She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 223 - bad woman representative

Chapter 223: Chapter 212 bad woman representative


At night, they ate German braised pork trotters. The pork trotters were bigger than Shui Shui’s two fists. Fortunately, they did not order three, otherwise, they would be sick of it.

Shui Shui liked it quite a lot. The beef tendon was also delicious. However, they were all meat, so after eating too much, they were indeed a little sick of it. However, with the mashed potatoes, Shui Shui Shui liked it quite a lot.

Mu Ziyu took care of Shui Shui along the way and did not have the time to take care of Mu Zilin. Of course, Mu Zilin did not need anyone to take care of him. It was too mushy, and he was really a big third wheel. Moreover, he felt super bored. Shui Shui was busy eating, while his brother kept looking at Shui Shui and even cut her food. No matter what he said, the two of them were extremely perfunctory.

They quietly ate the pig trotters. Next time, no matter what, they wouldn’t come with them. In fact, it would be better if they didn’t know that they were dating. Now that they knew, they were conflicted. Moreover, it was like eating by themselves. It wasn’t fun at all.

Shui Shui pushed Mu Ziyu. “Go take care of your brother. I can do it myself. ”

“He’s a big boy. Should I take care of him? ” Mu Ziyu asked.

“Uh. ”

“You don’t need to take care of me. I’m not three years old. ” Mu Zilin rolled his eyes.

Mu Ziyu smiled and said, “see for yourself. ”

Shui Shui felt that Mu Ziyu had said that on purpose. She reached out and nudged his chest. “I don’t need you to take care of me either. ”

“It’s my duty to take care of you, and I like to watch you eat. ” Mu Ziyu loved to watch Shui Shui eat like a little hamster. No, she ate very elegantly and would not do things like wolfing down food. However, seeing her smile as she ate made him feel very comfortable. When some women ate with him, he felt that it was a little pretentious. After eating a little, they would say that they didn’t want to eat anymore, and then they would say that they wanted to lose weight.

His male friends would usually say, “you’re not fat, why do you want to lose weight? ”

Then, that woman would speak righteously. He didn’t like it that way. As for Shui Shui, she didn’t care about what she ate. She never said that she wanted to lose weight, and she wouldn’t pretend to be a lady in front of him. Even if she didn’t pretend, she was already very ladylike.

When she felt that her mouth was oily, Shui Shui wiped her mouth. When she felt that her stomach was about to be filled, she would drink some water and stop eating. Although it was not bad, she had to restrain herself.

Mu Ziyu did not say anything. He knew that Shui Shui could not eat anymore, so he stopped. “would you like a cup of Hami melon juice? ”

“I want to drink pear juice. ” Shui Shui blinked.

“Zi Lin, what would you like to drink? ” Mu Ziyu asked his younger brother.

Mu Zilin thought for a moment. “watermelon juice. ”

They ordered three cups of fruit juice.

Mu Zilin burped after he was full. “It’s comfortable. This kind of food is more than enough once. If I continue eating, my body won’t be able to take it. The calories for this round are expected to be very high. Shui Shui, let’s go for a night run later. ”

“Sure. ” Shui Shui nodded with a smile. It was good for her health to exercise.

Mu Zilin had already developed an aversion to the food here. It was too greasy. Of course, the taste was still not bad. Perhaps he would want to eat it after some time. After eating a few pieces of watermelon, the greasy feeling in his mouth was much less.

Shui Shui looked at her phone. Her father had sent her a text asking how she had been these few days. She did not think too much about it and replied, “It’s alright. Uncle Jiang is very good to me. Dad, take care of yourself. I will take care of myself here. I miss you. ”

As she typed out these messages, the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled up. Her father was extremely busy, but she believed that everything would turn out well. Any investment was risky, but his father had such experience and courage, so he would definitely be able to tide over the difficulties.

“I still want to go home. ” She gathered her emotions. Now that her clothes had the smell of food, she felt a little uncomfortable.

“Shui Shui, didn’t you promise to stay at my house? ” Mu Zilin looked at Shui Shui and felt that Shui Shui Shui didn’t keep her word.

Shui Shui was a little determined. “Of course I have to go back. You don’t have my clothes over there. My clothes smell like that now, so it’s a little uncomfortable. ”

“Then I’ll send you back. After you shower, you can go to my place, ” Mu Zilin made a quick decision.

Shui Shui placed her hand on her forehead. “Don’t be so cute. Let’s do it tomorrow. ”

“your uncle has already agreed. Besides, if you stay at my place, won’t you have more time to be with my brother? ” Mu Zilin made up his mind today.

Shui Shui frowned and felt a little awkward. “Uh. ”

“Go back and get your clothes. We’ll wait for you at the door. ” Mu Ziyu’s words were also more forceful. This guy didn’t want to go just because he said so. He didn’t want to give her any time. They didn’t have much time together. He wanted to get to know her better Then, he would try his best to leave the rest of his time to her.

Shui Shui could only nod. “Alright. ”

Mu Zilin hooked his arm around Shui Shui’s shoulder. When his brother looked at him, he quickly removed his arm. He was filled with strong dissatisfaction. He didn’t even want to give her a shoulder. Shui Shui looked at Mu Ziyu. He was a possessive man, but he respected her very much. She really liked this. She took the initiative to hug Mu Ziyu’s arm.

