Chapter 295: Chapter 292, temporary changes


“Shui Shui, which supermarket do you want to go to? ” He did not know if Shui Shui wanted to buy anything.

“Let’s go straight home. I went to the supermarket yesterday. There are all kinds of ingredients, just make some. Zi Lin seems to be bringing his girlfriend too, I’ll just make more. It’s just a normal meal, they probably won’t pick anything. ” Shui Shui felt that it did not matter “But I don’t know if his girlfriend will accept this taste. ”

“Zi Lin said that his girlfriend is not picky about anything. What’s her name again? ” Mu Ziyu suddenly forgot the girl’s name.

Shui Shui thought for a moment, “is her name Wen Huijing? ”

“It should be. ” Mu Ziyu shrugged, indicating that he didn’t really remember the girl’s name and hadn’t seen much of her.

“It’s this name. Although I’ve thought about it, I still remember it. You can’t even remember the name of your younger brother’s girlfriend. You’re an incompetent elder brother, ” Shui Shui ridiculed.

“I just want to be a competent husband. I don’t need to be a competent elder brother. ” He smiled. He felt that his younger brother’s girlfriend and he didn’t have a direct relationship, so there was indeed no need to treat her too well. Moreover, if he really married into the Mu Family in the future.. He was also his brother’s wife.

Shui Shui did not speak directly. Zi Yu’s mouth also became more and more fierce, and he also became more and more good at talking.

When they reached home, Shui Shui began to prepare in the kitchen.

Not long after, Jiang Li and Qian Zhian returned. Shui Shui thought that the two of them went out to eat, but she did not expect them to go straight home. “So early today? ”

“sister, Cook. Is there enough food? If not, the two of us will go and help you pack. ” Qian Zhian popped his head out of the kitchen door.

Shui Shui looked at Qian Zhian’s head. “You go out first. I just started cooking now, so it’s enough. You guys wait outside. There’s a lot of oil smoke in the kitchen. ”

“Okay. ”

Shui Shui was ready to make some home-cooked dishes.

Mu Zilin brought his girlfriend over. Wen Huijing saw the house here and didn’t expect Qian Shuishui to live in such a good place. “Zi Lin, this is your friend’s house? What about her parents? ”

“It’s hers. It’s hard to say about other things in the house. You don’t have to ask too much. It involves too much privacy. ” Mu Zilin still wouldn’t casually expose Qian Shuishui’s privacy.

Wen Huijing was a little unhappy about this reply. What couldn’t she say I’m not a big mouth, and I’m still your girlfriend.

But she couldn’t say much. She had always been reasonable, so she couldn’t make trouble without reason.

Shui Shui finished her work and put the things aside. She walked out and asked Qian Zhian to clean up the kitchen. After setting the dishes, she quickly went upstairs to take a shower.

Wen huijing looked at Mu Ziyu. “Brother Ziyu, do you want to listen to the concert? I have two tickets here. It’s a small concert. Zi Lin and I have already seen it. ”

He took out the tickets and handed them to Mu Ziyu. Deep Down, she wanted to please Mu Ziyu.

Mu Ziyu shook his head and rejected her. “thank you, but there’s no need. Shui Shui Shui prefers to listen to traditional concerts. Her teacher often gives out tickets. You can go and listen to it again. ”

“Is that so? Then sister Qian is in university now. She only has a lot of time in the future. We can go out together some other time. ” Wen Huijing felt that they could go on a double date. When the time came, she could call her friends and let them be envious.

Shui Shui came down at this time. She washed up and changed into a clean set of clothes.

“You are now in your third year of high school. Do you still have time to go out and play? You should study hard. ” Shui Shui smiled. It was very difficult for Mu Zilin’s current results to be on the top.

Wen huijing laughed dryly. “You should relax once in a while. ”

“But now we should still focus on studying. Zi Lin, don’t lag too far behind. It would be embarrassing if you re-study in your third year of high school. ” Shui Shui ridiculed. Every time she saw Zi Lin, she could not help but ridicule him. He did not say that he cared too much about the college entrance examination Although one’s grades couldn’t determine a person, this was, after all, the expectations of his parents.

Mu Zilin shook his head. “If you don’t repeat it, then you can do whatever you get. What’s more, don’t you have you? ”

“hehe. ” Shui Shui laughed mockingly. “Let’s eat. ”

Jiang Li helped Qian Zhian. “today, it’s all big dishes. There’s a super big bowl of boiled beef, Chili stir-fried meat, and stir-fried cabbage. What’s that? White? ”

“I think it’s fish head tofu soup. There’s also a Pumpkin fish head pot. It feels pretty good. My sister will occasionally cook some new dishes. It’s not like before, when she was my fan every day. “I’m going to vomit blood. It’s much better when I come here. The number of times my fans eat it will be much less. ” Qian Zhian recalled the time when he lived in that small apartment Fans, fans, he was going to vomit.

“Haha, is it that exaggerated? ” Jiang Li felt that Qian Zhian was too exaggerated.

“You can try it. You’re a fan every day. Occasionally, you’ll change your taste. The soup has changed, but the main ingredient is still fans. “At first, I thought I could persevere. But later, I realized that it’s really too hard to eat the same thing for a long time. ” Qian Zhian didn’t know how to describe the hard times he had in the past It was really a snot and tears.

The two of them sat down and waited for the others to take their seats.

Wen huijing still felt very awkward because they weren’t familiar with each other, and Qian Shuishui wouldn’t deliberately talk to her or change the topic.

Occasionally, when they talked about cosmetics, she wanted to say something, but when she heard Shui Shui say something, she didn’t continue.

