Chapter 199: Chapter 196


The two of them also left, waiting for the notification.

Shui Shui left the building and said goodbye to Luo Ming. She was going to have dinner with Mu Ziyu and the others today. It seemed that they had left a city in the next few days. Her father asked her to go to Beijing to visit his friends. She did not tell Mu Ziyu and the others because she was not sure yet.

She stopped the taxi and went straight to Mu Zilin’s house. Mu Zilin said that he was waiting for her at home. She went to Mu Zilin’s house and waited at their door. Shui Shui Shui called Mu Zilin and Mu Ziyu came out to open the door. “How is the assessment? ”

“I don’t know. The results will be out in a few days. ” Shui Shui followed Mu Ziyu into the house.

When she saw Mu Ziyu’s parents, she asked politely, “Hello, uncle and Auntie. ”

“Shui Shui, come and sit with me. It’s been a long time. I asked you to come for dinner, but you didn’t come. ” AUNTIE MU pretended to be angry.

Shui Shui quickly smiled. “No, I just lost a lot and was a little busy, so I didn’t have much time to go out. But it was worth it for you to leave, so I came. Where’s Zi Lin? ”

She looked around, looking for Mu Zilin.

“He’s playing the drums in the room. Come, there’s cheesecake and fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t stand on ceremony. ” Auntie Mu liked Qian Shuishui because she heard from Zi Lin that she had been in first place since the first exam. That was really impressive. Her own child was also motivated by Shui Shui. Her academic results were not bad.

Qian Shuishui also sat there, accompanying Auntie Mu.

Auntie Mu always gave Shui Shui food. “Come, Shui Shui, this stewed pig trotter is made by Auntie. It tastes good. Try IT. ”

“Okay. ” Shui Shui did not refuse. She took the pork trotter and bit into it.

“MMM, the taste is really not bad. It’s very fragrant. Auntie, how is it made? ” Shui Shui asked as she ate the pork trotter.

“This pork trotter is made by looking at the methods on the Internet. Prepare the Sichuan Pepper and star anise cinnamon, then boil it. Finally, add soy sauce and sugar, and it will be ready to be cooked. ” Actually, Auntie Mu did not really understand. She was just fooling around. She did not expect to succeed The taste was not bad.

Shui Shui continued to eat the pork trotter. After eating one piece, Auntie Mu took another piece and gave it to Shui Shui. “This is a different flavor. Come and try it. I added a little spicy. ”

Shui Shui continued to eat the pig trotters. In the end, Mu Ziyu could not stand it anymore and stopped his mother. “Mom, you gave Shui Shui so much food. What if Shui Shui can’t eat lunch later? It’s only 11 o’clock now. Just eat some fruit. ”

Shui Shui really did not refuse. He felt a little sorry for Shui Shui Shui as she ate the pig trotters. This was because the pig trotters made by his mother were really not that delicious. They tasted very ordinary and the meat was a little hard. None of them ate one They really could not eat anymore.

AUNTIE MU nodded “Yes, we’ll eat later. Shui Shui, eat less. We’ll go eat something delicious later. Today, I got the nanny to make a lot of delicious food. I heard from Zi Lin that you like sweet and sour pork ribs, so I got the nanny to make one. The taste is pretty good. ”

“Okay, thank you, Auntie. ” Shui Shui nodded. Her eyes were filled with anticipation.

After a while, Zi Lin came down and held a photo album for Shui Shui Shui. “This is the photo that I printed yesterday. I got up early this morning to make this photo album. It’s full of memories. ”

“Haha, it’s been hard on you. I want to go back and take a look. ” Shui Shui looked at the photo album. It was Retro Style and the lower left corner was marked. It was clear that Mu Zilin had put in a lot of effort.

Mu Ziyu patted Mu Zilin’s shoulder. “Let’s go to the living room. Let’s go eat. ”

Auntie Mu held Shui Shui’s hand. “Let’s go and sit with Auntie. In the afternoon, we’re going for a walk. Can you come with Auntie? ”

“Sure, I don’t have anything to do today. ” Shui Shui nodded. She did not reject Auntie Mu. She did not see the look in Mu Zilin’s eyes. Mu Zilin wanted Shui Shui to reject him because they did not want to go shopping with their mother It was too tiring. Now that Shui Shui had agreed, it would not be good if they did not go, right?

Mu Ziyu was embarrassed, but he did not think too much about it. In fact, it was also good that he wanted to accompany Shui Shui.

His family did not know that he and Shui Shui were together, and Shui Shui did not spread the word because she had said that if it was to be made public, it would have to wait until after university to see if they were still together. If they broke up, it could only be said that they were fated but not fated.

They sat down and prepared to eat. Mu Zilin’s father sat down and looked at Shui Shui kindly “Shui Shui, why don’t you come to the capital with us? You can go to the capital with uncle during this winter break. What do you think? ” “Uncle has a house there. During the winter break, you can still be together with Zi Lin. When that time comes, I’ll let Zi Lin take you around. When uncle is free, I’ll take you out to play too. ”

He did want Shui Shui to go with him. He liked this child and his wife liked him too. Moreover, he was Zi Lin’s good friend. They had basically been playing together for a few years.

