Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 150. The Cavendish Family

Chapter 150. The Cavendish Family

Isle of Whereto.

Governor Daniel was seated in his office as he examined the intelligence reports laid out on his desk.

With a trace of perplexity in his eyes, he muttered, "What are these lunatics up to now?"

It wasn't just in Whereto. All Divine Light Order's disciples based in the Northern Seas were stirring and making large movements. It seemed as though they were preparing for some major event.

"Are they planning to wage a war against the Fhtagn Covenant again after so many years of peace? Damn it."

The very possibility induced a headache in Daniel. If these two religious powers were to clash, the entire Northern region would be implicated. And his years of intricate planning would be disrupted as well.


The door swung open, and a handsome young man entered the room. It was his son, Jack.

"What have you been busy with?" Daniel inquired.

"I told you," Jack replied lazily as he sank into the plush sofa by the side.

"Are you planning on taking over those people from the Police Headquarters' District 7 Team?"

A sneer of disdain surfaced on Jack's countenance. "No way. Father, it seems that you are unaware, but some of them think they can just smooch off the system and get paid for doing nothing just because their ancestors were the island’s pioneers I think they've probably never even touched a relic before. Whereto really needs a brand new District 7 team."

Daniel's face grew stern. "Indeed, it's high time we move. District 7 ought to be restored to its former glory. I'll pass a decree later. There's no room for negotiations. If anyone stands in the way, disregard their backing and deal with them!"

Jack could tell that his father was truly serious this time. Their recent misstep had sullied their reputation. They had played into the hands of a woman. And ever since that debacle, the Cavendish Family had been reduced to a laughingstock among other governors.

"Why did you call for me? If there's nothing else, I'm heading back. I still have a mountain of matters to handle."

Daniel's expression returned to normal. Clearing his throat, his voice was laced with a tinge of embarrassment as he said, "Put those matters aside first. I called you over because I hope that you can talk to your sister about that."

Jack's eyes widened in surprise. "Why should I be the one to tell her about it?"

"You are her brother."

"So, your daughter is ignoring you, and you came to me, hoping that I will play the bad guy? Is that so, my dear father?" Jack replied.

Daniel grabbed the bronze cannon sculpture from the side table and hurled it at Jack. "Cut the crap and go now!"

With a soft resonance, Jack effortlessly caught the bronze sculpture, which weighed several kilograms, with one hand, "Father, you owe me big time for this."

Exiting his father's office, Jack strolled through the garden outside. He plucked a random flower from the bushes before heading toward his sister's room.

Before Margaret's maidservant could announce his presence, Jack silenced her with a gesture. He then directly pushed the door open and entered the room.

"Brother, what brings you here?" Visibly flustered by Jack's sudden entrance, Margaret hastily shoved a stack of papers into a drawer before turning around to face her brother.

"This is the most beautiful flower that I have found after searching through all of Whereto. Only a flower as beautiful as this is befitting to the princess of our Cavendish family," Jack said as he held up the flower.

"Not again? You just picked this from the garden on your way here, didn't you?" Margaret exposed him with a look of disdain.

Jack then delicately tucked the flower behind Margaret's ear. "Ah, my sister is surely smart. I came to talk. The son of Ebony Mist Island's governor will be visiting Whereto tomorrow. Would you want to meet him? I remember you two used to play really well together when you were kids."

Margaret's face twisted in frustration as she swiftly removed the flower. "Father sent you over, didn't he? I already said many times I don't want to see them!"

Staring at the blazing fury in his sister's eyes, Jack rapidly sidestepped over and rested an arm on her shoulder in an attempt to pacify her. "Come on, don't be mad at me. That old man forced me to come. I didn't have a choice."

"Get out now. I don't wish to speak to you," Margaret said and turned her head to the other side, not wanting to cast another glance at her brother.

"Don't worry, baby sis, I'm actually on your side." With a playful grin on his face, Jack nudged her with his shoulder.


"Of course! Look, whatever little secret it was, I've already heard about it. Just some boy, right? Let me think of a way. Do you like him a lot?"

"What are you even talking about?" Margaret's face flushed a scarlet red instantly as she shyly looked down at the ground.

"What's there to be shy about? Tell me, do you want my help?"

Margaret's face grew redder with each passing second. Fiddling the hem of her skirt, she finally mustered a meek, "Yes..."

Jack released his hold on her and began to pace around the room, seemingly engrossed in thoughts.

After a few moments, he halted and said, "Okay, I've thought of a few ways. Have a thought on which is more suitable. Option one: have him marry into our family and help us to strengthen the Cavendishes' influence and power. If you agree to this, I will help you to persuade Father."

“That won’t do.” Margaret immediately shook her head and said, "Mr. Charles won’t agree to it."

Jack continued. "Option two: put him aside for now and wait for him to conquer an island, then have him come to Whereto to ask for your hand in marriage."

"How long would I have to wait—and that's so dangerous." Margaret's face showed her evident disapproval of this proposition.

"All right then. Option three: I'll send someone to kidnap him, lock him up in a room and let you have your way with him. Once you've had your fill of him, you won't like him as much as you do right now anymore," Jack said with a mischievous grin.


In a fit of rage and embarrassment at Jack's suggestion laced with sexual insinuation, Margaret lifted a hefty book and swung it at Jack.

"Get out! Now!"

Jack chuckled and raised his hands defensively. "Don't worry! As a lady of the Cavendish family, you could sleep with a man or several men, and there'd still be a line eager to wed you."

Books kept on flying toward Jack, but he chuckled and dodged them effortlessly while retreating toward the door.

Seeing her brother standing at the doorway with a mischievous grin, Margaret huffed angrily and turned her back toward him before plopping down onto the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Liar! You're just toying with me!" Margaret's voice quivered.

Staring at his sister's forlorn silhouette, Jack wiped off the smile on his face. Pulling a cigar out from his pocket, he placed it in his mouth and lit it with a lighter.

"Don't smoke in my room!"

As the cigar's end glowed a fiery red, a swirling haze of white smoke obscured Jack's face.

"Margaret," Jack began. "You're already seventeen this year. It's high time you grow up and realize that the world isn't as wonderful as it seems. Father has been shielding you from all its darker sides. You have to think of him, too."

Receiving no response, Jack pressed on. "Your wilfulness last time cost us greatly. Do you have any idea how much losses we incurred when Father had to search every corner of the sea for you?

”Should the Cavendish name lose its prestige, that worthless Captain Charles of yours wouldn't even spare you a second glance."

Margaret wanted to retort that Charles was not the type that Jack portrayed him to be. However, she was slightly intimidated by the uncharacteristic sternness and iciness in her brother's voice.

"Baby sis, discard those unrealistic fantasies. Reflect on your role and responsibilities as a governor's daughter. You have to help Father stay in his position as Governor; that’s the only way you can retain your status as the pearl of Whereto.”

By the time the lingering scent of the cigar had faded in the air, Margaret, with downcast brows, slowly turned around and realized that her brother had left her room.

She walked toward the cabinet earlier and pulled out a piece of paper from one of its drawers. It was a vivid portrait of Charles that she had secretly commissioned an artist to draw.

Gazing at his countenance, the corners of her lips drooped into a sad frown, and her demeanor was filled with sorrow as she muttered, "Why...Why, when I like someone—why do all of you want to keep us apart..."

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