Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 258. Journey to the Albion Isles

Chapter 258. Journey to the Albion Isles

"It seems that you've misunderstood, Charles. They're suffering from fear, despair, and apathy. There is only one way for them to be free—accepting the Light God's grace. And I have never forced any of them to join us. They converted voluntarily.

"The Divine Light Order does not force its ideology on others, unlike those evil cults," the Pope said.

Charles unknowingly started tapping on his thigh with his prosthetic fingers as he stared at the statue of the Pope before him.

"I didn't visit you today to talk about that. I need the Albion Isles to help me build a submarine that can explore the seafloor. A recent island I explored has sunk, so I have to go underwater to find more clues," Charles said.

"No, no, no, you've misunderstood our relationship, Charles. Swann and I have a cooperative relationship, just like you and me; it's a mutually beneficial one rather than a commander-subordinate type of relationship.

"If you need something, you should talk to him. I'm just an old man in his twilight years, so I can't really help you that much," the Pope replied.

Charles cast a doubtful gaze upon the Pope. He didn't believe that the relationship between the Pope and Governor Swann was that shallow.

"Oh, right. My child, you still haven't told me the details of your recent voyage."

"As I said, the island has sunk, so I need equipment that will allow me to explore the depths of the sea."

"Oh, I see... Okay, go ahead and consult him. I wish you a nice journey," the Pope said. He sounded amiable and kind, and his voice would make anyone feel that he was just a kind old man next door. He sounded as though he didn't doubt Charles.

Charles had decided to visit the oppressively somber prayer hall to seek the Pope's assistance, as he believed the Pope was quite close to Governor Swann. It seemed Charles was correct; the Pope and Governor Swann's relationship ran deeper than what it seemed on the surface, but the Pope was unwilling to help him.

Charles felt repulsed by Governor Swann's recent actions, and he didn't want to interact with the latter if he could help it.

Governor Swann's successful conquest of eleven islands in a row, as well as his arrogant personality allowed Charles to easily deduce what the former would say upon hearing Charles' request.

Charles pondered deeply about it, and he decided to get in touch with Governor Swann anyway. Throughout the Subterranean Seascape, the Albion Isles was the only island with the potential of being able to build submarines.

Charles sent a telegram, and Governor Swann responded quicker than he thought.

Also, the tone of Governor Swann's message wasn't as arrogant as Charles thought.

You can just visit our shipyards for such a small matter. There is no need to ask me for it. It seems that you still haven't adapted to your role as a Governor, Charles.

"A journey to the Albion Isles..." Charles muttered with a grave look.

"What happened between him and Julio in these two months when I was gone?"

The silver-haired steward placed his gloved right hand on his abdomen and bent slightly at his waist before responding, "The two Governors have agreed on a ceasefire. Governor Julio is forbidden from entering the Northern Seas, while Governor Swann is not allowed to arbitrarily expand his territory. The truce lasts for three years."

"Hmm..." Charles pondered for a while before finally deciding to take a trip to the Albion Isles. The submarine was important, and he wouldn't feel at ease without personally making the commission.

He didn't want just any submarine. The submarine had to be able to withstand the immense pressure of the depths as well as defend itself against the sea creatures lurking in the pitch-black seafloor.

As for Hope Island itself, Charles wasn't too worried. Governor Swann had agreed to a ceasefire, so he wouldn't make a move against the other Governors for the time being. Moreover, Charles was in a cooperative relationship with the Pope, so he wasn't concerned about encountering issues for the time being.

"I want you to go and check if Laesto has left. If he's still around, tell him to join me on another voyage," Charles said to the silver-haired steward.

The silver-haired steward responded, "He should still be around, Governor. The passenger ship to the Albion Isles departs Hope Island once every seven days," the silver-haired steward replied.

"Then, I want you to go and inform Bandages to prepare the navy. Tell him to get ready to depart as soon as we can," Charles said. He had no plans of bringing too many crew members of the Narwhale, as they weren't going out on an exploration mission; they were just going on a simple trade run.

Upon hearing the news that Charles would be going on an official trip to another island, the entire navy went abuzz with activity. It took them only three days to prepare, and they were now waiting in the sea, ready to depart at any time. It was Charles' first time seeing the Hope Island's navy fleet with his own two eyes.

He swept his gaze across them from Hope Island's docks, and he was drawn in by the fleet's sparkling clean cannons, pristine-looking ships, and the sky-blue uniforms of the navy personnel out and about on the deck of each ship.

The thirteen former exploration ships had transformed and had become a part of the expanded formal fleet of Hope Island's navy.

The navy officers standing on the deck of each ship looked more excited than Charles. Their gazes radiated intense passion and excitement.

"What did you tell them?" Charles turned to Feuerbach next to him and asked, "How come they look so excited?"

"I think it's due to Hope Island being located too far from the others. This is the first mission of Hope Island's navy, even though it has been years since the navy was founded. They're young men, so it's not strange that they're excited to go on a mission."

Charles could also see twenty steamships along with three battleships over two hundred meters in length. And he was on the deck of one of the three battleships.

"That makes sense. All right, if we encounter pirates on the way, let's make them fight them for some practice," Charles remarked.

"Mr. Charles, are we going on vacation?" Lily asked curiously as she stood on Charles' shoulder.

Charles turned to pinch her chubby cheeks and nodded. "We're going to go shopping. If everything goes swimmingly, then I can take you with me to have some fun."

Feuerbach nodded and said, "I think you still have to be careful, Captain. Things aren't so peaceful in Albion Isles at the moment. Governor Swann's Ronker is currently under maintenance, so I think the islands he has conquered will soon make their move."

"It's fine. I don't care even if they rebel. I just want my submarine," Charles responded. He understood his position well. He was more on the neutral side, but once Governor Swann's empire was teetering on the edge of collapse, he wouldn't mind giving him a push from behind.


Clad in a silk skirt, Anna walked down gracefully on her red high-heels toward the ship on the docks of the World's Crown. The dockworkers huddling together with masks couldn't take their eyes off Anna.

However, Anna was delighted despite their preying eyes; she really liked being the subject of such gazes, as it meant that she could pick any of them and take them away. It reminded her of a buffet.

Of course, Anna kept her thoughts to herself, as she wasn't evil enough to act on it.

"Mistress, the warships are ready," a maidservant said.

"We should get on the ship and depart, then," Anna replied. She stretched her hand toward the sea, and a tentacle emerged from the waters. It twisted and swayed as it wrapped itself around Anna's hand.

"Mistress, those Haikors in their turtleshell ships and skeletal ships have already departed. It seems they don't want to get involved," the maidservant said.

"Haha, it's absurd how they're so quick at running away. They only know how to tell others what to do, but when it's time for them to make a move, they're as timid as rabbits," Anna remarked.

Just then, the tentacle stretched taut, seemingly trying to drag Anna into the water.

"Sparkle, don't pull me, don't pull. Mommy doesn't like touching seawater," Anna muttered into thin air.

The tentacle loosened its grip on Anna's wrist as several tiny bubbles rose from the pitch-black seawater and popped as they reached the surface.

Anna grabbed the glowing tentacle and gave it a few affectionate pecks before turning it toward a nearby warship.

"What? You went over to find Daddy, but Daddy didn't want to play with you? Daddy's so mean. Don't worry, Sparkle. Mommy will scold Daddy for you."

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