She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 192 - her uncle’s persuasion

Chapter 192: Chapter 189-her uncle’s persuasion


The other party was indeed angered by Shui Shui because Shui Shui’s words were clearly ambiguous. What did she mean by being religious Although she was religious, what she said was normal “Nowadays, homosexuality is indeed opposed in many regions. In some countries, once homosexuals are in love in public, they will be imprisoned for more than ten years. “Moreover, the majority of people infected with AIDS are also homosexuals. Therefore, I firmly believe that homosexuality will bring harm. ”

She started to emphasize that the proportion of gay people suffering from AIDS was higher than other things. This was indeed the truth, but Shui Shui could also refute it “Do you know how AIDS is spread? This means that if a man has aids and he has sex with a woman, if there are no safety measures taken, then the woman will also get aids. “The first way of transmission is through touch, blood, and mother-to-child transmission. “So, it may not necessarily be the gay people who spread the most. It just so happens that most gay people are very unlucky to be infected with AIDS, but this can not be said to be so. “This is not a certainty. It can only be said to be a fortuitous event. “As for you, using this matter as an example, then let me ask you, those countries where homosexuals show off their love, are they sentenced because of the national system or because of other reasons? ”

Shui Shui was also unwilling to be outdone. She never felt that she was weak, and the other party started to spout nonsense. Shui Shui was also trying to lead them away from the main topic. At first, the other party was still conscious and deliberately brought up the main topic, but later on, they started to spout nonsense. Shui Shui could not help but laugh, and the time was up. Shui Shui’s group received 45 points, while the first-high Group received 32 points.

The first high group didn’t dare to imagine why it was so low?

The judges gave a slight explanation “Your fluency isn’t bad, but you’ve already deviated from the main point. You’re the opposing party, and your main point is to oppose homosexuality, not AIDS. “Moreover, the person who basically speaks in your school is you, but I don’t know how the other two are doing. ”

“Isn’t that girl on the other side also saying that? ” The girl was dissatisfied.

“In the beginning, it was her teammate who said it, but she didn’t say anything. After that, it was all her. Counting the time like this, everyone said quite a bit. “Moreover, you don’t have enough evidence to refute the arguments of the third high. ” He was also very honest However, he was pleasantly surprised. These two girls’spoken English was very good. They didn’t sound like they had any problems. If the contestants were all like this, they wouldn’t have to guess the spelling of some of the students so hard. Because some of the students’accents were too heavy and their spelling wasn’t very good, the judges often didn’t understand them.

Shui Shui smiled faintly and thanked the judges. Then, she left the stage with her teammates. The team leader of the third high school also opened his hands. “THAT’S GREAT! ”

“Haha, I can feel that the other party is starting to deviate from the topic. ” Ma Yue couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, deviating from the topic. That definitely won’t work. ” Shui Shui also laughed. This was also a strategy.

Luo Ming could feel that the other party’s deviating topic was induced by Shui Shui. “You’re too bad. You’re inducing them to start talking about other things. ”

“although it’s inducing, if they pay more attention, they won’t be induced by me. Do you guys want to stay and watch or what? ” Shui Shui asked.

“Stay and watch. In the future, we might become opponents. ” Luo Ming planned to stay and watch, and also to see how strong the other schools were.

Shui Shui looked behind her. “Then I’ll go back first. My father is here. ”

“Okay, but you can actually watch more. When we really meet, it’ll be easier to deal with. ” Ma Yue wanted Shui Shui to stay and watch together.

Shui Shui refused. “sorry, I live near the school and rarely see my father. ”

She still chose her father. She walked over and Qian an gave Shui Shui Shui a hug. “awesome. My Shui Shui is still as amazing as ever. ”

“Hehe, Dad, you planted that too, ” Qian Shuishui teased.

Qian an smiled. “You’re becoming more and more eloquent. ”

“I only say that to dad. It’s the weekend today. Dad, I see that you’ve been quite busy recently. If you’re busy, you can go to the company. I’ll accompany you. I can even help you out, ” Shui Shui said with a smile. She was not joking. Instead, she said it seriously.

“You, as long as you don’t cause trouble for Dad. However, if you’re curious, you can come over. Dad will give you something to do. If you do well, Dad will reward you! ” Qian an liked his daughter’s thoughtfulness.

“En, then go back to the apartment and bring Qian Zhian along. ” Qian Shuishui remembered that Qian Zhian was still sleeping at home, so she estimated that he would sleep until noon.

“Okay, call him and ask him to prepare. ” Qian Zhian nodded. Moreover, by staying by his side, he could also urge him to study.

Shui Shui called Qian Zhian. The first call didn’t go through, but the second time, Qian Zhian answered. “Hello? ”

That Lazy Voice let Shui Shui Know that he hadn’t woken up yet. “I’m up. I’ll be at the apartment in about ten minutes. You go downstairs. Dad and I will come to pick you up. We’ll go to the office for lunch. ”

“Ah? Dad is coming? Why are you going to the office? Why am I going? Then I won’t go. You guys go. ” Qian Zhian didn’t really want to go.

