the master of chaos."

Gao Gao had longing in his eyes.

The closer to the ten reincarnation era's cultivation time limit, the deeper the sense of urgency in the hearts of these purple-clothed disciples.

When they leave the Wuji Universe, they won't have such a good cultivation environment.

To be honest, he was a little envious of the newcomers who just came in, at least not so troubled.

"The next class dominated by Concubine Yan, I have to listen to it, and let her give some pointers... Why did I search for so long. Can't find a single red lotus?" Gao Gao looked around.

the other side.

Wang Yi looked at the flaming red lotus in the row down the panel.

Before you know it, the task of searching for the nine flaming red lotuses in the secret realm task has been completed.

All of them were rewarded by the panel. As for what he found, there was not a single one.

And also got some other treasures related to the origin of the flame.

"Let's be so-so." Wang Yi reluctantly accepted the result.

He was already in a black and red sea of ????fire, and a black flame river was faintly flowing in the distance.

The temperature here has risen to the point where the Eternal True God can't carry it without the treasures of the palace.

Even if you use the palace treasure, you need to consume divine power all the time to maintain it, and you won't be able to stay in it for long.

But Wang Yi has a Chaos Master Palace, a huge divine body that spans tens of millions of light years, and many treasures that supplement divine power. This is completely true.

Taking out the treasure of the palace obtained in Mi Shenze, Wang Yi slammed into this black world.

Boundless flames surging, majestic!

The Chaos Master Palace can easily withstand the power of this black flame and easily pass through the black sea of ??fire.

There are also some black bolides shot out of the sea of ??fire and accidentally hit, even if the eternal true **** will be severely damaged or even fall!

But for Wang Yi's palace, it can only be lonely.

The shock, transmitted to the palace, even the Void True God couldn't hurt. For Wang Yi, it was no different from listening to a cannonball.

"Oh~ that's wonderful."

With his eyes closed, Wang Yi could feel the fluctuation of the origin of the flame here, and it became clearer!

If it was said that the sensitivity of the red lotus without the flame was 20 before, it is now 100!

It's almost the same effect as using Fire Origin Divine Crystal!

A year of cultivation here is worth a hundred epochs outside!

However, there are not many eternal true gods who have the ability to go deep here and stay there.

In the Wujianlou headquarters, how many purple-clothed disciples can have a palace like Wang Yi?

It is the master of chaos, and many of them are not the treasures of chaos master-level palaces.

"It's really a treasured place for cultivation." Wang Yi sighed.

The black flame area is like this, how much should the white flame area improve the clarity of the source induction?

If you add the edible cultivation effects of Burning Prison Red Lotus, Burning Prison Black Lotus, and Burning Prison White Lotus…

Then the speed of cultivation is still in the sky?

Wang Yi licked his lips.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and rewarding a 'Prison Burning Black Lotus'. 】

The improvement of the panel sounded again, but Wang Yi was no longer satisfied with this gain.

His eyes glowed, and he looked at the depths of the black sea of ??fire with ambition.

Controlling the palace to quickly rush deeper.



The black flames slammed into the palace like an ocean wave. The huge impact force alone was enough to make it difficult for the Eternal True God to move, but the palace still broke through many obstacles and flew towards the depths of the burning prison at an alarming speed.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and rewarding a 'Prison Burning Black Lotus'. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and rewarding a 'Prison Burning Black Lotus'. 】


From time to time, Wang Yi's consciousness still sounded wonderful prompts from the panel.

On the way to practice, two-thirds of the secret realm task has been completed.

But the most important thing is the last one.

Searched for a complete white lotus of the burning prison!

Prison-burning white lotus is usually born in white flames, but will drift to the vicinity of the black flame area with the flow, but generally it can only be found by going deep into the black flame area, so getting the prison-burning white lotus requires not only strength, but also luck !

Wang Yi flew for three epochs before finally seeing a touch of white in the black.

A smile appeared on Wang Yi's face, and the appearance of white flames meant that he was close to the area of ??white flames.

Wang Yi also began to be more cautious.

The power of the white flame is far greater than that of the black flame. When the Eternal True God encounters it, he will be seriously injured if he does not die. Only the Chaos Master or the Chaos Master-level Palace Treasure can resist.

The source fluctuations here are many times clearer than before.

However, Wang Yi's divine power maintained the stable flight of the palace, and the consumption was even more astonishing.

But Wang Yi didn't care too much.


An incomparably hot breath rushed from the front, as if the entire void was on fire.

An endless dazzling white appeared in front, as if the whole world had been erased, leaving only a rolling white.

And Wang Yi also felt the shock of the The speed of divine power consumption suddenly skyrocketed.

If it weren't for the Chaos Master Palace, even the Eternal True God-level Peak Palace Treasure would be destroyed very quickly here.


With this flame temperature, only the Chaos Lord can act freely here.

Even Wang Yi would not dare to touch it directly with his body.

The temperature of that flame is beyond common sense. Even if a universe can be easily destroyed, it can only exist in such a mysterious and mysterious realm.

------off topic-----

I have a single machine, is it okay? If you don’t like it, can you go to another place to watch it? What I wrote is a fan, not the original. Luo Feng only needs to go to Lord Hunyuan. If you want to see what you want, then write it yourself. I can't satisfy everyone. After all, my level is just that low.


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