Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 173. Disembarking

Chapter 173. Disembarking

With a veil masking her beautiful visage, Margaret tightly gripped Charles' hand with apparent anxiety. With her gaze on the white-coated elder before her, she asked, "Doctor, how is he? Has Mr. Charles' condition improved?"

The old man let out a sigh and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I've tried every conventional method of treatment, but there isn't the slightest improvement. Can you let me know what caused your husband's illness?"

A hint of distraught crossed Margaret's face; she suddenly realized how little she knew about Charles.

Observing her expression, the doctor ceased his questioning and said, "According to what you said, he was a sailor. I suspect that he's suffering from something else rather than a psychiatric condition."

"Doctor, do you mean he's not suffering from a mental issue? What could it possibly be then?"

Seeing Margaret's worried expression, the doctor removed his reading glasses and said, "All hope is not lost. I might not be of help for his condition, but you can try to deal with it from another perspective with alternative treatment methods."

The elderly man then produced a violet-colored business card from his coat pocket and respectfully handed it to Margaret with both hands.

"As you know, even the most skilled doctor can only resolve issues within their expertise. For issues beyond the medical realm, this lady might be able to offer her assistance. She's from the mysterious Western Seas and is particularly adept in matters of the soul realm."

Receiving the card in her hands, Margaret noticed the embossed image of a crucible and crystal ball on the front, and the contact information was written on the reverse side.

"Thank you. But my husband is feeling quite tired today. I'll invite this lady over tomorrow to have a look." Margaret then stood up to escort the doctor out.

The doctor smiled with a nod before picking up his medicine case and leaving the room.

A hint of distress crossed Margaret's visage as her gaze descended and landed on the card in her hand. She had already sought the assistance of this woman prior to getting the doctor over. However, she hadn't been of help.

"Mr. Charles, just what on earth happened to you..."


Hooooooonk! Hooooooonk!

The Narwhale's ship horn bellowed repeatedly to signal the Whereto Navy ahead to clear a path. However, the Navy remained stationary, blocking the Narwhale's advance toward the dock.

With growing impatience, Dipp stood at the ship's edge and frantically waved his hands to gesture with flag semaphore.

"What's the problem with those Cavendishes? They invited us over, and now they are blocking our passage! What the hell are they trying to do?"

Beside him, Bandages cast a glance at the newly established Hope Island Navy trailing behind them. He remained silent and waited patiently.

Before long, a small cargo vessel departed from Whereto's docks and approached the Narwhale.

The crew onboard relayed that there wasn't enough docking space for the entire Hope Island fleet and requested for Bandages and company to send only a select group of representatives ashore.

The remaining warships had to wait in the waters beyond.

Witnessing his fellow crew members boarding the cargo vessel without hesitation, Second Mate Conor immediately persuaded, "Hey, wouldn't it be enough to send just one person? What if all of us go, and they suddenly turn hostile against us? What then?"

"Whereto is recently at odds with Albion Isles. They wouldn't dare to find trouble with us now. The Cavendishes stand to lose everything if they do that, but they virtually have nothing to gain,” said Dipp before he gracefully leaped off the Narwhale and landed on the cargo vessel on the water's surface.

"But, what if?" Conor retorted with a hint of hesitation on his face as he grabbed the soft ladder.

"Our captain is in their hands. There are no what-ifs! Are you coming or not?" Dipp berated with evident impatience.

Conor hesitated for several seconds before he descended the ladder.

"Stop rushing... Major decisions like this require more contemplation and thought..." Conor muttered under his breath.

Just as the wooden boat was about to steer toward the dock, Bandages gave instructions to Linda, who remained on the Narwhale.

"If we... haven't returned... in three hours... lead... the warships... to attack Whereto's dock. Even if they... use us as hostages... continue the assault."

Linda quietly formed a triangle with her fingers and placed it against the white one on her forehead rather than replying with words.

Hearing the blatant threat in Bandages' words, a theatrical mix of expressions flickered across the face of the liaison from Whereto.

The moment the group docked, they found over ten sleek black cars parked and awaiting their arrival.

"Please board the vehicles. Mr. Jack is awaiting your arrival at the Governor's Mansion," the silver-haired butler remarked, his attitude neither too servile nor too arrogant.

Everyone swiftly boarded the vehicles, but Lily faced a minor issue. Her swarm of brown mice had already occupied three cars, but there were still more than half of the squad who had yet to get into a vehicle.

"Lily, why did you bring so many mice with you? We are not heading for battle. Just a few will do! Hurry up!" Dipp urged earnestly.

The convoy of black vehicles drove toward the Governor's Mansion, displaying a majestic sight. However, a tense atmosphere surrounded the crew. Not only were they vigilant and cautious about Whereto, but they were also anxious about Charles' current condition. It had been three years, and they didn't know what to expect of his current state.

Conor reached out a hand and patted Bandages on the shoulder.

"Hey, First Mate. What's your next step after finding the captain? Are we really going to continue the search for the Land of Light?"

Seated in the passenger seat, Bandages replied, "We'll... follow...what the captain... says...."

Seated next to Conor, Laesto was focused on toying with the smartphone in his hand. His voice laced with disdain, he remarked, "Enough. Even if Charles really decides to set sail again, he wouldn't bring along someone like you who only knows how to pretend to be seasick. Just stay on the island in peace."

An embarrassed expression flickered across Conor's face, but he hurriedly attempted to explain his behavior. "I'm saying this all for Captain's own good. Those fanatics from the Divine Light Order claimed that he jumped off the building on his own accord. His mental state isn't fit for nautical exploration."

Laesto turned his head the other way, and he couldn't be bothered to listen to Conor's pretentious justification.

The scenery outside the car zipped past in a blur, and the crew soon arrived in the central district of the Isle of Whereto. With a troubled expression, Jack had been standing at the grand entrance of the mansion, waiting for their arrival.

As the crew disembarked from the car, he approached with a smile on his countenance. "May I know who among you is Mr. Bandages from Hope Island?"

Bandages stepped forward and immediately asked, "Where's...our captain?"

Jack's hands gestured in accordance with the cadence of his words. "Gentlemen, please allow me to explain. The Cavendish Family genuinely wishes for a collaboration with Hope Island. However, there has been a minor complication, and we would like to seek your kind understanding."

Bandages reiterated, "Where's...our captain?"

Jack's brows furrowed as he sifted through the words in his mind to find the right ones to explain the complex situation.

Just then, Lily's mice suddenly let out a chorus of squeaks and broke the silence.

Lily swiftly leaped off James' shoulder and darted down an alleyway on the left.

"Here! They picked up Mr. Charles' scent over here. Hurry up!"

The Narwhale crew members exchanged glances before they hurriedly trailed after Lily.

Watching their figures disappearing into the distance, Jack swung his fist violently against a nearby lamppost out of frustration. The metal structure let out a creak before it crashed down on the car parked right next to it.

Having vented his displeasure, Jack quickly followed after them.

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