Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 445: The Commission

Chapter 445: The Commission

"The Divine Light Order and Fhtagn Covenant have finally clashed," Anna read the line of text written on a telegram with a calm expression as she emerged from a circular lump of bloodied slime.

Her eyes scanned the message carefully, the cogs in her mind spinning as she plotted her next move. Then, with a gentle clap of her hands, she said, "Sparkle, we've got work to do."

Seconds trickled past, yet there was still no sight of her daughter. A hint of concern flickered across Anna's gaze. She pushed open the door of her room and moved through the lavishly decorated hallway, finally stopping before Sparkle's room.

The door swung open to reveal Sparkle's massive form hovering in the air Her green, crossed-shaped pupils were fixated on the puppets beneath her.

Clad in puppet costumes, two tiny, red-bodied figures were acting out a script. They were visibly trembling and were stuttering as they recited their lines. Their fear was palpable, yet they couldn't afford to stop, lest the gigantic creature overhead swallowed them whole.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Anna's claps attracted Sparkle's attention. "Stop playing. Come with me; we have something to do."

Sparkle's massive form contracted and shrank as she transformed back to her normal little girl appearance. "Mommy, where are we going?"

"To the docks first. A tough group is on their way here."

With a flash of white light, the mother and daughter duo vanished, leaving the puppets alone in the room. They collapsed on the table and gasped for air.

"Hey, say. Do you think we'll make it back alive? Just what is she exactly?" one of the puppets asked as he removed the wooden helmet from his head.

"Sighlet's just focus on surviving each day" the other responded, his eyes filled with despair.

At the docks of World's Crown, the typically deserted area appeared even more forsaken. The porters, whose conversations usually added a bit of life around the pier, had been dispersed by the local law enforcement.

Cradling Sparkle in her arms, Anna lounged on a beach chair, her eyes fixated on the inky expanse ahead. The sea's salty breeze gently tousled her long, black hair.

"Mommy, are they still not here yet? I promised Nene to go play with her later," Sparkle lamented as she rested her head in Anna's lap.

"This matter is more important than your playtime with Nene. Stay here and keep quiet. Try to learn something from it. You're only a year old, but it's never too early to learn more," Anna said as she gently tapped Sparkle on the nose.

Just then, a sliver of light appeared on the horizon; something was approaching.

It was a colossal turtleshell ship, with its exposed section above the water towering seven to eight stories high. The owner of the leading ship seemed to be of extraordinary origin as the leading ship led the way with its shell cloaked entirely in pure black. A sizeable kite made of fish bones and vibrant ribbons at its stern set it apart from the trailing turtleshell ships.

The shell parted down the middle, and a group of Haikors, each standing at least three meters tall, emerged. However, they weren't the vessel's only passengers. Following closely behind them were two lizard-like beings with shimmering skins casting an unsettling glow. They were the reason Anna had to clear the docks earlier.

"Mommy, can I have one of those? I like how it looks," Sparkle asked as she pointed an index finger at one of the Apostles.

Anna remained silent at Sparkle's question and waited quietly for their visitors.

"You haven't fulfilled your end of our agreement," the Haikor leading the group said. At 3.5 meters tall, he was a head taller than the average of his kind.

"Get someone who has authority to speak to me. You're not qualified," Anna remarked nonchalantly as she lifted a leg and crossed it over the other.

The Haikor's face turned slightly dark, but he remained silent. He merely stepped aside and gave way to the Apostles to come forward.

The creatures' trumpet-shaped mouths trembled as they emitted a series of incomprehensible gurgling sounds.

Anna seemed to understand what they were saying and could hold a fluent conversation with them.

"The matter is complicated; I need more time. The Divine Light Order is not a force to be reckoned with," Anna replied.

The Apostles slowly circled around Anna with their unnaturally bent limbs as they continued with their gurgling sounds. Sparkle reached out a hand in an attempt to touch them but was intercepted by Anna, who pushed her hand away.

"There's nothing I can do without an opportunity. Do you think I'm a god?" A hint of displeasure surfaced on Anna's visage.

Just then, one of the Apostles halted and leaned its massive, twisted mouth toward Anna.

The corners of Anna's lips curved upward into a cold smirk. "This is a huge commission. I can easily succeed, but can you afford the price? After all, you know my relationship with him."

The Apostle turned its head toward a Haikor holding a chest in his hands.

The Haikor opened the chest to reveal rotting flesh of various colors, writhing and struggling to get out of the chest while emitting piercing screams.


The chest was abruptly shut closed, and the screaming ceased.

Anna immediately retracted her gaze, which was gleaming with greed, from the chest.

"The Apostles said that as long as you complete the commission, everything in the chest is yours," the leading Haikor said.

Anna didn't even spare the Haikor a glance. She turned to the Apostles circling her.

"Alright, I'll take the job, though it's hard to part with him. But in this wretched place, nothing beats having absolute strength, don't you think so?"

The Apostles and Haikors were quiet in the face of Anna's words.

However, Sparkle spoke up just then, asking, "Mommy, are you going to kill Daddy?"

"Children shouldn't interrupt when the adults are talking. Just watch quietly," Anna replied.

For the first time, a look of grievance appeared on Sparkle's face. She parted her lips wanting to speak further but was silenced by Anna's hand.

The Apostle seemed pleased with Anna's response and let out a series of gurgling sounds at the Haikor holding the chest. The chest was opened once more, and a twisted lump of flesh was thrown onto the dock.

The moment the lump landed on the ground, it immediately rolled toward the sea, trying to escape but Anna's tentacles were quicker. They snatched the lump of flesh up and tossed it into Anna's mouth.

Watching Anna chew on the lump, the Apostles' deformed eyes flickered with a hint of disdain. They then turned and returned to their turtleshell ship.

"We do not wish to see another failure. If you deceive us again, don't blame us for making a move. Your daughter will not be able to protect you.

"Remember your place. Your power comes from us. Without us, you are nothing," the Haikor leading the group concluded. Then, he turned around and followed after the "Apostles," swiftly boarding the turtleshell ship.

In the face of such a threat, Anna remained silent and continued chewing what was in her mouth with her head bowed.

The turtleshell ship soon departed, leaving only Anna and Sparkle at the pier.

"Mommy, Daddy is really nice to me. Can we not kill Daddy?" For the first time ever, Sparkle's face was filled with worry as she grabbed Anna's arm and shook it gently to convey her plea.

Cosyjuhye's Thoughts

I have no idea where the plot is going anymore

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