Chapter 516. Lunatic

With Norton and Linda in tow, Ernst darted between the towers of crates stacked on the World's Crown's docks. As he ran, he constantly turned to look back over his shoulders to ensure that no one was following them.

Having set the other mad crew members free, Ernst was finally freed from his pursuers. A rush of liberation washed over him. He was finally free from their clutches.

The trio had already changed out of their distinctive blue-and-white striped hospital garb and even had large hats draped in black cloth over their heads. Of course, they had looted the hats during their escapade.

Their current outfits greatly aided their incognito dash through the crowded port and significantly enhanced their probability of escape.

"First Mate, where should we head now to find the Captain?" Linda asked as she gazed around at the islanders, her voice tinged with hysteria.

"Shhh, keep quiet. Follow me; let's hide somewhere first," Ernst whispered and led them into a deserted alley.

There was a reason why he had brought both Norton and Linda with him. If they were to be pursued again, his plan was to sacrifice one of them for his own successful escape.

The pungent smell of urine assaulted Ernst's nostrils as they stayed hidden in the alley. Every so often, a mouse would even scurry over their feet. With his brows furrowed, Ernst contemplated their next move.

He wasn't sure if Charles would command a carpet search of the entire dock just for him. After all, this was not Charles' territory, and he doubted that Charles would overstep so blatantly.

"First Mate, we have escaped the encirclement of those deformed creatures. We have to regroup with the others and get back to the Narwhal as soon as possible," Norton said with a grave expression. "This island is too bizarre and dangerous."

"Those deformed creatures haven't left," Ernst replied. "They're just waiting outside for us to go out. We need to remain quiet and wait for them to leave before we can make our exit."

Reassured by Ernst's words, Norton and Linda stilled their impatient hearts and waited in silence. However, a few minutes later, Norton repeated his earlier words as if forgetting he had just spoken them.

Ernst sighed helplessly over Norton's rather unique symptoms. In order to keep Norton in check, Ernst reiterated his earlier words to assure the former once again.

Time ticked by and Ernst waited for six grueling hours before finally deciding to move.

"Let's go. We'll climb over this wall to escape," Ernst said and placed a hand on the ground. Instantly, vines sprang forth and intertwined to form a makeshift ladder.

The trio swiftly ascended the ladder and entered a house through an open window. Inside, an elderly woman knelt in prayer before a painting of a small girl with striking green, cross-shaped pupils. Hearing sudden sounds, she turned around, and her eyes widened in shock upon seeing the three sudden intruders.

"Keep quiet! Or your family might suffer!" Ernst threatened harshly and an expression painted with menace. He then hurried Norton and Linda downstairs

The trio returned to the bustling dock streets, and Ernst surveyed the eerily normal surroundings. For some reason, his unease grew deeper with every passing moment as they walked through the crowd.

"We can't stay here for too long. We need to find a hiding place on this island. With so many navy soldiers with him, he wouldn't be able to prolong their stay here. They don't have that much food supply. If I can hide long enough, I'll truly be free," Ernst muttered, but he wasn't sure if he was trying to assure himself or the two deranged crew members next to him.

As they passed by a quaint bakery, Norton suddenly halted. "First Mate, we need to replenish our supplies! Hunger will sap our strength, and in that case, we won't be able to rescue the Captain and the rest from those deformed creatures!"

Ernst eyed the baker who greeted them with a warm smile. He then dipped into his pocket, pulled out a handful of Echo coins, and handed it to the baker. It wasn't his money; it came with their pilfered clothes.

"This much should be enough, isn't it? Quickly bag everything up; we want every loaf on your shelf."

"Of course, sir! Just a moment, please," the baker beamed, barely able to contain his excitement over the purchase. He quickly began stuffing bags with bread and even sneakily included a few that were close to growing moldy.

Norton nodded approvingly at Ernst's actions. "Yes, First Mate, we are also running low on supplies on the Narwhale. We should stock up to make sure we have enough food."

While waiting for the baker to finish bagging the bread, Ernst spotted yet another mouse darting across the street.

"Are there always this many mice on your island?" Ernst casually asked as he scanned the surroundings warily.

"Yeah. The World's Crown used to be a major grain producer, so mice were always plentiful. They hitched rides here on ships just like humans."

However, as the baker spoke, mice emerged from the shadows, one after another, and swiftly surrounded the trio from all directions. With each passing second, their numbers increased, and their presence grew. The swarm of brown fur spread across the street like a living carpet, eliciting screams of terror from the bystanders and they dispersed in fear.

Ernst immediately sensed something amiss. He grabbed his two companions and pushed through the crowd toward the most populated area.

The mice quickly surged forward and leaped onto the trio. They gnawed at their clothes and clung to them.

"Push forward! The captain is waiting for us ahead!" Ernst shouted and forcefully pushed Norton and Linda toward the swarm of mice. He then turned around and dashed into the fleeing crowd that was behind him.

However, before he could even take a few steps, his heart sank as his eyes landed on Charles standing in front of him with a golden mouse perched on his shoulder and flanked by armed naval soldiers.

"Bandages, that's enough fun. You've had your breeze; it's time to leave now," Charles remarked calmly.

Cornered and desperate, Ernst's face twisted into a grimace. His gaze darted around and landed on a six-year-old child among the crowd. He grabbed the child and his fingernails morphed into wooden spikes. Pressing them against the sobbing child's throat, Ernst threatened, "Charles! I dare you to take another step!"

Charles remained expressionless, and he nonchalantly took a deliberate step forward. "Do you really think I care? Using someone I don't even know to threaten me? Who taught you that trick?"

Ernst's expression flickered between anger and fear. He then abruptly pushed the child away and pressed his morphed fingernails against his own throat.

He screamed hysterically, "I'm telling you! I'll never go back with you! That Bandages is important to you, isn't he? You care if he dies, don't you? Then, I can just die with him!"

Charles looked on with a helpless expression. "Bandages, you've lost your mind. I'm bringing you to go get treatment."

"I'm not crazy! And damn it, I'm not Bandages! I have a name; I'm Ernst! The Governor of Frost Island!" Ernst's veins bulged on his neck as he roared, his voice nearly breaking. "I need to return to my island!! My people, my subordinates, they're all waiting for me!!"

Just then, Anna emerged from the crowd and walked toward Charles. She lightly tipped Lily's chin with her finger before asking, "Is this spectacle not over yet? The food from the World's Crown is all loaded up. It's time to leave."

Charles turned his gaze onto her and replied, "Everyone's been rounded up. Once we get Bandages too, we'll move out."

"I've told you!! I'm not Bandages! I am NOT Bandages!! How many times do I have to say it!? You bastard!!" Ernst's voice cracked under the strain.

Pushed to the edge of desperation, Ernst's hands trembled violently as he drove the sharp wooden spike into his own throat.

Just then, Charles stepped forward. A transparent tentacle extended out from his back and swiftly extracted the spike from Ernst's neck before coiling itself tightly around the man.

"Save your strength, Bandages. Your healing ability is even better than mine. A minor wound like that will heal soon."

Tears welled up in Ernst's eyes and spilled over, streaming down his face. His voice was thick with anguish as he said between sobs, "I'm not Bandages.... I really am not Bandages..."

"I don't give a fuck who you are. I just want my first mate back," Charles said as he dragged the restrained Ernst toward the docks.

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