Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 180. Light God [Bonus Image]

Chapter 180. Light God [Bonus Image]

The moment Laesto left the room, a vibrant atmosphere returned to the conference hall.

"Does Doctor not take on any major positions on Hope Island?" Charles turned to Dipp and asked.

Dipp shook his head. "Nope. First Mate Bandages had established a hospital and offered the old man the role of Chief Surgeon, but he cursed and threw the First Mate out of his house."

Charles nodded in understanding. Ah, he was indeed a man who was self-reliant on his master.

"C-Captain, are you really planning to set sail again? If there's something you are seeking, why don't we hire someone else to go look for it?" Unwillingness painted Conor's face.

Observing some of the expressions among his crew, Charles knew what was on their minds. Staying on Hope Island and living a safer and more comfortable life was far more enticing than the perils of the deep seas.

"If any of you are not willing to join the expedition, let me know now. I won't hold it against you."

Two people immediately raised their hands. One of them belonged to Chef Frey and the other one to Second Mate Conor.

The two men bowed their heads in shame under everyone’s gazes.

Conor explained softly, "Captain, my wish had always been to become a Central Islander. I have finally achieved it. You can call me a coward, and I admit that I'm one. Not everyone is as fearless as you when it comes to death."

Charles' gaze was locked on Frey and Conor. A few seconds later, Charles said, "All right. As I said, anyone who speaks now is free to leave the Narwhale. After all, we need someone to hold the fort on Hope Island, too."

Chef Frey nodded vigorously. "Captain, don’t worry. I'll definitely keep Hope Island in perfect order while you're away."

Charles turned his gaze to the others and said, "Let me reiterate. I don't know where the destination is for our upcoming expeditions. Neither do I know what exactly we are looking for. I only know that it will be a dangerous voyage ahead, and more so than any of our previous expeditions.

”Are you sure you want to follow me?"

"I'll go wherever you go, Captain! I'm so sick of this stupid place," a fearless Dipp declared.

"Me too! I'll help Mr. Charles get back home!" Lily chimed in, her tail wagging so energetically that it thumped against the tabletop.

Next to her, Bandages didn't utter a word. However, Charles saw the firm determination in his eyes.

James stood up in enthusiasm from his seat and immediately made his intentions clear through action. "Captain, the Narwhale needs an overhaul. I'll go to the shipyard and place an order for the parts."

Charles waved a dismissive hand. "It's okay. Take the time to hand over your duties to someone else first. Hope Island is our base. We can explore with peace of mind only if it's stable and secure. No hurry. Let's proceed steadily."

The crew exchanged confused glances. Their typically always-in-a-hurry captain actually told them to take their time? What had happened in the past three years for him to undergo such a dramatic change?

"By the way, Bandages. What's the situation up there now? Have those zealots from the Divine Light Order seen their god yet?"

Even since Charles returned to Hope Island, a question had been gnawing at his heart. The alleged Light God resided right above the rift, but why was there no ripple of fanaticism down here?

He had also encountered a few followers of the Order on his way to the Governor's Mansion. However, none of them displayed any signs of extreme zeal.

Bandages leaned slightly toward Charles. "I'm not too sure... about this... Those Divine Light Order disciples....haven't been actively spreading word ...about their god above... they...seem to be hiding something."

Hmm? The puzzling behavior of the Divine Light Order had left Charles thoroughly perplexed. Whether or not these fanatics had managed to uncover the true nature of the entity known as Dawn One, their current actions simply didn’t make sense.

"How do they ascend now?"

"They use their... Sky Battler...The Divine...Light Order forbids anyone from approaching their divine realm above....But if we wish to go...we may...We are considered...allies now."

"Where are they? I want to go up and have a look," Charles said. After all, his primary purpose of returning was to search for clues of the surface world in Newbound City.

Seemingly growing impatient from Bandages' slow and drawn-out replies, Lily interjected, "Mr. Charles, they live on the eastern side of the island. Let me take you there."

Under Lily's guidance, Charles walked down a tiled corridor and eventually arrived before a gleaming gold cathedral.

Upon being notified of the arrival of Hope Island's Governor, Hunn came rushing to welcome him with a throng of fervent followers trailing right behind.

"All praises to the Light God. Governor Charles, you're still alive!"

Charles didn't have time for nostalgia or empty pleasantries with Huen. After all, they were hardly acquainted with each other and were merely allies of convenience.

After learning of Charles' intent to visit Newbound City, Hunn nodded with a smile. "Of course. If it weren't for your help back then, Governor, we wouldn't have reached the sacred realm of our Light God."

The Sky Battler, a floating airship, was soon prepared. Led by Hunn, a group of devout disciples began to chant hymns of praise for the divine light as they ritually bathed themselves.

Watching their elaborate religious ritual before the ascension, Charles was subtly grinding his teeth in annoyance. There hadn't been such pomp and show when he ascended into the rift back then.

The airship gained altitude rapidly and headed toward the bright crevice overhead.

The moment Charles was out of sight, Hunn's smile faded from his visage. He turned and retreated into a chamber. Within the confines of the room, he sank onto his knees before the statue of the Pope.

"Your Holiness, Charles has returned."

"I am aware. He was destined to return. I've seen many things about him."

"Is it alright to let him ascend just like that?"

"Don't worry. Remember my words, my child. Mortals can never threaten gods. No one can."

The moment he stepped through the rift, Charles saw that the landscape had undergone a total transformation. Cliffs that had once been scarred from past battles were now adorned with grand murals, each illustrating scenes from the Divine Light Order's sacred Book of Revelations.

As the ship hovered past a gigantic painting of the Light God that spanned over several dozen meters, a thought flashed through Charles' mind.

Are there no clues about this so-called Light God in the ruins above? Why haven't these zealots caught on that their Light God is made by someone?

While Charles pondered on this thought, the ship had already unknowingly passed through the tunnel, and he came face to face with the Light God once again. Just like how it was three years ago, it floated perfectly still in mid-air without any support, like some sort of divine miracle.

But Charles knew very well that it was no divine miracle.

After all, no true miracle would serve as a cuckoo clock for mortals.

Disembarking from the airship, Charles was just about to approach the Light God when several disciples dressed in white latex suits blocked his path.

"Step back. No mortals should defile the Light God's Holy Presence."

Charles stared at the followers before him with a calm gaze. "Oh? Did you really think that thing is solely a property of your Order now? If we were to go by the laws of the Subterranean Seascape, I own half of your Light God."

"Governor! Please be careful with your words!" A man dressed in a gold latex suit emerged from within the crowd. "Our faith has been in blessed harmony with your island for the past few years, Governor Charles. I implore you to revere our Most High God and refrain from uttering words of blasphemy. Should He be incited to wrath by your sacrilegious speech, all life in this subterranean realm may be swept into eternal oblivion!"

Ignoring the man's words, Charles retorted, "I don't care how you worship it. I need to find some clues on it."

The face of the man before him was obscured by his suit, Charles could hear the underlying tone of smugness through his words.

"Sir Governor, if you seek knowledge, why not beseech the all-knowing, all-powerful Light God and ask for His divine enlightenment?"

Charles' pupils narrowed ever so slightly. "Are you telling me that thing in the air can communicate?"

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