She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 256 - would be ready for enrollment

Chapter 256: Chapter 253 would be ready for enrollment


After a busy day, Shui Shui was really grateful to Mu Ziyu. He had been busy ever since he got off the plane. It was all because their new home needed a lot of things.

Mu Zilin was the same. He had been helping her with passion. Shui Shui didn’t know why he was so passionate, but the high school she wanted to attend didn’t seem to be a decision for her. Uncle Jiang said that he would arrange it. As for Qian Zhian, he could only arrange it based on the results of the middle school examination.

A few days later, Qian Zhian’s middle school examination results came out. He got 621 points, which was still acceptable. However, because Qian Zhian’s score was not very good, there was no way to arrange the key points. For the sake of convenience, Shui Shui wanted to stay in the same school. She was fine with it.

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to arrange it this way. However, this time, his son’s score was about the same, so he decided to stay in the same school. That was Lingcheng high school, an area close to the ancient mausoleum. That was why it was named Lingcheng. This area was also a treasure land of Feng Shui. In the capital, it could be considered as one of the top three most beautiful universities. The environment was not bad, but the teachers were not as strong as the key universities.

Jiang yuan helped them with the enrollment procedures, so they could spend the last few weeks of the summer vacation in peace.

Qian Zhian and Jiang Li could also play together, not to mention that they were going to the same school, so their relationship was getting better and better.

Mu Zilin was unhappy because he was forced to go to a key high school. The school was usually very strict, and they had to make up lessons on weekends, so they had less time to see each other.

“You stupid idiot. ” Mu Zilin stood behind Shui Shui resentfully. In a few days, he would go back to school to make up lessons. Seeing that they were eating happily, he was not happy.

Shui Shui pushed Mu Zilin’s head away “You don’t have to act like a resentful woman. I can’t do anything about it. My Guardian did it. Besides, I don’t want to trouble him to arrange for me to go to the finish line. How many connections would I need “It’s too troublesome. After all, I transferred in halfway. It’s already enough to find a high school that’s similar. ”

“It’s so annoying. If you were here, I wouldn’t have to be so tired. ” Mu Zilin knew that his foundation had been pulled up by Shui Shui. Since she was no longer here, he had to rely on himself. Moreover, some of the things they learned were not quite the same, so he could not keep up with them Every time he took the exam, his ranking was middle-low.

Shui Shui shook her head. “I can’t help you all the time. In the end, I still have to rely on myself. Anyway, I’m here. When I’m free, we can have dinner and play together. ”

“That’s true. Compared to before in city a, it’s much more convenient to meet now. Moreover, you have your own place. ” Mu Zilin did not insist.

“But, how are you and my brother doing now? ” Mu Zilin asked secretly. His brother did not come today, so he did not know what he was doing.

Shui Shui picked up a big apple and began to eat it. “Who knows? ”

“Why do you say that? I feel like my brother is very interested in you. Anyway, I don’t know if he has a girlfriend in the past, because I’ve never heard of or seen one before. But you’re the only girlfriend who is open to the public and especially cares about you. But if he decides to abandon you, I’ll help you. ” Mu Zilin felt that his brother and Shui Shui were not bad together Moreover, Shui Shui’s personality was becoming gentler and gentler, and she was not the kind of girl who would put on an act.

He did not like girls who pretended to be all kinds of girls. They even made cute and sweet sounds on purpose. It was really disgusting. Moreover, many girls who only cared about money would stick to them because they were rich. Their faces were really annoying.

Shui Shui looked at Mu Zilin’s attitude and said, “if one day you meet someone you like, if that person is not suitable for you, it can’t be said that it’s not good. Do you think I should intervene? ”

“Eh, my taste shouldn’t be so bad, right? ” Mu Zilin believed that his taste and ability to see people was very good.

“If there really is, you would still be foolishly among them. As a friend, a good friend, I would definitely intervene and snatch them away. ” Shui Shui smiled faintly. In fact, she was just joking.

Mu Zilin nodded a little embarrassedly. “Alright, wait for that day. ”

He knew that Shui Shui was joking. He smiled and let it go.

They stayed at home. Shui Shui Shui looked at the kitchen and opened the fridge. There did not seem to be any ingredients. She did not know what she could do with these little ingredients. It was noon. She did not want to cook. She could just order takeout. She looked around, but she did not forget to call Mu Ziyu. “Zi Yu, are you coming over at noon? ”

“Yes, I’ll be there soon. ” He was in a store and was about to buy something for Shui Shui.

“Then I’ll order takeout for five people. ” Shui Shui went online to check out the shops.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon. I’ll bring you to the city center in the afternoon. See if there’s anything else you need. ” He felt that there was still something missing in the villa.