“We’re already on the way. You can’t say no. Dad is listening by the side. ” Shui Shui didn’t forget to say, “I’m using the loudspeaker. ”

“F * Ck. Why didn’t you say so earlier? I’ll get up right now. When you get the call, I’ll go downstairs. ” Qian Zhian didn’t delay any longer. He directly jumped up and ran to the bathroom. This second sister of his always tricked him. She even used the loudspeaker. It wouldn’t be good if dad heard it.

Shui Shui didn’t use the loudspeaker. She just wanted to scare Qian Zhian. Sure enough, this guy fell for it.

Shui Shui couldn’t help but laugh. This younger brother was quite cute.

Qian Zhian was focused on the phone. When a call came in, he would turn on his Bluetooth headset to answer it.

When they arrived outside Shui Shui’s apartment, Shui Shui called Qian Zhian. She didn’t disturb her father because he was still on the phone.

When Qian Zhian got off and got in the car, he was about to say something. When he noticed that his father was on the phone, he also kept quiet.

Qian an drove to the company. When he ended the call, he called out to Qian Zhian, “Zhian, what time is it? You’re still sleeping. ”

“Dad, I had a gathering with my friends yesterday, so I slept late. Moreover, it’s a rare weekend today, so I’ll sleep more. ” Qian Zhian found an excuse. He would never say that he had been playing on his second sister’s computer all night. He only fell asleep when his second sister woke up.

Shui Shui naturally knew what he was doing, but she didn’t expose him.

Qian an parked the car in the company garage and brought the two children into the company.

There weren’t many people working on weekends, but there were still people. When they saw the boss bringing the children, they naturally took a few more glances.

“brother-in-law, you’re here. ” When they arrived at Qian an’s office, they found Uncle Li sitting inside.

Qian an looked at him. “I remember that you don’t have to work on weekends. ”

“Yes, but it’s our own company after all. brother-in-law, you’re already here. How can I still be slacking at home? I didn’t tell you just now, but I came into the office. I’m a little embarrassed. ” Uncle Li could sense Qian an’s displeasure, so he explained in advance.

Qian an wasn’t the kind of person who was stingy. “It’s nothing. Then why are you looking for me? ”

Uncle Li looked at the two children. “I want to talk to you alone. ”

Qian an nodded and looked at the two children. “You two sit outside first. I’ll bring you down for dinner later. ”

“Okay. ” Shui Shui nodded and went out with her brother.

She closed the door and let the two of them have a good talk.

Uncle Li smiled “brother-in-law, I came here this time because I have something to discuss with you. Isn’t there a large furniture mall here? During the celebration of the New Year, they had some internal problems and now they want to sell their place. The boss is a friend of mine and he said that he could sell it to us at a low price. I want to discuss this matter with brother-in-law. Maybe we can take it down and do it ourselves. ”

Qian an had never made furniture before, and he had no intention of making a business in the area of furniture “there are many projects in the company now, and the flow of funds is also large. If we want to use money to buy that piece of land, we can’t do it without tens of millions. Another thing is that our company has no intention of making furniture. ”

Uncle Li knew that Qian an would say that, so he continued to persuade him, “brother-in-law, you can’t say that because there aren’t many stores selling furniture now. If it weren’t for that friend investing in something else and making a mistake, he wouldn’t have sold such a profitable place. ”

Qian an knew that the place was not bad and belonged to the central area. It wouldn’t be a loss to buy it, but he also had to consider the current capital flow. “I can’t take out so much money in one go. ”

“Don’t worry, you can pay it in installments. I’ve talked to the other party. It’ll be fine as long as it’s cleared within a year, ” Uncle Li tried his best to persuade him.

Qian an pondered, “I’ll have to consider this matter. ”

“brother-in-law, this friend of mine said that he’ll only give me three days. If you don’t want it, he’ll sell it to someone else. There’s no need to worry about selling that place. “If brother-in-law trusts me, he can manage it according to me. I’ll definitely increase the profit, ” uncle Li boasted.

Qian an was not an impulsive person, especially when the company had developed to this stage. It was not based on drive.

“Big Brother, I’ll give you an answer the day after tomorrow. ” Qian an would definitely drag it out until the end. He would think carefully about whether it was worth it or not.

Uncle Li could not help but say a few more words, “brother-in-law, don’t blame big brother for blabbering. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’ve also asked the price clearly. 28 million. ”

“28 million? ” This price was indeed lower than the market price.

“Yes, and that includes the internal items. ” Uncle Li felt that this was not enough to tempt him How could he tempt him Seeing that he was a little surprised by this price, there was a chance.

“This is indeed not a loss. On the contrary, it’s a little more profitable. ” Qian an felt that this price was a little unreasonable. “Why would he rather lower the price than hang it up on the shelves? That way, he’ll earn more. ”

“It’s like this. He wants to pay in installments. The first installment must be 10 million. Many people won’t be able to take it out so quickly, but we’ll be more compact. We should be able to take it out. ” Uncle Li was hoping that Qian an would take out money to buy that place.

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