Chapter 171. Rescue

Within the Governor's Mansion on Hope Island, powerful figures who held authority over major decisions of the island were seated around an ornate table.

A note was being passed around. As each of them scanned its contents, an array of expressions could be seen on their faces. There was excitement, surprise, uncertainty, and even some indecipherable.


Dipp pounded his fist onto the table. The golden earring that dangled from his left ear swayed back and forth due to his sudden movement.

"Since we have received news of Captain, why are we still hesitating? We should quickly go over and bring him back!"

Seated next to him, Leonardo shook his head in disagreement. "Based on the information sent over by Whereto, it seemed highly implausible. Their demands are excessive as well. Thirty percent of our fruit supply and unilateral military support as well?"

Spotting a receding hairline compared to three years ago, James countered, "What if Captain is truly in their hands? His life is worth more than those demands."

"I am concerned about Governor Charles' safety as well, but as the Minister of Administration of Hope Island, I have to consider the circumstances of the island. If we agree to their demands, it would disrupt all our plans for the latter half of the year.

”I suggest we should establish a connection with the message's sender first to find out the details, and we can discuss further after knowing their exact situation," Leonardo retorted.

"Enough with all that irrelevant bullshit!" Dipp suddenly stood up and pointed accusingly at Leonardo. "You've never been truly concerned about Captain. You cowardly outsider who joined halfway!

A trace of anger flashed across Leonardo's face. Every time Dipp ran out of logical arguments to support his stance, he would always resort to bringing up the fact that Leonardo had never been a crew member on the Narwhale and insinuating that he would always be an outsider.

Having gained a noticeable amount of weight since then, Conor cleared his throat and said, "I agree with Leonardo's proposition. The sender sent us a message like this so casually. We shouldn't mobilize until we get an actual understanding of the situation."

The heated debate continued. There were both voices of agreement and disagreement, and neither side could be convinced. Eventually, they stopped, and their gazes turned to the figure seated at the center of the table—Bandages.

With his hands wrapped in bandages, the man picked up the note and meticulously read the text, his eyes void of any comprehensible emotions.

Leonardo stood up and offered a respectful bow in Bandages' direction.

"Mr. Bandages, please consider this matter carefully. Your decision holds profound implications for Hope Island," Leonardo said and then suddenly adjusted his collar.

Immediately, a portly man beside him stood up.

"I arrived on this island late and don't know who Governor Charles is, but I feel that Governor Bandages is the finest governor ever. Perhaps Governor Bandages should continue leading everyone?"

His words drew instant dark glares as Charles' old crew members arched an eyebrow in disbelief. This was an apparent attempt to sow discord.

Just as Dipp's hand moved menacingly toward the dagger on his belt, Bandages slowly lifted his gaze from the piece of paper. With a firm resolute in his voice, his words flowed out slowly.

"I am the... First Mate... of the Narwhale...Narwhale, prepare to...set sail... Let's bring...our Captain...back."



Margaret placed the freshly-trimmed nail on a nearby table. With her delicate and slender fingers, she held Charles' rough right hand. Every time she snipped off a fingernail, she would trace her fingertip over the callous on his wrist, gently pressing on it.

The hardened texture oddly provided her with a comforting solace.

After trimming all of Charles' nails, Margaret took out a dainty nail file and carefully smoothed the edges of each fingernail.

After shaping them all into perfect crescents, she took out a bottle of clear nail polish from the box next to her.

Her hesitant gaze fleeted between the bottle and Charles several times.

Eventually, she placed the nail polish back into the box.

She stored away her tools before she tenderly cradled Charles' muscular right arm, and instinctively, she nestled against him as she had grown accustomed to doing.

A peaceful silence engulfed the room. Margaret rubbed her delicate face tenderly against Charles' shirt as the soft purr of a contented kitten escaped her lips.

"Mr. Charles... Perhaps it's not so bad if you remain like this... If you never wake up, you'll never leave me, right?" Margaret muttered under her breath.

Charles offered no response, as usual.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Charles. I shouldn't be having such thoughts. Don't worry. I'll definitely try my best to find a way to heal you. And after that, I'll let you know my feelings. If you accept them, we can then live happily ever after, just like them in those theater plays."

"And if you don't..." Margaret continued. "I'll continue chasing after you relentlessly until you accept my feelings. Just like how the male characters do in those stories."

With that, Margaret fell silent again. Draping herself over Charles' body, she allowed herself to enjoy this serene moment.

Time slowly ticked by. Just as Margaret felt a hint of drowsiness creeping onto her, she glanced up at the clock on the wall.

"What?! It's already so late! Oh no! Gina, where are you? You should have arrived to change shifts with me by now," Margaret exclaimed as she rushed to the door in a panic.

Just as she was about to push the door open, she stared at the distant street lights and halted in her tracks.

"It's so late already...Maybe I should..." she muttered as a hue of red gradually surfaced on her peerless visage.

Lowering her head, she cast a furtive glance at the seated Charles.

"Mr. Charles, it's late and time for bed. Let me help you to the bedroom," Margaret whispered shyly.

The moment she entered the bedroom and caught sight of the heart-shaped, plush bed, she inwardly lampooned her elder brother repeatedly.

"Uh...Erm... Mr. Charles, let me help you onto the bed."

"Mr. Charles, let... let me help you undress."

When Charles' muscular body was unveiled before Margaret's eyes, she was stunned for several minutes. A flood of feelings struck her, and they were much more intense compared to when she was helping him bathe. She felt her body heating up, and her heart echoed louder as it raced with anticipation.

On the heart-shaped bed, Margaret lay beside Charles, wearing nothing but a chemise. Her heart thumped furiously against her ribcage.

Next... we... Scenes from those forbidden comics that she had once stolen glances of flashed in her mind. A warm blush spread across her face and extended up to the tips of her ears.

"Anna, do you want some milk tea?" Charles' sudden statement halted Margaret's actions.

Taken aback, she jerked upright. She couldn't understand what Charles had said, she clearly recognized that he mentioned a name: Anna.

However, Anna was typically a female name, so who was he calling out to?

"Elizabeth, which one do you want?" Another name emerged from Charles' lips.

Why is there another Elizabeth? Who is she?

Another popped up in Margaret's mind.

She had never paid any attention to Charles' delirious rambles, but the emergence of these two feminine names drove a bolt of insecurity and caution through her heart.

She drew closer and keenly listened to Charles' continuous rambles.

His voice varied in pitch and intensity as he uttered words in an unfamiliar language. Unable to comprehend any of it, she concentrated intently on identifying any names within his speech.

The next morning, her head attendant, Gina, burst through the front doors of the quaint two-story house. She had wanted to come over the previous night, but the butler was watching her closely, and she couldn't slip out.

The moment she realized that Margaret hadn't returned the entire night, her heart almost leaped out of her chest in fear.

"Miss! Miss! Where are you?" Gina's frantic cries echoed in the house.

The next moment, her ears picked up a faint whimpering from the bedroom. Immediately, she dashed into the room.

The sight that greeted her had her trembling in fright. Her young mistress was seated on the bed, hugging her knees and silently sobbing. Meanwhile, the madman lay stark naked beside her.

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