Chapter 384: Chapter 382 chit-chat


Her words made Sun Qin Hug Youyou. “It’s good that you understand. It’s not too late to be sensible now. I’m glad that you can understand. ”

Youyou was in Sun Qin’s arms, and she couldn’t help but cry.

Qian Shuishui looked at this scene and was very gratified. Youyou wasn’t a bad child, nor was she a bad child that couldn’t be taught. To Sun Qin, this child was also family. She was happy for them to reconcile.

Sun Qin sent Qian Shuishui home first and came to Qian Shuishui’s door. Qian Shuishui saw that it was still early, so she said, “do you want to come over to the house? ”

Sun Qin wiped away her tears. “Is it convenient? ”

“It’s fine. Zhi An is in class and will only be back tomorrow. I’m the only one at home. ” Qian Shuishui thought of Mu Ziyu. He might not come over today. It didn’t matter if he came over. They had met before anyway.

Sun Qin came over to Qian Shuishui’s house for a visit. Xing he and Chia Youyou hadn’t come.

Chia youyou looked at the villa. It turned out that CHI JI was right. She wasn’t doing too badly either. Living alone in the villa Wasn’t she afraid When she was alone at home, she was scared to death. Moreover, their villa was not as big as this one.

“You two take a seat in the living room first. I’ll go make some tea. ” Qian Shuishui walked to the kitchen.

When the two pets saw that their owners had brought them back, they did not bark as crazily as before. Xiao Ha came forward enthusiastically. Xing he quickly squatted down to pet Xiao Ha. “sister also has a pet. This Husky is very funny. Looking at it now, it must be causing trouble every day. ”

Xiao Ha stuck out its tongue. It did not understand, but it did not hinder its happiness. Someone was playing with it. It walked around Xing he and then jumped up. “Awoo, Awoo, awoo. ”

“Ah, this guy is so fat. ” Xing he felt like he couldn’t even carry it, so he grabbed its forelimbs.

However, Xiao Ha desperately wanted to jump up and let Xing he hold it. Xing he let go of Xiao Ha. “Aiyo, I don’t know what it wants to do, it keeps jumping up. ”

Qian Shuishui held a fruit and four cups of tea. “I made flower tea. The other tea is too strong, so it’s not suitable for drinking at night. Is that okay? ”

“Why would it be alright? Drinking Flower tea at night is good for your body. Hurry up and sit down. Tomorrow will be the summer break after the exam. Do you have any plans? If you don’t have any plans, choose a few days and we will travel nearby for a few days, ” she suggested It was also a knot in her heart that she had never traveled with her daughter.

Qian Shuishui thought for a moment. “I am free for the first half of the month. In the next month, I may have to work part-time at the Military Academy for a month. I have already promised my friend, so I will be busier at that time. ”

“That’s fine too. Isn’t there still half a month in the first half of the month? It’s good to go out occasionally to relax. ” Although Sun Qin forgave her husband.. However, what he did was always a thorn in her heart. She didn’t know when she would be able to walk past it. Although her husband was also plotted by this mistress and left a seed behind, it was also the result of her carelessness. If she didn’t do such a thing in the beginning, wouldn’t there be no traces left behind?

Chyou you also felt that her father wasn’t the father she thought he was. She felt that after having an affair, everything had changed. Their family and her father’s attitude. Her father said to let her handle it In fact, there were several times when he said to bring the child to his side and let the woman leave. He actually really wanted to bring the child with him. After all, it was a boy.

“okay, but… ” Shui Shui looked at the door …

Because the door was opened, the first person Shui Shui Shui Thought of was Mu Ziyu. The person who pushed the door open and entered was indeed Mu Ziyu. He smiled and walked in. “There’s a guest? Hello, Auntie. ”

When he saw Sun Qin, Mu Ziyu greeted her politely.

“You’re here. ” When Sun Qin saw this, Mu Ziyu seemed to have the key to Shui Shui’s house. Had the two of them already come to this point?

Xing he saw Mu Ziyu and said, “Big Brother Mu, come and sit down. ”

Chi Youyou didn’t know Mu Ziyu, but Qian Shuishui knew her doubts and simply introduced him, “this is my boyfriend. He usually comes to accompany me because I live here alone. He’s worried about my safety. ”

Chi Youyou didn’t expect Qian Shuishui to tell her, so she replied, “Oh. ”

Mu Ziyu walked over and sat beside Qian Shuishui. Qian Shuishui had no choice but to stand up. “I’ll get you a cup of flower tea. You should rest first. ”

“Okay, thank you. ” Mu Ziyu nodded and held Shui Shui’s hand. He only let go after Shui Shui moved around.

Sun Qin smiled and said, “long time no see. ”

“Yes, Auntie Sun. It’s rare for you to come over. This is? ” Mu Ziyu looked at Chia youyou and expressed his doubts.

“This is my other child, Chia Youyou. ” Sun Qin introduced her briefly.

“Hello. ” Mu Ziyu greeted her simply. When he heard this name, he knew that he was not related to Qian Shuishui.

He looked at Mu Ziyu leisurely. What a handsome man. He was sister Qian’s boyfriend. Unknowingly, she called Qian Shuishui sister Qian because it was not nice to call her sister Shui. Moreover, there was some ambiguity in it.

Qian Shuishui came out with a cup of tea. “This is for you. Didn’t you say that you were busy these few days? Why are you here? I don’t want to help you with your work anymore. ”

“Why would I let you help me with my work? ” He Patted Shui Shui’s head and smiled faintly. However, there were times when he had a lot of things on his hands, especially the translation of documents. He trusted Qian Shuishui very much, so he asked Qian Shuishui to help him translate Qian Shuishui wouldn’t reject him either, but the more times she did it, the more Qian Shuishui felt that she was going to be the translator, so she simply waved her hand and said that she wasn’t going to help.

Of course, if it was something that he was very anxious about, Qian Shuishui would still help him. She couldn’t just watch him be anxious. Moreover, she discovered that Mu Ziyu’s company’s translators were always asking for leave. The reason was unknown. Qian Shuishui had asked Mu Ziyu, but Mu Ziyu only said that.. He would be fired, but not now.

She still didn’t understand why he said that.

Mu Ziyu looked at Qian Shuishui dotingly. “Shuishui, shall I pick you up for dinner tomorrow night? ”

“Ah? No, I have an appointment with Ming Ming. I can’t agree to it. I just rejected my mother. ” Qian Shuishui shook her head. There was really no other way. She couldn’t stand up for the appointment.

Sun Qin looked at the two of them. Back then, she and Qian an were just as sweet, but reality was too cruel. They were separated in the end. However, they loved each other. Qian Shuishui looked similar to her, but her personality was similar to Qian an’s. She felt that this combination made her very happy. Qian an was a person who was ambitious and knew how to work hard. The reason why she liked him so much.. It was because he was really a very considerate man. After spending so much time with him, he had never let her down, but the conditions were between them.

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