Jiang Li and Qian Zhian suddenly mentioned that a lot of people nowadays wore makeup and said that there were no good cosmetics. Shui Shui directly ridiculed, “although men also use makeup now, the two of you are discussing so intensely. Are you planning to buy it for yourself? ”

“No, sister, you’re a woman and you’re in university now. Shouldn’t you be wearing makeup? ” Qian Zhian asked back. His sister looked pretty good in makeup.

Shui Shui shook her head, “I don’t really like makeup, and I have no interest in these so-called brands. With this little money, I can’t use it to buy other cosmetics. There’s no need to spend it. ”

“Is that so? ” Qian Zhian didn’t know what to say. His sister didn’t like makeup, but her skin was good, so there was no need to use words to cover up her bad parts.

“sister Qian, you might need to use it occasionally. If you really want it, what brand would you choose? I heard from the girls that they would use Korean brands or something. ” Jiang Li couldn’t name the brand.

Shui Shui thought about it and shook her head. “I don’t have any ideas, but it’s best if it’s the least exciting. Forget it, let’s not talk about this. No matter how much you guys talk, I don’t understand. Moreover, you guys are the same. ”

“Dinger. ”

They changed the topic and started talking about some movies.

Shui Shui was still interested in these things. “Isn’t there a new detective movie being released recently? Do you want to watch it? ”

“Let’s watch it. Let’s go! ” Qian Zhian nodded.

Jiang Li also nodded. “Go, go. We’re going to school tomorrow. We’ll have some fun today. ”

Shui Shui looked at Mu Zilin.

Mu Zilin looked at Wen huijing. “I think it’s not bad. Do you want to watch it? ”

“Sure, I can do it. ” She couldn’t refuse, even though she wanted to watch a romantic movie.

Shui Shui saw that they were all willing, so she used her phone to book the tickets online. “It’s okay. We booked six tickets and bought a six-person Beverage Popcorn Combo. ”

“Shui Shui, what time is the movie? ” Zi Lin asked Qian Shuishui.

Shui Shui turned on her phone again and saw that it was still early. It was 4:15 in the afternoon.

“Huijing wants to change her clothes. She sweated a lot this morning. After she changes her clothes, we’ll go to the movie theater to look for you guys. How about it? ” He wanted to send his girlfriend home first.

“Up to you. ” Shui Shui didn’t care.

The others didn’t care either. Because now that Mu Zilin had a girlfriend, it was natural for him to take care of his girlfriend. Wen Huijing ate the dishes quietly. “Shui Shui is so amazing. She can cook so many dishes. If it were me, I probably wouldn’t be able to cook any of them. ”

Although her family’s conditions were not very good, she did not cook much either. It was her mother who cooked. It was very easy for her to occasionally Cook Fried Rice or noodles.

Mu Ziyu smiled and rubbed Shui Shui’s head. “In the future, you cook while I wash the dishes. ”

“Haha, washing the dishes? Actually, it’s good to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. It’s convenient and can also wash them clean. ” She rarely washed her hands now. Because the detergent hurt her hands, she wore gloves. When she washed them, she flipped the dishwasher and turned on the switch Then she could do other things.

“That’s true. Technology is so convenient now. ” Mu Ziyu felt that she had no use for it.

The two of them continued to chat. In any case, they were torturing single dogs.

Qian Zhian and Jiang Li looked at each other silently. They felt that the two of them were so miserable. Single dogs. The two of them didn’t care about others. They started to talk about games and school matters. Occasionally, they would say something together.

Wen Huijing saw two dogs running out. “Wow, what a cute dog. Where’s the Husky? ”

“I remember you said that you like dogs. ” Mu Zilin remembered Wen huijing saying that.

“Yes, but we’re not allowed to have dogs at home, not even puppies. Shui Shui, can I touch it? ” She asked Shui Shui, trying to show her courtesy.

Shui Shui nodded. “Yes, but don’t touch the other one. It doesn’t like strangers, so it’s easy to reject it. ”

“Okay. ”

She reached out to touch the Husky’s head and wanted to give the meat to the Husky, but Qian Zhian quickly stopped her. His voice suddenly became louder. “Don’t give it to it! Xiao Ha’s stomach hasn’t been good these days, so it can’t eat these. ”

He pinched the Husky’s mouth and forcefully pulled the meat away from its teeth. “You’d better go eat your dog food. ”

The Husky cried out aggrievedly.

Wen Huijing was a little embarrassed. “sorry, I didn’t know it couldn’t eat randomly. ”

Mu Zilin pulled his girlfriend over. “Then don’t feed it. Zhi An didn’t scold you just now. He was just anxious and spoke too loudly. ”

“No, I know. ” But that voice was obviously a roar. It scared her. Moreover, there were other people watching, so she felt embarrassed.

They didn’t know that Wen Huijing was very thin-skinned, and she was pretending to be fine.

Shui Shui looked at the two dogs. They didn’t come down just now. It was obvious that they had eaten their fill.

It was movie time in the afternoon. They came to the cinema. They had already taken the tickets and were waiting for them. Before they could see them, the movie was about to start. Shui Shui Shui called Zi Lin. “where is it? ”

“Shui Shui, I’m sorry. Huijing suddenly said that her stomach isn’t feeling well and she doesn’t want to go. What do you think we should do? ” He had no choice. When Wen Huijing returned home, she had just changed her clothes and told him that her stomach wasn’t feeling well and she didn’t want to go to the movie.

Although Wen Huijing said so, he was really a little helpless when Wen Huijing said that she wanted to go to the zoo to take a look.

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