Shui Shui was naturally happy. “Okay, then I’ll go in the afternoon. I also want to buy something and take a look around. ”

She had been here before, but she did not have a deep impression. She had been busy tidying up the villa for the past few days and did not care about anything else. She wanted to buy a book, but due to the issue of funds, she had been holding it in. She had to consider making money. She had also checked the Internet and found a website. This website was a little special and could sell her handmade products. However, she thought of her own handmade products. Forget it, she would not consider it, but she could take a look around. As for writing her thesis.. She did not plan to continue because there was still some small trouble. To be honest, she did not know what she should do. She could no longer remember how she made money in the past. Let’s take it one step at a time.

She ordered a lot of food and delivered it to them for free. After Mu Ziyu came, their food was also delivered. Mu Ziyu put down the things she bought “I bought some of the four treasures of the study. Don’t you have calligraphy and Chinese painting? ” “I remember that you didn’t bring any tools when you came here. I asked the staff and they said that it was more useful. Also, you have been learning for a while, so I didn’t buy anything for beginners. ”

“I’m sorry to trouble you so much every time. ” Shui Shui was a little embarrassed because these things were expensive.

“Don’t buy them for me next time. If I need them, I’ll buy them myself. They’re not cheap. ” She didn’t like to enjoy the friendship of others for no reason. Moreover, she owed too much. How could she pay them back in the future?

Mu Ziyu’s expression changed slightly. “Why do you care so much? When we’re together, you don’t have to think too much. I just want you to be happy. ”

Shui Shui didn’t continue. She felt that her words would easily hurt others.

Everyone sat down and ate their food. Qian Zhian and the others were planning to explore the land together in the afternoon. They all loved to play and coincidentally, they were going out together. Shui Shui Shui and Mu Ziyu went out. After all, they had agreed to go out together. Shui Shui Shui bought a few books and didn’t buy anything else. She looked around Actually, she wasn’t lacking anything at the moment.

However, Mu Ziyu bought bags and bags of snacks. “In the future, if you’re hungry, you can eat some, but you can’t eat it often. ”

“Alright, let’s go back. Since I’m in the capital, it’ll be convenient for us to meet in the future. You can come to my house to eat. I’ll cook for you. ” She looked at Mu Ziyu with a smile.

Mu Ziyu nodded. “Alright, then I’ll come over often to eat and drink. Don’t find it troublesome. ”

Thinking about it in the future made her happy. She could see him anytime she wanted to, so she didn’t have to worry. This guy had forgotten about her.

Shui Shui nodded. Naturally, she did not mind. “Let’s go home for dinner and pack some stewed meat and roast duck. It can be considered a side dish. ”

“okay, I’ll go now. ” He drove to the restaurant.

It was very quiet in the car. Shui Shui Shui was looking at her phone. She saw some activities. “Zi Yu, are there prizes for competitions? ”

“Yes, writing short stories for magazines is pretty good too. ” He turned his head. “Why? ”

“magazines, this is not bad. ” Shui Shui started to search. She did not look for domestic ones. Instead, she looked for foreign ones. She could write short stories about small stories. As she was not a foreigner, they wanted to write small stories about their country It was not easy. Moreover, she liked to write essays. She might not be chosen, so it was not bad to try.

Mu Ziyu looked at Shui Shui’s smiling face and said, “if it’s a financial problem, can you let me know at any time? ”

“No problem. Actually, I just want to earn some extra money. I might not be able to make it. Let’s try. ” She was not sure. Anyway, she tried all kinds of ways to see which one could make money.

She did not like to use other people’s money. She wanted everything to be her own. Only when she used it would she feel at ease. She had always been like this.

Mu Ziyu sighed inwardly. Anyway, Shui Shui didn’t like to say anything, nor did she want him to share the burden. What should he do?

When she returned home, Shui Shui went to the kitchen to get busy.

Jiang Li stayed behind to eat. He was already used to it. Anyway, he didn’t want to go home when he was playing with sister Qian. Most importantly, he wanted to go to the same high school in the future.

Shui Shui cooked. The taste was okay, but it was easy to get tired after eating for a long time because she always liked to cook those few things.

In the evening, everyone sat together, chatting and laughing. Shui Shui Shui picked up some food for Zi Yu. “You eat more. You’ve been busy these few days. ”

She cupped her Chin and looked at Mu Ziyu, who was also eating big mouthfuls of food. “Come, eat stewed meat. I feel that this stewed meat is not bad. I can buy it in the future if I have the chance. ”

“Sis, this stewed meat is not bad. Eat more in the future. ” Qian Zhian ate happily. He loved to eat these.

Shui Shui smiled faintly and did not continue. Her mind began to quickly calculate the food cost and other expenses. Both of them loved to eat meat, but she was lazy and preferred to pack it. The cost would be higher. More than 100,000 yuan. A year was definitely not a problem, but because of the new house, they had bought a lot of daily necessities. Their expenses had increased, and the water and electricity bills in the villa were also higher than outside. It felt like this 100,000 yuan was only half a year. There was one more thing, she wanted to buy books.. She wanted to buy the original version of the book. It was worth a lot.

