Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 186. Narwhale! Embark!

Chapter 186. Narwhale! Embark!

"How else? We check how many islands are there on the charts and dispatch the appropriate number of scouting ships accordingly. If they fail to return, then I will check out the island personally."

Since Charles had the backing of the entire Hope Island, he would naturally take full advantage of it.

However, his reply didn't sit well with the Pope. The statue shook his head and said, "No. Only you can explore those islands. No one else should tread onto those lands."

"Why?" Charles' brows knitted together in confusion.

"The Order has received a new sign from the Light God. We can only hand over the map to you if you agree to follow His instructions," the Pope explained.

Truth be told, Charles was getting annoyed by this Light God whom the Pope was always bringing up as some justification. He refused to believe that he wouldn't be able to find the surface's entrance without the assistance of the Divine Light Order.

"I can't abide by the term you just stated. Either hand over the map or forget it. I'll find my own ways," Charles responded with a firm tone.

A look of surprise appeared on the Pope's visage. The very same Captain Charles, who would risk everything to seek the Land of Light, had just resisted the temptation of the map. Per his expectations, the fiery youth standing before him was supposed to readily accept his conditions.

Realizing that Charles wasn't joking, the statue parted its lips, "Alright. I can tell you why the Light God had decreed this. Instruct your men to leave the room. This is a matter of utmost importance and is meant for your ears only."

Charles snapped his fingers, and everyone exited the room.

With the other Divine Light Order disciples in tow, Hunn retreated swiftly as well. Before leaving the room, he dropped a sphere onto the floor. Instantly, Charles and the Pope were encased in a bubble-like entity.

Within the protective bubble, the man and the statue moved their mouths in conversation, yet not a sound could be heard from outside the bubble. Charles' expression was initially calm before it quickly transformed into shock. He then seemed to be vehemently rebutting something, and finally, his face turned grim.

The bubble lasted for less than half an hour and vanished. The Divine Light Order disciples moved the stone statue away, leaving Charles in solitude with the chest containing the map at his feet.

With his brows furrowed together, Charles sat down and massaged his temples. His crew quickly gathered around him.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Lily leaped onto his leg and asked, " Mr. Charles, what did he say?"

Gently stroking her sky-blue fur, Charles shook his head and didn't utter a single word. After almost a minute, he seemed to have figured something out. He turned toward Bandages.

"First Mate, void the contracts we have with the recruited explorers. Return the gathered exploration ships to the Navy. For this expedition, we will set out on our own," Charles instructed.

"Captain, why?!" Disbelief registered on everyone's faces. There was a significant difference between a single ship venturing into unknown waters and exploring a new island and an entire fleet. Safety and efficiency would be greatly amplified with others helping to scout the routes.

To ditch a swarm strategy and set sail alone was as good as risking their very lives.

Scanning the intense gazes of his crew, Charles exhaled a deep breath before he asked, "Guys, do you trust me?"

As they nodded, Charles continued, "I can't reveal much, but I swear with my life that there's enough justification for us to make this trip by ourselves."

"But Captain, what exactly is the reason behind this? You can't even share it with us?" Dipp questioned with a puzzled look.

"I cannot. It's a grave matter. I've got to keep my lips sealed."

Seeing the expressions of the crew gradually settled, a faint smile appeared on Charles' visage. "Thank you all for understanding. Let's take a look at the map; it holds our destination within."

The chest creaked open to reveal a massive nautical chart. Being thrice as large, its size dwarfed the one the Explorers Association had made public.

Laboratory Two, Laboratory Three, Newbound City, and every island that belonged to the Foundation were marked out on the chart.

Originally, Charles' Hope Island was known as one of the outermost explored islands. But to his astonishment, the map depicted a multitude of islands further north. The islands were strewn across the northern section like stars in the night sky.

With his brows pressed together in thought, Charles studied the map before him in search of his next destination.

The Foundation came down from the surface, so one of these islands would surely house an entrance upward. Yet, with so many islands to consider, which one would be the most likely location?

Without any clear leads, Charles felt lost and was uncertain about which direction to take next.

Just as Charles' brows were furrowed in deep contemplation, the chubby man who had installed his prosthetic arm entered with a box in his hands.

"Governor, we have received the item from Elizarles Shores."

Under the watchful gazes of everyone present, the pillow-sized box was opened. A metal case inscribed with intricate arcane symbols lay within the box.

"Please....please....Kill....kill..." an almost inaudible whisper echoed from the metal case.

Don't tell me that a fragment of 1002 is in there... Charles thought. He then noticed the letter next to the case.

Charles, it's been a long while. Where did you go the past three years? I'm really worried about you. I'm on my way to your island now. Wait for me. Here are the instructions on how to use the Initialization Box. First, carve out a hole in the center of the ship's lower hold. Place the Initialization Box within the hole and seal it completely by welding. After that, snap the rod to complete the Initialization.

A stick?

Charles glanced around and finally noticed a rod that was as slender as an index finger next to the Initialization Box.

"Mr. Charles, what's this? Is it edible?" Lily asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Charles cast a glance at Lily before he picked up the Initialization Box and headed out.

"Let's head to the docks," he said.

In the shadowy lower hold, Charles got to work under the soft glow of an oil lamp held by Bandages. Wielding his Dark Blade, he swiftly carved a small hole into the ship's steel underbelly and placed the Initialization Box within.

Moments later, the intense flare of the welding subsided, and the box was completely sealed and entombed forever.

"Step back," Charles instructed.

As his crew watched from afar, Charles took out the slender wooden rod and broke it with a resounding snap.

Immediately, the deep echo of an old man's chant resonated from the rod. And a humming sound soon filled the lower hold.

James' eyes widened in shock as he exclaimed, " Captain! The turbines... they’ve fired up on their own!"

Hearing the rhythmic hum reminiscent of the ship's breathing, a thrilled smile graced Charles' face. "Let's head up and reunite with our old friend."

As soon as Charles got onto the deck, the Narwhale emitted a rhythmic whistle.

Watching the deck cannons swivel into position, Charles could almost feel the pulsating emotions of the Narwhale.

Running his hand over the ship's railings, a soft smile emerged on Charles's visage. "Friend, it's been a while."

A nearby rope playfully nuzzled Charles' leg as the ship's horn sounded once more. Charles seemed to have understood its message.

Gently patting the rope, Charles took the nautical chart from Dipp. After a quick glance, he pointed to the coordinates closest to Hope Island with his index finger.

"This is it," Charles tapped the spot. "Narwhale! Pull the anchor! Embark!"

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