She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 251 - taught him experience

Chapter 251: Chapter 248 taught him experience


Mu Ziyu entered the bathroom and looked around. It was very clean, and there was not a single strand of hair on the floor. Everything was neatly arranged. When he thought of his cousin’s bathrooms, they were extremely messy. There was also the fragrance of jasmine in it. He grabbed Shui Shui’s towel and sniffed it. “It’s a really comfortable smell. ”

He boiled the water and looked around. Was the shower Gel lavender No wonder every time he hugged her, there would always be a faint fragrance. It was this smell. After using Shui Shui’s shampoo and shower, his body and mind felt very comfortable. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body. “Shui Shui, I didn’t take my clothes. ”

Shui Shui looked at Mu Ziyu’s strong upper body. When she looked down, she could still see the faint Merman line. She licked her lips and said, “not bad. Nuo, your clothes. ”

“most girls would cover their eyes if they saw it. ” He took his clothes into the bathroom, changed his clothes, and walked out. Shui Shui was not in the room. He walked to the study room and leaned against the door to watch Shui Shui practice her calligraphy. He picked up a piece of Shui Shui’s handwriting and said, “It’s very beautiful. ”

“I’ve been studying for a year and haven’t gotten any results. Teacher is probably going to be furious. ” She stretched her neck and looked at the handwriting. Now that her handwriting had taken shape, she was very satisfied. In the past, her handwriting was very average. She did not want to have any regrets in her second life Therefore, her good handwriting satisfied her.

He looked at the paintings on the wall and the Erhu in the corner. “What else do you plan to learn? ”

“I don’t have any plans at the moment. I just want to learn something useful. Otherwise, I won’t have time to practice if I learn too much. It’s also a waste of money. ” She didn’t plan to spend too much energy on other studies. She considered her own time and energy.

Mu Ziyu supported Shui Shui. She could do whatever she wanted.

Shui Shui threw her things aside. “Let’s go to your apartment. I’ll help you clean up. ”

“Okay. ” Mu Ziyu didn’t refuse. Qian Zhian also went to join in the fun.

They brought the things in. The layout of this apartment was similar to her apartment. The only difference was that there was only one room. It was like her apartment. The study room and the master bedroom were merged together. It was very big. Shui Shui helped to make up the bed and brought him a small blanket. “You can make do with it tonight. ” Shui Shui looked at the apartment “actually, I’ve cleaned it too. It’s just that I live by myself. It’s safer to clean it up. The balcony is separated from us, so it’s quite convenient. ”

“Mm, I’m going to get the car tomorrow morning. ” He looked at Shui Shui Shui.

Shui Shui also said what Mu Ziyu was looking forward to. “I’ll accompany you. ”

The two of them also wanted to be a normal couple. Occasionally, they would go for a walk and have a meal together.

As Shui Shui had classes, Mu Ziyu would deal with his own matters during her class time. At the same time, his friends would also tell him, “Zi Yu, prepare the money. The wind is about to change. ”

“What do you mean? ”MuuZiyuu was a little confused.Hee did not pay much attention to this side.

“Handsome Mu, you can’t do it now. However, you have to go back to the capital city. There are indeed not many good investments here. It’s not a big deal. It’s just that there’s a problem with a company. Although it’s not a big deal now, it’s waiting for the next development. ” He did not go into details He felt that Mu Ziyu wouldn’t be interested either.

Mu Ziyu was indeed not interested, so he didn’t ask further.

Tomorrow was Qian Zhian’s middle school exam. He chatted with his friends for a while and then left.

They all sighed with emotion. The campus Belle from back then was already taken, and she even loved her girlfriend so much. In the past, who would have thought that Mu Ziyu would find a girlfriend and even love her so much.

At night, everyone gave Qian Zhian a big treat. They ate a seafood meal, then went back early to rest. Because they had to get up early, Shui Shui successfully applied for leave from school. Her reason for applying for leave was that she was feeling a little uncomfortable, so she took two days off to rest at home Although the teacher didn’t want to agree, because Shui Shui didn’t take much time off and was still an outstanding student, the teacher reluctantly agreed to give Shui Shui Shui two days off. However, she had to make up for the two days of homework and couldn’t be late.

Shui Shui naturally agreed. During the few days of the Middle School examination, a few people woke up early to send Qian Zhian to the exam. When Shui Shui woke up, her eyelids kept twitching. She was waiting for Qian Zhian outside the beverage shop with Mu Ziyu “Zi Yu, when their exam is about to end, you go to the restaurant first. Otherwise, there will be too many people at noon and you won’t be able to find a seat. ”

“Sure. ” Shui Shui didn’t know why, but she felt uneasy.