Jiang Li said, “Qian Zhian, when the time comes, you have to report with me. Sister Qian is going to report herself. It seems like the second year of high school is one day earlier than us. ”

“I see. Sister, do you want me to accompany you? ” Qian Zhian asked in return. His sister was sitting on the Sofa.

Shui Shui shook her head. “No need. These things are very simple. You accompanying me won’t change anything. On the contrary, it will be more troublesome if I bring you along. ”

“Uh. ” Alright, he was being despised. Qian Zhian felt that his sister was a little strong and had a strong sense of autonomy. She would do whatever she could do on her own and wouldn’t trouble others. She was the type that didn’t like to trouble others. However, she didn’t have any femininity at all. She still had to act coquettishly occasionally. He didn’t know if his second sister would usually act coquettishly, but when he thought about it, he felt that she didn’t seem like the type that would act coquettishly.

Mu Ziyu gave him a feeling that he was gentle and gentle. He was so considerate and so handsome. It was only right that his sister was seduced. In the past, he thought that Mu Ziyu was too old, but now that he looked at him, he was just right.

Shui Shui casually used a clip to clip her bangs, then she dragged her Chin and looked at Mu Ziyu. This action was a little infatuated. Others felt this way, but they did not say it out loud. However, Mu Zilin was obviously a person who did not know how to read the atmosphere, so he directly said, “Shui Shui, you’re like a infatuated person now. Don’t tell me that you only just realized that my brother is very handsome now? ”

“unfortunately, you’re too childish. I can’t become infatuated. ” Shui Shui did not even give Mu Zilin a look.

Mu Ziyu pinched Shui Shui’s nose. “Come, you eat too. You’ve lost weight recently. ”

“Isn’t it fashionable to be skinny and beautiful now? What do you think? ” Shui Shui thought that many girls nowadays regarded being thin as beautiful. Naturally, she did not think so. Health was the most important thing. Moreover, because of exercise, she maintained a good figure. Moreover, she was not the kind of person who would become fat the moment she ate. She was already very satisfied.

Mu Ziyu grabbed Shui Shui’s hand. “Don’t think about losing weight. I don’t think that those skinny and beautiful things are beautiful. They are too skinny. On the contrary, they are ugly. ”

“I didn’t say that I wanted to lose weight. ” Shui Shui picked up a piece of meat and put it into her mouth. She saw that he was nervous.

“It’s good that you didn’t. You are a little skinny now. Why aren’t you fat when you eat? ” He sized up Shui Shui, but she was growing taller.

Mu Zilin ridiculed her again, “I’ve never seen Shui Shui eat less. She eats more than me. ”

“So what? I eat more than you. That proves that you’re too weak, ” Shui Shui replied sarcastically.

“Tsk, this doesn’t mean anything. ” Mu Zilin snorted.

Shui Shui came here and spent most of her time with Mu Ziyu. They were speechless. Didn’t they get tired of being together.

School was about to start. Shui Shui Shui submitted a few articles and waited for news from the other party a week later. The start of the second year of high school was a day earlier than the first year of high school. She put on her school uniform and Uncle Jiang came to send her off. She had originally said that there was no need, but uncle Jiang had insisted.

Arriving at school at 9 am, Jiang Yuan brought Shui Shui to the freshmen’s office and met with the discipline teacher. “Hello, I’m here to bring my niece to go through the admission procedures and to collect the new books. ”

Since they had to choose the arts and science subjects, they had to make a trip.

The discipline teacher looked at Shui Shui. “Is it Qian Shuishui? Arts or science? ”

“Science, ” Shui Shui replied calmly.

“Then Science Class 11 will enter as a transfer student. This is your student ID and meal card. You have to pay for your meal card before you can use it. In our school, the evening self-study session ends early. However, you are not allowed to enter and leave the school as you wish, so you have to pay attention. The school will hold an exam once or twice a month. If the results are bad, the school will require the students to make up for their lessons and make use of the weekend, so you have to work hard,”the discipline teacher pushed up his glasses and said to Shui Shui His gaze was just casually looking at Shui Shui. A half-pretty girl might not be good at her studies, let alone science subjects. He had had thoughts about Qian Shuishui from the beginning, but not now that he had seen a talent.

Jiang Yuan helped Shui Shui find a school because he did not prepare some information about her previous school. He directly used his connections to get in. As a result, the discipline teacher thought that Shui Shui’s results were average, but she was very good-looking. He did not know why she chose science subjects It was not easy.

Jiang Yuan Patted Shui Shui’s shoulder. “If you have any problems, tell uncle. You go find the class. After noon, uncle will come to pick you up. ”

He had to go to the company and Pick Shui Shui Up at noon. Only then could he say that it was a formal class tomorrow.

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