Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 787: Last Spark

As the various energies intertwined, it seemed to have synthesized some sort of reaction. The surroundings started to warp and shift.

The inky black seawater solidified into land. The bodies of the fleeing clones rapidly shrunk, and the various items on them began to transform into plant-like structures.

Meanwhile, Charles, the central computer, Sparkle, and Lily's forms began to merge under the blinding illumination. Their memories began to intertwine as their powers started to bleed into each other.

As the phenomenon reached its climax, a voice entered the ears of everyone.


It was the first time Charles heard this peculiar chant, and he had no idea what it meant.

However, the central computer had clearly recognized it, and that knowledge was transferred to the others through their shared consciousness.

"This is bad! 004 has been drawn over by the overflowing energy! Immediately initiate the Last Spark protocol at all sites!"

Charles had no idea what 004 was, but he knew that anything ranked at the 4th position was bound to be a force to reckon with.

With a thought, Charles utilized his and Sparkle's combined power. Apart from his shared consciousness with the central computer, Sparkle and Lily were forcefully ejected from the network and teleported far out of the Sea of Mist.

The whispering chant in his ears grew louder and more insistent with each passing second. Charles could feel it deep within his being. Every cell, every organ was starting to tremble; anything that could produce sound was involuntarily joining the chant.

Charles prepared to make his exit as well, but the central computer had no intention of letting him go just like that. Without the assistance of the others, Charles was at a clear disadvantage in this standoff.

When he had finally broken free from the central computer's control after a hard-fought struggle, he realized that he could no longer teleport out of the place on his own.

Charles' deformed body of mangled flesh rapidly contracted, and he gradually returned to his human form.

"NAFL'FTHAGN!!!" A sudden call burst forth within Charles' ears. The force of it was so intense that blood began to trickle from his eyes, ears, and nose.

A proliferating intent seemed to be trying to seize control of his mind. In a moment of desperation, Charles activated the power of his crystalized heart. With that, he managed to regain some semblance of control. At the very least, he could stand again.

Charles looked around and saw that the remaining GK Council members had scrambled onto the central computer, preparing to make their escape,

However, in the same way that Charles couldn't escape, neither could they. Before the massive form of God Pede could make a single movement, his entire body began to break apart and collapse under the overwhelming presence of 004.

In the face of 004, God Pede's battered and brittle shell was nothing more than a fleeting nuisance.

The GK Council members and the translucent skull once again landed not far from where Charles stood.

"It's too late," the central computer declared, its voice filled with solemnity. "004 has entered the Sea of Mist, and there's no way of escape for us. Not us, nor anyone else at the other sites. We are facing a VE apocalypse scenario."

Am I going to die with all of them? The thought entered Charles' mind. Strangely, he found no fear despite knowing his imminent death.

Faced with the impending doom, K9, the most rational of them all, was the first to break down. He dropped to his knees, his sharp claws clenched into fists as he pounded the ground. Crying in despair, he shouted, "I can't accept this! We prepared so many contingency plans! Yet, they are all useless in the face of 004!"

Staring at that sight, Charles let out a low chuckle and it instantly attracted the attention of everyone. In an instant, K9 appeared in front of him. K9 tightened his talon around Charles' throat and lifted the latter up. His voice was seething with fury as he spat, "This is all because of you! You have no idea what you've done!"

"What did I do?" Charles met K9's gaze with an unwavering stare. "I did everything I needed to survive. You tried to kill me, and yet I'm not allowed to retaliate?"

T6 slowly approached the two of them. Her dozen spider eyes landed on Charles, and she said, "Charles, but you didn't survive in the end, did you? You're going to face the same demise as us."

Charles raised his right hand to wipe the flesh blood from the corner of his mouth. The corner of his lips lifted into a sneer. "It doesn't matter. At least after you guys are gone, my loved one, my daughter, and my crew are all safe."

Strangely, at that thought, Charles felt an unexplained sense of peace filling up his entire being. The burden that had been weighing down on his chest seemed to have been lifted.

T6 shook her head slightly. "Safe? Do you really believe they will be safe? 004 could wipe us out easily. The other gods of single-digit ranking can achieve the same feat. There's no safety in this Subterranean Sea.

"Without the Foundation, humanity has lost its only chance of survival against these gods. The future of mankind is bleak."

As the eerie chanting in his ears began to increase in volume, the smile on Charles' face began to fade. A moment later, however, the smile returned to his face.

"I probably won't live long enough for that to happen," Charles replied. "Also, it's better than letting you experiment on my family."

In a rage, K9 threw Charles to the ground brutally before turning to rejoin his fellow council members. It seemed that the central computer had an important announcement to make.

Lying on the uneven surface of the exposed fiber optics cables, Charles didn't bother to get up. He lifted his gaze toward the overhead remnants of SITE 6. The entire underwater stronghold had been torn apart, and the violent tremors were growing stronger, causing debris to rain down from all sides.

His sharp hearing managed to pick up fragments of the conversation between the GK Council members.

"Everyone, there might still be one last chance where we can turn the tide around," the central computer said. "I can sacrifice my power to send one person out—a person who can rebuild the Foundation."

Just one? I guess one person shouldn't be hard to deal with. Anna will be able to handle them easily. A hint of worry crossed Charles' mind, but it was swiftly replaced by a sense of peace,

The GK Council members continued their heated discussion over who was the most suitable candidate for the final gambit.

However, Charles was no longer interested in listening. As the chanting in his ears grew louder, it drowned out everything else. Flashbacks of his experience in the Subterranean Sea started playing in his mind.

As each scene flashed before his mind, he remembered the moments of joy, anger, sorrow, and laughter etched with each memory. A calm smile spread across Charles' face as he allowed himself to indulge in his past memories.

Logically, if I were to die now, wouldn't I transmigrate back home? Maybe when I open my eyes again later, I'll find myself lying on my bed in my little single-room apartment. Charles thought to himself, ignoring everything around him as he quietly awaited his fate.

When he opened his eyes, however, he noticed that the monsters of the GK Council had encircled him. All of them had complex expressions on their faces as they gazed down at him.

"Why? You can't wait to send me off first? Why waste your effort? We can all go together and have each other as company on the River of Styx. I mean, if there really is a River of Styx," Charles said casually, crossing one leg over the other. He placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes once more.

The translucent skull that was the central computer hovered above him and shook its head slightly. "No, we've calculated the probabilities. No matter who we send out, the chances of success are too low. So, we've decided to send you out."

Charles almost thought he had misheard. "What?! I just destroyed the Foundation, and now you are planning to give me that only chance of survival?"

"We do hate you, but the Foundation's principle has always been for the greater good of humanity. Personal feuds are insignificant before the greater goal.

"We've done a thorough analysis of your psyche. We know you'll accept it. The torch passed down from the previous generation of the Foundation is now in our hands, and as we face our end, it's time for someone new to carry it forward."

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