She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 233 - Chapter 230 investment makes sense

Chapter 233: Chapter 230 investment makes sense


Shui Shui also considered her age. The Best Business Opportunity was investment. After thinking for a long time, she could not bring out much of her knowledge because she was still young. What was she relying on to bring out all this She did not have any excuses because she was not a genius. She was just more hardworking than ordinary people.

After thinking it through, she did not hesitate. She began to look for small companies and large companies. She could not afford to invest in them. She went through formal channels. Naturally, it was easy. She looked at the stock market and finally chose three new companies. One was a small-scale technology research and Development Company, the other was a game production company, and the other was a cultural media company. They mainly made money from low-cost novels and Manga. She liked this cultural media company the most, but when she saw the reviews and went to the website, she saw some rubbish. So she directly ignored this company. It was a big problem.

Next was the game production company. They released a few mobile games that were not bad. When she looked at the introduction, one of them even participated in the production of a popular game. “Is it true? ”

She went to look for this person and really found out his information. “Ye Mu, 28 years old. He used to be… ”

There were a lot of people who said that he had been persecuted, and there were also people who said that he was selfish. Anyway, no one knew why he had left, and the company did not make a statement. Now that he was working alone, many investments could not be found It was probably related to the previous company. In the end, Shui Shui Shui concluded that this person was talented. Because he was talented, he was suppressed. Looking at her contact information, she thought for a while and took the initiative to call him. “Hello, hello, Mr. Ye. My surname is Qian. I’m very interested in your company. Can we talk? ”

She was a person of action. If she took a fancy to it, she would naturally want to take action. Because someone else was one step ahead of her, she could only choose other options. However, according to her evaluation of this mobile game player, there were other options..

“Hello, sure. ” Ye Mu needed to invest. He was currently facing a wall everywhere. He really had no choice. Just when he was extremely disappointed and wanted to give up, this phone call brought him hope.

“Well, I’ve looked at your official website and the profile of your main person. You’re also involved in the most popular online game, Feng Yun. Although I don’t know what happened after that, I want to gamble on you. ” There were winners and losers in life She didn’t have good eyesight, so there was nothing she could do even if she lost. However, she didn’t mind because she could bear the loss. At least she had a way out.

“Let’s find a time to talk. ” She couldn’t explain it clearly over the phone. Moreover, she wanted to see what kind of person this person was. Actually, she could get to know this person a little through the details. Although she couldn’t go deeper, she still needed to have a bottom line.

Ye Mu was naturally happy. “How about tonight? I can treat Miss Qian to a meal. Whether it works or not, we can be friends. ”

“tonight, it should be fine. Tell me the scope of your investment. I want to see my bottom line. ” She wanted to know the number in his heart.

“five million. ” Ye Mu also directly said the number in his heart.

Shui Shui felt that it was a little too much. After all, it was just a game company. “Is there a big project? ”

“We’re preparing a project. It’s a large-scale game, but it needs funds. We’ve been stranded and have no funds to carry it out. ” They were also troubled.

Shui Shui did not say much. “Then I’ll see you tonight. ”

After hanging up the phone, Shui Shui looked at the screen and talked about it at night.

She continued to look at the information. She had also looked at the other scientific research. The cost was too high. Moreover, the direction of their research was also relatively competitive. Half of the reason was that they did not have a very competitive product. This was the main point Although she did not intend to contact them, she had noted it down. There would be an opportunity.

After she finished eating her snacks, she threw them into the trash can and had a good rest in the afternoon. When she heard the sound of someone coming in, she got up in a daze. She rubbed her eyes and saw that Jiang Yuan had returned. “Uncle Jiang. ”

“En, you can continue to rest. ” He rushed in and then left in a hurry.

Shui Shui did not continue to sleep. She had already slept for an hour and a half. It was enough. She went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth and then continued to work on the computer. In the afternoon, when Jiang Yuan had settled his matters, Shui Shui said, “Uncle Jiang, I’m going out to dinner with my friends tonight, so I won’t go back with you tonight. ”

“En, go to eat. ” Jiang Yuan Thought of Mu Ziyu.

“Uh, that, uncle, do you know Ye Mu? ” Shui Shui continued to ask.