Mu Ziyu felt Shui Shui Shui’s strange behavior. “Shui Shui, what’s wrong? Are you worried about Qian Zhian? ”

“A little. ” Shui Shui nodded. She didn’t know what was going on either, so she shook her head and didn’t think about it. Shui Shui took out her phone and called her father. “Dad, are you up yet? ”

“I’m up. Shui Shui Shui, aren’t you at school? ”Qiann an asked.Hee was already at the company and was looking at the law flyer.Hee didn’t expect that theLii brothers weren’t the only ones with ulterior motives. Hehe, he really thought that he didn’t hold back. But now that Shui Shui called, he pretended to be relaxed.

Shui Shui couldn’t hear much information from the phone. “today is Zhi an’s middle school exam. I’m accompanying him. It’s okay. The school is reviewing now. Don’t worry, I won’t delay my classes. Dad, we’re on vacation. Let’s go on a trip together. ”

“Okay, let’s go together. ” Qian an pretended to be happy.

After he hung up the phone, Qian an looked at the subpoena and a few calls followed. Qian an’s tone wasn’t as calm as it was when he said, “let the financial secretary come over now. ”

“President Qian, President Mo has been in a car accident. ” Another call came.

When Qian an heard it, he immediately felt that something had happened. “What News from the hospital? ”

“President Qian, the hospital said that he is still unconscious and is not out of danger. ” The staff was also very anxious. They did not expect such a thing to happen.

Qian an rubbed his temples. Something had happened at the construction site. A worker had accidentally lost his footing. Soon after, he was found to have cut corners on the construction site and was reported. Then there was the north-south plan. Even if there was a problem, it would not go so far as to say so much. However, the Li brothers were indeed not good people. They had known about it from the beginning. With the company gone, they would get nothing. The other person never thought that he would betray them.

He sat on the chair and looked at these problems. No matter how capable he was, it was impossible for him to solve all of them. He suddenly felt very tired. What did he get for working hard for half his life Looking around the office, he clenched his fists and dialed the manager’s number. “manager, come up with the finance department later. ”

“Also, get the others to prepare. Prepare for the meeting in an hour. ” He could only go all out. Even if he lost everything, he would not let them get any benefits. He could not let his child know about this. She was too sensitive. She would definitely want to help. However, how could a child interfere in this matter Qian an knew Shui Shui Shui a little. She was becoming more and more mature, and her mind was sharp. This child, she was very much like her mother. However, now that he thought about it carefully, she was independent, strong-willed, and hardworking. If one were to say that she was gentle, no, she was very tough when it came to principles.

Shui Shui looked at her phone and put it away.

“If my father didn’t care about the company’s matters, he would have earned enough money by now. He should pay more attention to his health. ” From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that her father would be healthy, but in the end, he was still in the company. Although he had delegated his authority.. There were still many things that her father had to handle personally.

Mu Ziyu knew that Shui Shui Shui’s heart ached for her father. “Don’t worry, Uncle Qian will be fine. Moreover, the hard work now is all for you. And at my age, I’m actually an upright middle-aged man. It should be very difficult for him to completely let go of the company. You have to understand. ”

Shui Shui understood what Mu Ziyu meant. It was difficult to control power and to relinquish it. Power was indeed very attractive. She had actually forgotten this point. What stupid thing had she done. She thought that her health was the most important, but she had never considered her father’s opinion of the company. She had built it herself, but she had to hand it over to someone else. No one would be happy about that. She was a little selfish. Indeed, but she still wanted to fight. No power was more important than her health. If she had to choose, she would choose her father’s health without hesitation.

After thinking it through, she suddenly became cheerful. Yes, there was no need to be confused.

It was close to noon. Shui Shui went to pick up Qian Zhian, while Mu Ziyu went to a nearby restaurant and waited for him to send a text message. Shui Shui waited at the school gate. The other parents looked at the young girl with curiosity.

When Qian Zhian came out, Shui Shui Strode forward and held her brother’s arm. “How was the exam? ”

“Sis! You guessed too accurately! I think it was very easy to write. There’s a chance. ” Qian Zhian was a little excited.

The surrounding parents saw the young man so close and began to discuss, “what time is it? This child is still in a relationship. It seems that this girl doesn’t like to learn. ”

“puppy love is not good. ” These parents couldn’t bear to see puppy love. Their own children were also tightly controlled.

Qian Zhian’s face turned red. “these parents are really rude. ”

“It’s okay. They can say whatever they want. We don’t have to lose anything. ” Shui Shui pulled Qian Zhian away. “Let’s go and eat. Zi Yu found a place in the Cantonese restaurant and ordered some dishes. We can go there and eat. ”

“That’s great. I’m starving. But after eating, sis, can you help me consolidate? I’m a little nervous. ” He was still a little nervous.

