Chapter 197. Elizabeth

"Darling, there's more scars on you now..." Elizabeth commented as she traced her fingers painted with dark red nail polish across Charles' chest.

Charles grabbed Elizabeth's hand in his. "It doesn't matter how many wounds there are if they can be healed over time. It's the ones that won't heal that are troublesome."

"And your left arm..." A look of heartache surfaced on Elizabeth's visage as her gaze landed on Charles' new prosthetic limb. He seemed to have endured countless hardships in the past three years that they didn't meet.

"It's alright," Charles assured Elizabeth as he flexed his new arm to display its might. "And these prosthetics are more functional than the limbs we are born with. You should inquire if they have something similar for your eye."

Elizabeth gently shook her head and lifted the eye patch over her left eye. Beneath her long black lashes, an eye with black sclera and a crimson-hue pupil stared directly at Charles.

"What is this? Is it a relic that can replace normal vision?" Charles asked with apparent astonishment.

Although technology in the subterranean realm might not match up to that of the surface world, they possessed strange things that could achieve what modern society deemed impossible.

"It's from the Eastern Seas. It's rare but very effective." As Elizabeth explained, the circle of red in her eye quivered slightly before the eye slowly crawled out of its dwelling.

It was a creature that resembled a spider with more than eight legs. It made several rounds on Elizabeth's face before settling back into her eye socket.

"Is it a little too terrifying? Are you repulsed by me?"

"Never," Charles whispered as he leaned down and gently landed a kiss on her lips. With their lips locked in a passionate kiss, their bodies pressed into each other. After a while, they finally pulled apart, and Charles lifted his gaze to meet hers.

"Thank you for sending the Initialization Box over. It has been very useful for my explorations."

The corners of Elizabeth's lips curved up into a soft smile. Wrapping her arms around Charles' neck, she rested her head on his chest. "Why the formality? You own half the share of my island."

As he gently stroked Elizabeth's silvery-white hair, Charles was unable to hold back his curiosity and asked, "How did you manage to control 1002? I never imagined that you would be able to even harness its powers."

Pride painted Elizabeth's visage. "It's all thanks to Finn. His seal array could perfectly control and contain 1002's radiation. It was the right call to offer him thirty percent of the land to make him stay. He also created the Initialization Box."

The image of the elderly mage, Finn, flickered through Charles' mind. He nodded in understanding. While the arcane abilities of the Western Seas appear antiquated next to the modern steel cannons, they retained significant worth in certain situations. Perhaps he should think about adding such a talent to his crew.

Elizabeth gazed up at Charles, her eyes shining with admiration.

"Charles, when you spoke of searching for the Land of Light, everyone at the Association thought you were just fooling around. Yet, you actually did the impossible and found it. You are truly remarkable," Elizabeth complimented.

Charles tenderly patted Elizabeth on her pale and delicate back. "I don't care what others think. I'm just doing what I want to do."

A trace of emotion flickered across her eye. She hesitated for a brief moment before she whispered, "Now that you're back and are also the new Governor of an island, why don't we..." Elizabeth's words trailed off as she hugged him tighter; Charles could even feel her racing heartbeat.

Charles grasped the words she left unsaid. Yet, with a solemn look on his face, he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I can't settle down just yet. This island we are on is not the true Land of Light. I haven't found the place I'm seeking."

A glint of disappointment surfaced in Elizabeth's gaze. "Where is this place you're searching for? Is returning to that place truly better than the life of a Governor?"

Charles pulled Elizabeth close; sliding his hands over her smooth and delicate shoulders, he drew her into his embrace. "No more words. Let's cherish this moment."

On the opulent, disheveled bed, the two souls who had known each other for a long time lay. With their eyes closed and their bodies entwined, they savored this fleeting moment of tranquility.

The next morning, Charles and Elizabeth enjoyed a lavish breakfast in the Governor's Mansion. As they dined, they swiftly settled on the terms of cooperation between their islands.

Due to their intimate relationship, both parties hardly haggled over the involved benefits.

There were some other minor matters, but most of the discussion centered around the trading of Hope Island's coveted fruit liquors and Elizarles Shores' Initialization Boxes. Those were the two key commodities of mutual interest. As for the rest, the two islands could complement and collaborate with each other as deemed fit.

After breakfast, for the first time in ever, Charles began his official duties as governor. And his first task of the day was to meet the envoys from the other islands.

The island envoys brought greetings and well-wishes from their respective governors. Many uttered flowery words of flattery, which Charles found rather uncomfortable since he wasn't accustomed to such displays.

"Actually, all of them are just spouting nonsensical courtesies. They are just here to show their stance," Elizabeth commented as she leaned gracefully against Charles' desk.

Massaging his temples, Charles asked, "Considering how far my island is from theirs, do they really need to go to such lengths to gain my favor?"

"Hey, hey. Don't underestimate your island's strength. Its significance is way beyond what you are thinking. The unique crops from the Land of Light are highly sought-after products on the other islands," Elizabeth remarked with a knowing smile. "Besides, regular interactions between governors can be advantageous. If you keep to yourself, who's to say others won't band together and conspire to seize your island?"

Charles turned to Leonardo. "How many more are there? Can we meet all of them together?"

Leonardo skimmed through his ledger and replied, "Sir, the envoy from Isle of Whereto is the only one remaining. However, for some unknown reason, she left hastily last night."

Actually, Leonardo could have delegated his current task to his subordinates. However, he had always believed in seizing any opportunity to gain more face time with the governor.

Having concluded the meeting of the envoys, Charles let out a sigh of relief.

"That's all then. You may leave."

One more or one less made no difference to Charles. After all, they were just here to offer cursory pleasantries.

"Sir, there are some pressing matters concerning the island that I have to—"

Before Leonardo could complete his sentence, Charles interjected, "Handle it as you see fit. That's what I hired you for." With a wave of his hand, Charles signaled for Leonardo to exit the room.

Witnessing the scene, Elizabeth's nicely arched brows furrowed slightly. "You can't be so hands-off like this. It's better for you to be directly involved in crucial decisions regarding the island."

"Don't worry. I have my own way of managing the island," Charles said with a smirk and gently tapped his desk.

Instantly, several mice scurried out from underneath the desk and darted out of the room.

Soon after, a swarm of mice, with a prominent red one leading the way, flooded into Charles' office.

Their gray beady eyes gleamed, their soft, furry bodies moved with agility, and their noses twitched as they explored. It didn't take long for the mice to quickly fill every available inch of space in the expansive, classroom-sized office.

The sight of the rodents blanketing the floor sent shivers down Elizabeth's spine. Although she had the means to dispatch them effortlessly, some fears were deeply ingrained and beyond reason.

The moment the scurrying creatures had entered the room, Elizabeth had quickly pulled her feet up and rested them atop Charles' thighs.

Charles let out a chuckle and gave a reassuring pat on her slender legs. "It's okay. They are my crew."

"All of them?!" Elizabeth exclaimed in disbelief, her pitch rising a notch higher than usual.

The mice stacked themselves to elevate the red mouse onto the desk. She tilted her head up at Elizabeth.

"Hi, Miss Elizabeth. It's been a while," Lily greeted in a tiny, squeaky voice.

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