Jiang Yuan was still thinking about Mu Ziyu when Shui Shui mentioned Ye Mu. “Ah, I’ve met him a few times. He’s a rather courageous young man. It’s a pity that he followed the wrong person. Now that he’s starting his own business, he seems to have encountered quite a lot of difficulties. ”

“You can’t be going to see him at night? ”JianggYuann felt not quite right.

“Yes, I want to invest in his company. ” Shui Shui did not hide this matter. Maybe uncle Jiang had a good opinion.

Jiang Yuan looked at Shui Shui with a strange expression. He wanted to start investing at such a young age? “What do you think? This is not a small amount. If you invest a few million, it might go down the drain. ”

“I know, but I have chosen a few companies. I think his company has the greatest potential. Moreover, I have some money on hand to pave the way for my future. If I fail, I will lose this sum. Actually, it doesn’t affect me much. After all, this sum of money is an unexpected gain. ” She now had the ability to invest in some companies that she thought could be done Give it a try.

Jiang Yuan rubbed his chin. “This person is quite capable. It’s a pity that he offended someone, so no one invested in them. They also hit a wall everywhere. If you want to invest, I won’t object. But this time, I’ll go with you. ”

“okay, uncle. ” She didn’t refuse because she was a little surprised that uncle Jiang didn’t say that she was reckless or anything else. Instead, he said that Ye mu was a good person.

After work, Shui Shui sent Ye Mu the address. This was the place that Jiang Yuan found. This time, Jiang Yuan didn’t need the other party to treat him, so he chose the place.

The other party didn’t say anything. He only said that it was quite close to him and that he would be there in ten minutes. Shui Shui and Jiang Yuan also set off. They first checked into a private room and gave the number to ye mu.

After ye Mu arrived, he saw Jiang Yuan. “Director Jiang, long time no see. ”

Shui Shui paid attention to this person. He was 28 years old and looked quite young, but his beard hadn’t been shaved clean. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes. His hair was styled backwards, and it could be seen that his hairstyle was a little fashionable. His appearance was delicate and pretty, but his eyes were filled with fearlessness His first impression was not bad.

He saw Shui Shui. was she a little young Could it be that Miss Qian had not arrived yet However, she said that she had arrived. “Miss Qian? ”

He asked doubtfully. No Way. From the tone of his voice, it sounded quite tender, but…

“Yes, hello, Mr. Ye. ” Shui Shui smiled and said. She also knew that the other party was confused. “You don’t have to look at me like that. Take a seat first. Because Uncle Jiang knows that I’m going to invest in your company, he wants to come with me to take a look. ”

“It’s okay. It’s an honor to meet director Jiang. ” He sat down and looked at the two of them. “I’m just surprised. Miss Qian is very young. ”

“My niece is young, but she’s not easy to fool. ” Jiang Yuan stared at Ye Mu and said.

Ye Mu nodded. “From our previous phone conversation, I can not underestimate Miss Qian. ”

“Let’s order the dishes first. We’ll talk after we’ve ordered. ” Jiang Yuan asked the waiter to bring in the menu.

The three of them ordered a few dishes and the waiter placed the order. The three of them were in the room. Shui Shui started the conversation “It’s like this. I can afford five million. I have thoughts of investing in your company, but I can’t simply invest the money, so I want to know more about your project. ”

“I know. If you’re willing to invest five million, then I’m willing to transfer 30% of the company’s shares to your name at the time of the notarization. “You’ll be the second shareholder of the company, and the shares won’t change in the future. ” This was the condition he could give But he also knew that in the company’s current situation, there were a lot of shares and no dividends, but he was very confident that once this project was completed, it would definitely bring about a qualitative change.

Shui Shui Thought, “then explain the project. ”

Ye Mu briefly explained his idea and structure, and Shui Shui was very satisfied “The conditions you offered are very generous. As long as this project is completed, the profits will double, and the company’s popularity will also increase. The investors will also increase. You giving me this 30% of the shares also means that your future profits will be reduced. ”

“Hehe, I’ve already seen through it. Five years, big ups and downs, it has allowed me to grow a lot. This isn’t a joke. Half a year ago, I fell to the bottom, and my reputation was trampled on. Speaking of which, it’s also embarrassing. My girlfriend also despised me for being a coward, and my reputation left me. “But I didn’t lower my head. I used all my savings to start this company. ” His gaze was filled with sadness But it quickly became sharp. “I’ve gotten over it. Everything is fine. At least, if I didn’t have this investment, I might not have a future. ” He was serious. He was willing to offer such a big condition because she had invested money when their company needed funds And this sum of money was the key.

