Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 530. Sudden Change

Chapter 530. Sudden Change

The birth of new technology not only revolutionized Hope Island but also invigorated its other industries. The local theaters rode on the wave of the emergence of magnetic tapes and began recording various plays with them. Profits were multiplied, and some actors and actresses were even catapulted to stardom.

While Charles and Planck were still engaged in conversation, the doors of the shop suddenly swung open. The crowd surged forward, and Charles was inevitably pushed into the shop as well.

Compared to the electronics stores of his memories, this place seemed rudimentary. The shelves were lined with bulky, gear-laden appliances spaced far apart.

Charles gently pushed against a washing machine; it probably weighed closer to 150 kilograms. Eyeing the menacing gears exposed in the open, Charles felt that it would be more appropriate to describe it as an ancient torture device than an electronic appliance.

Before Charles could fully take in the "wild," almost barbaric appearance of this washing machine, all stock had been sold out.

A sudden premonition hit Charles all of a sudden. Perhaps in his lifetime, he might witness the technology of the surface world restored in the Subterranean Sea.

Why do I suddenly feel optimistic about the future? Charles mused as a slight smile appeared on his face. Then, he left the store with the throng of customers who had missed out on getting their hands on the available stock.

Days and weeks flew past; Charles found himself adapting to life on land. He would spend a typical day managing the affairs of Hope Island alongside Anna. When he had free time, he would think of solutions to help Lily revert to her human form and to revert Tobba to normal.

There hadn't been any progress, but Charles wasn't particularly anxious. The most important factor was that the island's doctors had meticulously examined Lily and informed him that they found no signs of aging in her body. In other words, even if Charles grew old and passed away, Lily would still remain at the age she was now.

As for Tobba's predicament, he could only leave it up to fate. After all, the old man had been mad for over four hundred years now. What harm was a few more decades?

Without the oppressive burden weighing down on his heart, Charles could finally relax and embrace the tranquility of island life. He enjoyed being stress-free and even contemplated how appealing it would be to continue a simple life like this.

Meanwhile, the other crew members of the Narwhale were also busy with their own matters.

Second Mate Conor had resumed his role as the Minister of Finance.

First Mate Bandages returned to pedaling his green bicycle, sending mail to the island's residents. In the end, he still chose to remain living in the basement unit with his family and didn't move to the island's heart.

Chef Planck had opened his own restaurant and named it "Narwhale's Kitchen." Charles had patronized it a few times, and each dining experience had left him truly impressed.

Boatswain Dipp had assumed the role of Deputy Director of the Relic Research Institute. However, he wasn't that enthusiastic about his work at the institute. Instead, he found more fulfillment in leading District 3 with his wife and solving the island's various challenging cases.

Third Engineer Audric diligently stayed by Doctor Linda's side and helped her out of her depressive episode due to the crumbling of her faith. On their sixth month since their return to the island, Audric proposed to Linda and the latter accepted it.

Gunner Lily had started training her mice. She dispatched a troop of them to V12 Containment Site to find her true family. Each of them had gold pieces tied to them, and there was also an accompanying letter.

Norton used the compensation Charles had given him to purchase his own exploration vessel, and he also registered himself as a new explorer at the Explorers Association.

The Narwhale crew found contentment in these peaceful days. They treasured the tranquility after the countless tribulations they had been through.

Their past hardships were slowly fading with time and everyone was gradually adapting to island life.

However, as time passed, the light in the sky continued to dim. The denizens of the Subterranean Sea remained indifferent to the fading of the "death light."

In fact, some even welcomed the change. No one favored a force capable of killing their kin, and they wanted it to disappear as soon as possible.

Charles woke up from his sleep again to find Anna sitting by the bed. She was clad in a flimsy nightgown and was engrossed reading a thick book in her hands.

"Good morning, Anna," Charles whispered and rested his head on her thighs. His face showed no signs of exhaustion or anxiety, and even the scars seemed to have softened into gentler contours.

Several writhing tentacles extended from Anna's smooth, pale thighs, and like seaweed swaying in the ocean currents, they caressed Charles' face.

Charles playfully kissed one of Anna's tentacles and remarked, "Why are you so alluring, my love? I find myself falling deeper for you with each passing day."

Anna calmly replied, "Because I'm altering your thoughts to keep you hopelessly in love with me."

"You and your silly jokes again. Honestly, you have no talent for humor," Charles retorted with a chuckle.

Anna merely shrugged and continued reading the book in her hands.

Charles let out a lazy yawn and propped himself off the bed.

"Have you read the report from the engineering department?" Charles asked, "The rail tracks on the overhead dome are almost fully laid out till Annarles Island. It won't be long before the train service starts. Trains would be much faster and safer than ships."

"Mmhmm. I realized you have become quite the chatterbox after you decided to stay on land. It's almost like you're turning into Richard," Anna replied, her focus distracted by the book she was reading.

"Think about it, my dear. If the rail train project succeeds, it'll revolutionize the transport system in this seascape."

"We should settle the power plant project first," Anna commented and handed him a proposal atop the bedside table. "There's more and more demand for electricity on the island. If we don't find a new energy source soon, it will soon delay our development for a long while."

As Charles scanned through the content on the papers, his eyes lit up in surprise. "Using the surplus light energy from Newbound City as a power source? That's an ingenious idea. The city is uninhabitable, but the intense sunlight that shines round-the-clock would make the most ideal solar power station."

Folding her arms across her bosom, Anna continued, "My men have closely monitored Dawn One. It's currently immobilized and unable to control itself. Generating power is but the first step. If we can study it and reverse-engineer the Foundation's nuclear fusion technology, then—"

Before Anna could complete her sentence, the room shook violently. Both of them instinctively extended their tentacles to brace against the ceiling and the floor and stabilized themselves.

An earthquake? The most plausible explanation entered Charles' mind.

With his transparent tentacles, he swiftly climbed toward the balcony. He then lifted his prosthetic limb and shot his grappling hook through the overhead canopy.

As the chain retracted, Charles swiftly flipped atop the canopy.

Beyond the canopy, it was still sunny and bright, but Charles' full focus was on the distant white shoreline.

The sunlight from the Light God was fading. However, it was not fading bit by bit; it was rapidly diminishing.

Within seconds, the radiant light belonging to the Light God had completely vanished. However, the darkness that was characteristic of the Subterranean Sea did not return.

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