Shui Shui smiled and said, “I should be going to the capital, but I can’t go with you guys. My father has a friend in the capital. My father said that the friend wants to meet me and let me go. Even if I don’t go, the teacher has to keep up with the progress. ”

She didn’t know how she was going to arrange this winter break, but she still had to confirm with her father.

Mu Zilin’s father looked at his son, Mu Zilin “Look at Shui Shui. She didn’t forget to study during the holidays, but what about you? All you do is eat, drink, and play every day. What if you go over and can’t keep up with your studies? When you’re in the third year of high school, Shui Shui will be admitted to Beijing. If you don’t get in, you’ll lose face. ”

“Dad, I’ll look for Shui Shui to help me with my tutoring. Shui Shui Shui’s topic talk is really easy to understand, and only she can talk about the topic. I can understand it immediately. Also, dad, you have to believe in your son. I’M VERY SMART! ” Mu Zilin boasted.

Mu Zilin’s father could not help but laugh. This child had been Glib recently. “You child, learn more from Shui Shui. It’s winter vacation. Shui Shui Shui is going over. Call uncle. Uncle will pick you up at home to play. I’ll contact you at any time. ”

Shui Shui nodded. “thank you, uncle. If I go, I’ll contact you. ”

Zi Lin nodded at the side. “I’ll take you to all the major food streets in the capital! There are many fun places too. Let’s go together. ”

“Okay. ” Shui Shui smiled.

Mu Ziyu looked at Shui Shui. He was actually a little unhappy because Shui Shui had never mentioned this to him.

Shui Shui ate the vegetables that Auntie Mu had picked for her silently.

Father Mu was busy with work and his phone kept ringing.

Father Mu’s expression was a little strange. He left the dining table and said, “what? The translator can’t come over? What’s the reason? ”

“Hm? ” Mu Zilin listened attentively and didn’t know what had happened to his father.

When his father came back, he sat down and looked at his phone. “At this time, you can’t even find a translator? ”

“Father, what translator are you looking for? ” Mu Zilin asked, his mouth still chewing on a large piece of red braised meat.

“It’s an English translator. We’re going back to Beijing, so I’m going to finish the final work and move to Beijing. Coincidentally, a foreign client also came at this time, so I wanted to sign it early. The translator that was originally scheduled said that he was sick. After that, the other translators are all working. I don’t dare to use some small translators. Their reputation isn’t that good. I’m afraid that I’ll ruin the business. ” Father Mu was a little frustrated Because he couldn’t come all of a sudden, it created so much trouble for him.

Mu Zilin muttered, an English translator? “Dad, let Shui Shui help you. Shui Shui’s English is pretty good. She can communicate with foreign teachers without any obstacles. ”

Shui Shui raised her head. Why did she get dragged into this.

Compared to outsiders, father mu trusted his own people more. Although Shui Shui Shui was still a child, she was very reliable. Even if her English wasn’t very good, being able to communicate was enough. At least, it would ease the tension for today. He couldn’t find anyone else either. “Shui Shui, can you help uncle entertain him? Uncle’s English isn’t that good. He can only do very basic communication. ”

“Big Brother Mu’s English should be pretty good, right? ” Shui Shui was a little confused.

“Zi Yu, he can’t stay in the afternoon all the time. He has his own matters to attend to, so he can’t change people midway. That’s not good. ” Father Mu also had his considerations.

As long as Shui Shui could communicate normally and help them understand the company’s project a little, they would be able to find a translator tomorrow.

Shui Shui nodded. “Okay, if I can help uncle, I will definitely help. ”

Father Mu smiled and said, “it’s fine. You just need to help uncle communicate properly. Try Not to talk about business today. Anyway, they’re coming over for a few days, so we’ll bring them to eat and play today. ”

“Okay. ” Shui Shui tried her best to help.

Aunt Mu originally wanted to go shopping, but she couldn’t go now. The children were expected to go to their father’s place, and she didn’t want to go shopping alone.

Mu Zilin felt that he had said too much. He had troubled Shui Shui and asked her to go to work. However, they would also go together and have some fun.

After lunch, Father Mu took them to the company and they stayed in the office. Just as they were feeling sleepy, the client arrived. There were three people.

The company sent a car to pick them up. The driver did not speak English, so he held up a sign at the airport entrance to welcome them.

“Hello. ” The foreigner greeted them in Broken Mandarin.

Shui Shui took the initiative to come forward. “Hello, I am temporarily your translator today. I may be a little lacking, but I really hope that you can have a good time. ”

“Lovely Lady, your words are very pleasant. I feel that there won’t be any problems with our communication. ” The other party smiled gently.

Shui Shui nodded. “thank you, sir. This is President Mu and these two are President Mu’s sons. At this time, I think you should take a break. After our dinner, we will have a business conversation. What do you think? ”

“Of course, but I don’t feel very tired. Can you introduce our company’s business to me? ” The other party did not intend to take a break and directly wanted to ask about the convenience of the business.

Mu Ziyu translated for his father at the side. Father Mu listened. “Shui Shui, you say it’s fine. Ask Him which aspect he is interested in. ”

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