Shui Shui rubbed her younger brother’s head. “Don’t be nervous. Relax and go to the exam. You’re so focused in the morning. You should take a nap in the afternoon. Even if you sleep for more than ten minutes, it’s good for you. ”

“Okay, listen to your sister. ” Qian Zhian was very dependent on Shui Shui Shui.

They came to the restaurant and found Mu Ziyu. The two of them sat down. Qian zhian quickly complained to Mu Ziyu. Mu Ziyu also gently comforted Qian Zhian. “Work Hard. Listen to your sister. ”

“Yeah, my sister is really amazing. She found a girlfriend and found someone like my sister. She’s definitely right. ” Qian Zhian praised Shui Shui shamelessly.

Shui Shui couldn’t help but blush. This guy said, “okay, the dishes are ready. What kind of drinks do you want? You can order them. ”

“I want a bottle of coke. Brother Mu, sister, what do you want? ” Qian Zhian asked Shui Shui and Mu Ziyu after he finished ordering his own.

“Two glasses of Ning LE. ” Mu Ziyu ordered.

Shui Shui shrugged. She didn’t care. This was good enough for Mu Ziyu.

Qian Zhian ate in big mouthfuls. “It’s delicious. I’m really hungry. Everything is delicious. ”

“Liu Yue. ” Qian Zhian looked up and saw Liu Yue who was in line, so he called out.

Liu Yue went forward. “Zhian, sister Qian. There are seats available. You’re lucky. ”

Qian Shuishui had seen this child before, so she smiled and greeted him.

“How many people are there? ” Qian Zhian asked.

“Me and mom. ” Liu Yue felt a headache. There were people lining up in many places, so he couldn’t eat properly.

“Sis. ” Qian Zhian looked at his sister expectantly.

“Sure. ” Shui Shui immediately knew what her brother was thinking.

“Liu Yue, ask your mom to come over and eat with us. We’ve only served a plate of dishes. Anyway, we’ve ordered quite a lot. ” Qian Zhian usually had a good relationship with Liu Yue. They often played together, studied together, and even went to his house.

Liu Yue was a little embarrassed. “Is it bad? ”

Shui Shui smiled and said, “it’s okay. Ask your mom to come over. Don’t wait outside. I’ll get the waiter to add two more bowls and chopsticks. There’s no need to be so restrained. You and Zhi an have such a good relationship. Why are you so shy now? ”

Liu Yue hurriedly nodded and went to call his mother in.

Shui Shui saw that it was an old mother. She wasn’t young. “Auntie, sit. ”

“Ah, thank you. Otherwise, I don’t know how long we would have to wait. ” The auntie looked at the children. She had seen Qian Zhian before and he had come over to play. “Zhi an, it’s been a long time. If you have time, you can come over for dinner. ”

Shui Shui smiled faintly. “Auntie, we’ve already ordered the dishes. Do you mind? ”

“Of course not. Thank you. Zhi An’s older sister, right? ” She looked at the girl and heard from her son that Zhi an’s older sister was very capable. “I have to thank you for teaching little Yue before. ”

“It’s nothing. ” Shui Shui smiled faintly and asked the waiter to bring an extra menu. “Although we’ve ordered four dishes and one soup, we’ll order two more. ”

“No need. Just make yourself at home. ” Liu Yue’s mother was a little embarrassed.

“Little Yue, you order. You don’t have to stand on ceremony with your older sister. ” Shui Shui handed the menu to Liu Yue.

Qian Zhian also tilted his head. “Do you want to eat boiled fish? It feels good. ”

Finally, after adding two more dishes, Liu Yue and Qian Zhian talked about the examination venue. Shui Shui watched them like this and only watched quietly.

Liu Yue’s mother had just noticed this adult male. He was very handsome. Was He also her brother?

“second sister, Li Yue and I will go to school to rest in the afternoon. You can pick me up in the afternoon. ” The two chatted passionately. They went to school together, took a lunch break together, and then went to the exam.

“As you wish. ” Shui Shui was more casual. Since he thought so, then so be it.

Qian Zhian was already used to the cold and indifferent attitude. “second sister, do you think we should read all the questions before starting to write, or write the questions directly? ”

“write the questions directly. After you finish each question, you should write the next one. You should be more careful with each question. In the end, if you have time, you should check it once. This is very important. ” She was worried that Qian Zhian would be too busy with the questions, so it would be a bit dangerous to spend time to read the questions first It was better to take it one step at a time. “If you encounter a difficult question and don’t have any ideas, you should pass it first. After you finish the rest, you can return to that question. ” Shui Shui imparted her experience. At this time, this was the only way.

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