Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 152. Those Who Went Up

Chapter 152. Those Who Went Up

Charles tapped George on the chest with the signed document. "Hey, stop looking around. I'm done filling it up. There's nothing else, right?"

George blinked as if waking up from a dream and hurriedly accepted the pieces of paper.

"My apologies. This island is just so beautiful and mesmerizing. By the way, Governor Charles, as per your previous agreement with the Association, you'll need to allocate a parcel of land for our new branch building here. Of course, we'll pay the necessary taxes."

Charles spoke a few perfunctory words and dismissed it. It was just a trivial matter to him. The more important task at hand was to find the head of the Divine Light Order.

He had hardly taken two steps when a shout pervaded the air, "The Governor is here!"

A throng of people surged forward and surrounded Charles.

"Sir, do you need an accountant? I've been in this field for many years and have much experience. I've absolutely no problem when it comes to calculating figures.

"Sir, do you need an island planner? I graduated from Albion Isles' Maus Design Academy."

"Sir, I belong to the District 7 police team on the Isle of Whereto. I have rich experience in solving all kinds of cases. The moment I heard that you’ve found an island, I immediately resigned to come and assist you."

Their faces gleamed with hope and desperation as they scrambled to catch Charles' attention.

A hint of annoyance crossed Charles' gaze as he stared at the crowd before him. I understand it was the Association, but how do these people even get wind of this? Are the disciples of the Divine Light Order all blabbermouths?

As the crowd before him swelled in numbers, Charles' eyes hurriedly looked around and found Bandages, who was standing silently in the corner. He pointed at the bandaged silhouette and announced, "For all matters concerning the island, look for him. He's in charge of personnel."

The eager mass instantly diverted their attention and swarmed toward Bandages, who was seemingly frozen from having received the sudden assignment.

Charles' gaze shifted back to the assembly. Each of them had a distinctive white triangle on their foreheads. He felt a budding headache hitting him. They remained in a state of bewilderment, and their faces displayed sheer elation or were streaming with tears.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets tore through the roof and left a few holes in their trails. With everyone's attention drawn onto him, Charles spoke, "I'm Charles, Governor of this island. Who is your leader?"

Amidst the brief commotion, a regal figure with silvery-white hair and clad in a golden silk robe emerged from the crowd. His face still bore traces of his uncontained excitement.

"Where is Kord?" the elderly man asked.

"Kord has died. He died under the divine light of your Light God."

To Charles' surprise, the elderly man before him exhibited not even a hint of sorrow. A gratified smile filled his lips. He formed a triangle with his index fingers and thumbs, and placed it against the white triangle on his forehead. The other disciples followed suit, and prayers filled the space.

A few minutes later, the elderly man placed his hands down and approached Charles. "I'm Cardinal Bishop Hunn of the Albion Isles. Are you the captain who discovered the Land of Light alongside Kord?"

Charles didn't get them over to exchange pleasantries. Jumping straight to the topic at hand, he pointed at the shelter overhead and said, "You've seen the photos, haven't you? Have the Order figured out a way to get up?"

Hunn nodded in response and muttered a few words to the attendant behind him. Shortly after, a petite elderly woman, measuring only 1.4 meters tall, glided gracefully toward them while hovering inches above the ground.

Charles shook his head. "She won't make it even if she can fly. The sunlight can easily take her life."

Stroking his beard, Hunn flashed a confident smile. "Don't worry, Governor Charles. The Order possesses an array of equipment for island exploration. This time, we've brought everything for the Land of Light."

Swiftly, the elderly woman donned a black latex suit that resembled a raincoat. She then put on the two thick, dark lenses that were positioned around her head.

With the lenses shielding her eyes, the woman ventured into the sunlight. Wandering around for several minutes in her peculiar attire, she showed no signs of distress; the suit was effective.

"Remember. Upon arriving at the Land of Light and standing before the Almighty Lord, bow in deep reverence and pray. Plead for His mercy upon us lost lambs and beseech Him to lift the punishment from His divine radiance.

”We, as sinners, should stand ready to face judgment in His holy kingdom," Hunn instructed the woman in a solemn voice.

Charles raised an eyebrow in doubt. He highly doubted that the blazing orb up there could provide the woman with any response. He stepped forward and advised, "When you get up there, observe the landscape around you. See if it's a vast ice layer, and look out for any creatures. Remember their features and report everything when you return."

The elderly woman nodded and floated away from the shelter. Under the watchful gazes of everyone, she floated toward the fissure in the terrain overhead.

Standing under the sunlight, Charles watched as the woman drew closer and closer to the crack and gradually merged into it. He couldn't discern any further details due to the elevation and the light's brilliance.

"Governor Charles, how are you able to stand under the divine light and remain unharmed? Do you possess a special relic?" Hunn asked as his eyes stared at Charles with a hint of surprise.

Charles remained silent. Wiping the tears that resulted from the bright sun ray's sting, he retreated into the shelter.

He was not in the mood to offer any explanation. His heart was beating with palpable anticipation and excitement at the prospect of finally being able to unveil the events on the surface world.

Whether the Earth had stopped spinning or some other catastrophe, it would all be revealed soon.

Word about the exploration of the Land of Light rapidly spread like wildfire across Hope Island. The people buzzed with excitement and speculations about what might lie beyond the rift.

Tick tock, tick tock.

As the second needle on Charles' pocket watch ticked away, the murmurs of conversations began to wane before they eventually died down, and a building tension enveloped them all.

A few hours passed by, and the elderly woman was still nowhere to be seen. It was as though the sunlight had absorbed her completely.

A look of distress clouded Hunn's features. He gathered several other disciples, and an impassioned discussion ignited among them. Their attires suggested that they likely held high positions within the Order as well.

Looking at the grilled fish and coconuts that his crew had presented to him, Charles found himself without an appetite. With brows furrowed, he emerged from the shelter once more and squinted as he looked up at the rift above.

What's happening up there?

Another three hours elapsed. Still seeing no signs of the elderly woman, Hunn devised another plan. This time, he chose two young men, each had a fishing line tethered to their waists.

"Watch over each other. No matter how enticing the world above might be, you must return with news! All our brethren await your information. You cannot merely indulge yourselves," Hunn implored in a severe tone as his eyes locked onto the pair.

"Do you have any offensive relics? Equip them with something. Perhaps there might be dangers lurking above," Charles cautioned.

"What dangers could there be in the Lord's domain?" However, his actions belied his words. He handed a bracelet and a squirming clump of brown muck to the pair.

As the two young men began their ascent, the almost transparent fishing line attached to them was also slowly lifted up. Everyone waited with bated breath, and palpable tension filled the air.

Just seconds after the pair had disappeared into the sunlight, the fishing line halted its ascend and then jerked violently. Onlookers erupted into gasps of shock at the sight before them.

Charles dashed forward and grabbed the line, trying to gauge the force exerted from above. At this point, the line was taut, as though something on the other end was trying to pull the youths upward.

However, the situation didn't last for long. Soon, the line slackened and plummeted down at full speed.

When the leading end of the line became visible to the crowd, it was no longer transparent but now entirely stained with a chilling, crimson hue.

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