Now, because of the relationship between his former company and his reputation, it was basically impossible to get investors. He was angry because they didn’t leave a way out for him. They had to step on him. He refused to accept it and didn’t give up. In these few days, there were no more investors His company would also have big problems, so his heart was tired. He actually had the idea of giving up.

Shui Shui looked at this person. “indeed, you don’t have any investors. This company will collapse very soon. ”

She was also direct. After all, that was indeed the case.

Jiang Yuan nodded. Ye Mu didn’t lie. “actually, even if you invest, they will still be suppressed. But as long as you do well, I have a way to make them quiet down. ”

Ye Mu’s eyes lit up. He didn’t have a backer, so he was stepped on so low.

“It still depends on Shui Shui’s decision. After all, she is my niece. Once she invests in you, I naturally won’t let you be suppressed. ” Jiang Yuan’s promise was that he wouldn’t lose anything anyway.

Shui Shui nodded. “then prepare the contract. Do you know any lawyers? ”

If she didn’t know any lawyers, she could only ask Jiang Yuan for help.

Jiang Yuan nodded. “Don’t worry, leave these to me. ”

“It will be ready in three days. ” Ye Mu was a little excited.

“prepare the contract and send it to me. If I’m satisfied and you’re satisfied, then we can officially invest in the shares in three days. ” She didn’t say investment anymore and directly said investment

“Sure, I’ll have my lawyer prepare the documents and send them to you tomorrow. Are you 16 years old? ” He suddenly thought of a question.

Shui Shui nodded. “Yes. ”

“That’s good, because the minimum age is 16. If you’re under 16, you can only find someone else to do it for you. ” He was also surprised. He was only 16 years old. What was he doing when he was 16 years old?

“This child is very smart. It depends on how you do in the later stages. If you do well, I might consider investing. ” Jiang Yuan smiled. Anyway, it also depended on fate.

Ye Mu thanked him. With Qian Shuishui’s investment and his help, he was confident!

Shui Shui liked to see a person’s eyes filled with confidence and fearlessness. To do great things, one must have an adventurous spirit and fearless attitude. He had it, and he also had the most basic ambition.

They had a pleasant meal, and Shui Shui received an email the next day. There were four copies of the contract, and she had read every clause. It was perfect. There was nothing to be picky about. She replied with an email, “sure. As for the location in three days, I will contact you today or tomorrow. ”

Shui Shui stretched her back, “if you sign it, it will be settled. ”

“Yes, but although I haven’t had much contact with this person, he is trustworthy and has the ability to do so. ” This was Jiang Yuan’s evaluation of Ye Mu.

“mm, see, let’s take a gamble. If he succeeds, it will be of great benefit to me. ” Shui Shui smiled.

Jiang Yuan felt that this child was a little scary. Although the investment was risky, once it was profitable, it would be a huge profit. Tsk Tsk Tsk, he didn’t dare to tell Qian an about this so as not to scare him.

However, Shui Shui didn’t stop there. She still had more than two million yuan in her hands. She valued a shop. The location wasn’t too good, but it wasn’t bad either. It was just a problem with the layout. It was more than 100 square meters, but because the layout wasn’t good, the price wasn’t high. She looked at Jiang Yuan. “Uncle Jiang. ”

“Hm? ”

“Uncle, I have an idea about a small investment. Since I don’t have enough funds right now, I won’t make empty promises. I’ll write an investment analysis for you. ” She didn’t like to make empty promises.

Jiang Yuan nodded. “Okay, you write it. If it passes, I’ll invest in whatever you want to do. ”

“thank you, uncle. I’ll write it now. If it goes well, I’ll give it to you in the afternoon. ” She sat in front of the computer happily, opened a document, and started to talk about her structure.

She wrote very directly. Why did she choose the shop that she liked? She wrote the reason clearly. She also wrote that the subway was going to be built there, and that location was only about three million yuan. It wasn’t expensive. Judging from the land price here, it was very cheap Why was it cheap? It was because of the pattern.

She also analyzed the pattern. This pattern was very suitable for a barbecue shop. She planned the designs she had seen in her previous life with words and computer models. The tools used were not responsible. She also said one by one.

She wrote this analysis into a paper. She was also used to it. After writing it, she printed it out and found that she had written a lot.

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