Chapter 160. Goals

"Rest assured, the governor wouldn't do something like that," Charles told the man standing before him.

"How would you know? What, are you the governor?" the man sneered with a look of disdain at Charles, who had no eyebrows.

"Of course, he’s—" Lily was about to retort when Charles silenced her with a gentle pat on the head.

"Let's go and take a look elsewhere." Charles turned and left the square. There was no point arguing with the man. He would soon understand when the new decree was posted on the bulletin board.

With Lily settled in on his open palm, they navigated through streets and pathways before they arrived at the island's central district.

Naturally, due to the lack of construction materials, the central district didn't look any better than other areas. However, the people were dressed in more fashionable pieces.

The only residents of this area were the staffers who served the Governor's Mansion and the crew members who had explored and found the island alongside Charles.

The sparse population contributed to the significant emptiness in this area. Apart from a few standalone houses, some empty parcels of land had also been dotted with stones.

"What's this?" Charles asked as he picked a stone up and found a carving on it.

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"Mr. Charles, I know about this! Jumpy told me that people are using these stones to mark their lands. Once the shipping routes have been established and opened, they would then build many, many houses here and then rent them out," Lily answered.

Charles let out a chuckle.

"That's my first time seeing this," he said and placed the stone back to its original spot.

As Charles rose to his feet, he noticed a familiar face approaching him. It was Frey, the cook on Narwhale. Flanked by two voluptuous women, they laughed and joked as they walked toward him.

It was an amusingly incongruent sight to see the tall and lanky Frey being sandwiched between two curvaceous women.

"Mr. Cook!" Lily shouted out and instantly caught Frey's attention.

Spotting Charles, a look of surprise crossed Frey's face.

He hurried over and asked, "Captain? Have your wounds healed?"

"I feel much better now," Charles answered and pointed to the women beside Frey. "And who might these two be?"

A grin stretched across Frey's visage. "When I arrived home four days ago, they were waiting at my doorstep and begged to be my wives. Where else could I stumble upon such good fortune? I naturally agreed to it."

"Interesting... So they came to be with you after knowing that you became a central islander?"

"Exactly? But isn't that such a blessing? Captain, you have no idea. Their skin is so soft and supple. Much softer than those you can get in the brothels. Wanna have a touch?"

"Can't you see that Lily is here? Watch your words," Charles chided as his brows slightly furrowed.

Frey finally noticed the white mouse in Charles' hand. Frey flushed slightly red in embarrassment. "Ah, Lily, I apologize. I'm sorry."

"What's the progress with your tasks? Are there any issues?" Charles inquired.

"Are you referring to the financial department within the Governor's Mansion? Don't worry, Captain. I'm working hard on it," Frey assured. He then hesitantly added, "Captain, we’ve known each other for a long while now. You know me; other than cooking, I don't know anything else. It's better if you consider someone else for such a key position. I'm afraid that I'll mess up."

"Then what are you planning to do if not that?" Charles probed.

Frey's eyes widened in bewilderment. "Captain, why do we have to do something? What's wrong with chilling and having fun every day? I mean, isn't the whole point of being a central islander to sit back and enjoy a good life?"

"Then what about the Land of Light? You have no plans to go there, too?"

Frey let out a light chuckle. "Captain, if it's as per your words, then life down here doesn't really fall short of the life above. And there might not be beauties who would throw themselves at you up there, right?"

Charles's unwavering gaze was fixated on Frey and sent a shiver down the latter's spine.

"Captain, did I do something wrong?" Frey asked with slight apprehension.

"Nothing. You're doing fine," Charles replied and left with Lily.

Charles strolled along the streets and visited the residences of each and every crew member on the Narwhale. He realized the island's corrupting allure had a far more significant impact on his crew than he expected.

Most of them had eagerly adopted their new roles as central islanders.

Witnessing their lives of lavishness and excess, only two words surfaced in Charles' mind: nouveau riche.

Of course, there were some who hadn't succumbed to the island's seduction. Laesto spent his days hiding in his room, working on something unknown to Charles. Meanwhile, Bandages was fully committed to the establishment of the Hope Island Navy.

Finally, Charles found his chief engineer, James, amidst a banana plantation.

With an oversized hat on his towering stature, James was meticulously inspecting the leaves of the banana trees.

Spotting Charles waving to him from afar, James approached the former with a warm and sincere smile on his face. "Captain, how are your injuries? And hello, lil' Lily."

"I'm feeling better. You seemed quite meticulous in your inspection. Do you have experience in agriculture?" Charles asked.

"Yes. My grandfather has taught me how to grow ryegrass. However, he fell ill after and that employer didn't want to keep him. I had no choice but to become a sailor," James answered truthfully.

"I see... Did any woman try to climb onto your bed?"

"Captain! What are you talking about? I'm married, and my wife is even pregnant."

At the mention of his unborn child, James' face lit up with visible bliss. "I really wish I could see them right away. She should have given birth by now. I wonder if it's a boy or a girl."

Watching James' expression, Charles pondered for a brief moment before he asked, "To have your wife and child by your side... Is that your only wish?"

James sheepishly scratched his head as he let out an embarrassed laugh.

Moments later, his hand hurriedly fell to the side, and a solemn look appeared on his face as he exclaimed, "Mr. Charles, don’t worry! If you ever need me, I can leave everything behind and get aboard the Narwhale again!"

Charles shook his head. "There's no need. Once everything is over, stay on the island and live well. If you truly wish to help me, focus on improving the agriculture of Hope Island."

Without waiting for James' response, Charles turned and walked away. This time, he didn't return to the shade of the sheltered areas but walked in the sunlight.

Bathed in the sun's golden rays, Charles seemed to be entirely separated from the others who lived in the shadows of darkness.

Lily could feel the change in Charles's mood and raised her tiny head to look at him.

"Mr. Charles, are you unhappy?"

"Why would I be? I'm just feeling a little emotional. Everyone looks so happy and free, and they no longer have to fear for their lives at sea."

Charles had always thought that he and his crew shared the same vision, the same insatiable desire for the surface world. But it finally dawned on him that they were, after all, not from the world above. They couldn't share or comprehend his yearning thirst to return.

Women, family, money—they had already found what they desired.

The Land of Light had become an optional journey for them.

Charles turned his gaze onto the endless dark waters next to him. Suddenly, he felt as though everything that had happened in the past nine years had been nothing but a fleeting dream.

"Mr. Charles, don't worry! I'll follow you wherever you go!" Lily grasped Charles' sleeve and nuzzled her little head against his hand.

Charles stroked Lily's fur in response as he looked up at the rays piercing through the overhead crevice.

"This dream is finally coming to an end."

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