Mu Ziyu looked at Shui Shui with a smile. He lowered his head and whispered into Shui Shui Shui’s ear, “You, I’ve actually prepared clothes for you. There’s also some inside. I just don’t know if the size is suitable. ”

Shui Shui’s face instantly darkened. She released Mu Ziyu. The moment she released her grip, Mu Ziyu grabbed Shui Shui Shui’s hand tightly. “Let’s go. ”

Shui Shui could not break free, so she gave up. This guy’s breath was still lingering by her ear and itchy. She was not shy, she was not young anymore, but she was speechless. Moreover, she could not tell the truth of his words. After all, she was a girl. When she heard those words, she would have other feelings.

Mu Zilin looked at the interaction between the two. His brother was quite overbearing. He saw Shui Shui trying to break free, but he held on tightly. He did not expect his brother to be like this when he was in a relationship. In fact, from the back, it seemed to be quite suitable His brother had a gentle and refined temperament, while Shui Shui gave off a gentle and quiet temperament. Especially this hairstyle, he really liked it. As a boy, he would easily fall in love with a girl like this. He was fine with it After all, he had known Shui Shui for so long. How could he change his hairstyle? She was still her.

In the past, Shui Shui had been pursued by so many people with her looks, not to mention now. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. His brother was the same. There were also many butterflies around him. Initially, he thought that the two of them were quite suitable, but now that he thought about it, it did not seem right. Of course, he did not dare to say these thoughts out loud. He could only suppress them in his heart.

“I’ll go and get the car. You guys wait for me here. ” Mu Ziyu went to the parking lot and drove the car over.

Mu Zilin stood beside Shui Shui and waited with her.

Shui Shui, who was waiting at the entrance of the shop, met the noblewoman. Shui Shui Shui looked at the noblewoman and said, “hello, Auntie Sun. ”

Auntie Sun was accompanied by two children. One was a girl around 17 or 18 years old and the other was a boy around 10 years old. Auntie Sun saw Shui Shui and her eyes were filled with excitement. However, she remembered that she had brought two children here today. “Shui Shui, you’re here for dinner today. Have you finished eating? ”

“Yes. ” Shui Shui nodded.

Auntie sun looked at Mu Zilin. “This is? ”

“My friend, Mu Zilin. ” Shui Shui gave a simple introduction and did not say much.

Mu Zilin knew Auntie Sun. “Auntie Sun, it’s me, Xiao Lin. We met during the winter break last year. ”

“That’s right. It’s been a year. Auntie can’t recognize you. You’ve grown a lot taller. ” Auntie Sun Thought of this child. They had met at the Mu Family’s New Year’s party. Why were these two children walking together Although she really wanted to ask, the situation did not allow it. “Xiao Xu, this is your brother Mu and sister Qian. Xiao Xiao, the two of you aren’t too far apart in age. If there’s a chance, we can play together. ”

The girl snorted coldly. “Mom, hurry up. I’m hungry. ”

Shui Shui looked at the girl, then smiled and said to Aunty Sun, “Aunty Sun, we’re leaving. Let’s chat some other time. ”

“Okay, let’s chat some other time. ” Aunty Sun smiled awkwardly and brought the two children in.

Shui Shui looked at her back as she walked in. “Her daughter is quite big. ”

“Haha, quite big? That’s not her biological daughter. Third Uncle got married to her in the second marriage. That boy is the real thing in her belly. ” Mu Zilin was originally smiling, but when Auntie Sun walked in, he immediately revealed a look of disdain.

Shui Shui listened and frowned. Second Marriage?

“You know her, but don’t interact with her too much. This auntie relied on means to get to the top. The family doesn’t like her. However, after she gave birth to a son, the family reluctantly accepted her. Although Chastity Youyou called her mother, she didn’t mean it. She hated this woman more than anyone else. However, Auntie Sun’s attitude has always been very gentle. She never hit or scolded her. Now, chastity Youyou’s temper is also spoiled by Auntie Sun. She seems to be nice to her, but in fact, she did it on purpose.”Mu Zilin didn’t like this kind of person.

“You know a lot, ” Shui Shui said lightly.

At night, Mu Zilin couldn’t see Shui Shui’s expression clearly. He continued to say, “This is what they talked about at that time. I heard a little about it. I heard that Auntie Sun had harmed a lot of people. As for what it was, I don’t remember. But it’s said that she was pregnant once and had a child. I don’t know if it’s real or not. She even said that the child was abandoned in an orphanage by her. In any case, she wasn’t a good person. ”

Mu Zilin had been brought along by his mother previously. He had been talking about those noblewomen. When they were chatting, he had sat by the side out of boredom. At that time, he had heard a lot of things.

It really let him know that gossiping was a woman’s nature.

After getting into the car, Mu Zilin realized that something was wrong. “Shui Shui, why aren’t you saying anything? Oh, right, you don’t seem to like gossiping. ”

“No, I’m just surprised. When did Zi Lin become so gossipy? ” Shui Shui laughed instead.

“Tsk, I’m just telling you. ” Mu Zilin did not continue to talk about this topic. After all, it was not good to speak ill of an elder.

Shui Shui had listened to him. If the other party was just an ordinary stranger, she naturally would not mind. However, this woman had some relationship with her.

A bad woman Perhaps, to her, she would not think that this woman was a good person. From the fact that she could turn her child without anyone noticing, she could not help but admire her.

Mu Ziyu noticed Shui Shui Shui. Shui Shui Shui’s attitude was relatively calm, but her gaze carried a trace of coldness and emptiness.

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