She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 158 - The calmness of her heart

Chapter 158: Chapter 155: The calmness of her heart


Shui Shui Shui was speechless. This gift was really taken out of nowhere. Next time she saw it, she would return it to him.

She did not look at the watch too much because she did not have much desire for luxury goods. Although she would like it, it would depend on her own ability.

Now that she had accepted Mu Ziyu’s gift, what identity did she have None of them were suitable.

Mu Ziyu did not know that Shui Shui would be so conflicted with him. He left happily. He did not have the chance to give the gift to her before. The watch was a new model and it was very suitable for young girls to wear. Moreover, this brand of women’s watches.. They were mainly limited in quantity. It was not easy to wear the same color as others.

When he saw the watch at that time, he felt that it was very suitable for Shui Shui Shui, so he bought it and found an opportunity to give it away.

Mu Zilin was playing games in his living room. Because of the good lighting in the living room and the good Internet connection, his parents were both upstairs while he was playing games downstairs. Now, Shui Shui and his account were both level 51, so it was still okay. Moreover, Shui Shui’s account was really lucky. He had obtained a lot of rare items, but he had saved them all and did not take them. Because Shui Shui’s account had obtained them, he felt that they belonged to Shui Shui, not to mention.. He was just purely envious and did not have any other thoughts.

Mu Ziyu returned with a smile on his face.

Mu Zilin looked up at his brother. He was going to continue looking at his computer, but he realized that his brother seemed to be in a good mood. He didn’t know why, but that was how he felt “brother, you seem to be in a good mood. Did something good happen? ”

Mu Ziyu sat down and poured himself a glass of water. “Zi Lin, I want to ask you something. As for why I want to ask, you don’t have to think too much about it. I won’t tell you. ”

“What? Alright, ask me. I’ll see if I can answer you first. ” Mu Zilin thought for a moment before answering. He didn’t know everything, and he didn’t know if he could tell him some of the answers. It was related to his privacy. The other party was his elder brother, so it didn’t matter if he knew some of his secrets.

He looked at his elder brother with a confused look. “elder brother, what do you want to ask me? ”

“I want to ask about Shui Shui. ” Mu Ziyu was very direct. Because time was running out, and he had the same amount of time to understand Shui Shui. Moreover, they hadn’t made any progress. However, he did not want to give up like this. This was the first time he had a crush on a woman. Moreover, the more he got to know her, the more she attracted him. Sometimes, he could not control his gaze and would follow her.

Mu Zilin looked at Mu Ziyu in surprise. It can’t be He shook his head and thought too much. “Big Brother, why are you going to get to know Shui Shui Shui? ”

“Don’t ask so many questions. If I ask you, just tell me. ” Mu Ziyu did not want to tell Mu Zilin too much because this matter was very difficult to explain. Moreover, with his big mouth, what should he do if he accidentally let it slip He didn’t want to scare Shui Shui Away. There was a certain age difference between the two of them, but he was serious.

“…”Mu Zilin felt that it was very strange Why did he ask Shui Shui? He actually didn’t want to tell others about Shui Shui’s matter. Even if that person was his brother, he didn’t want to hide it. However, Shui Shui didn’t like others to talk about her matters. If she found out.. He felt that he wasn’t qualified to be friends. Of course, Shui Shui wasn’t the type to get angry easily. If she was found out, even if she wouldn’t fly into a rage, there would still be a thorn in her heart …

Mu Ziyu knew that Mu Zilin was in a difficult position. “You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell anyone. I just want to know some normal information. It’s related to privacy, so I won’t ask. Even if I ask, you don’t have to answer me. ”

The two brothers looked at each other, and Mu Zilin nodded. “Okay, you ask. ”

Shui Shui didn’t know what to say at all. She went to bed early and went to school the next day.

On her way to school, she bumped into Yu Xiumin. “Good Morning. ”

The two of them could be considered to know each other. When Shui Shui saw him, she took the initiative to greet him

“Good Morning, Qian Shuishui. Have you eaten breakfast? ” Yu Xiu Min was a little secretly happy. He didn’t expect Qian Shuishui to take the initiative to greet him.

The two of them walked side by side. When Shui Shui Heard Yu Xiu Min’s question, she nodded. “I ate a little at home. ”

“Can we have lunch together at noon? ” Yu Xiu Min continued to ask.

“I don’t know if Zi Lin is willing. Sometimes, he will throw a Tantrum. ” She immediately pulled out Mu Zilin as a shield. Why did she say that they were going to have lunch together.

She heard that Yu Xiumin had a crush on her. Although she could feel it, it was best not to give others a chance. Otherwise, she would be misunderstood by the other party just because she had a simple meal. What? She would also be very embarrassed.

Yu Xiumin’s eyes revealed a hint of disappointment. Was She rejecting him? “Shui Shui, can we meet after lunch? I have something to tell you. It can also be considered as an explanation for myself. ”

Shui Shui’s footsteps gradually sped up. When she heard this, she was a little stunned. “If that’s the case, you can. It’s better to be clear about some things. ”

“Uh. ”

Shui Shui had already walked in front of him and entered the class.

She greeted her classmates and sat down. She took out the book she was reading and continued to read the pages. She was almost done reading this book. Once she finished, she could change to another one.

Mu Zilin came to the school. After sitting down, he began to sigh. “Sigh. ”

“Uh Huh? ” Shui Shui Rarely took the initiative to turn her head and looked at Mu Zilin in puzzlement.

“Shui Shui, I feel that since yesterday, I’ve had a headache. My head is very big. I’m very upset. ” Mu Zilin felt that he should not have played games in the living room yesterday.

“And then? ” Shui Shui continued to ask indifferently.

“Uh, nothing else. I’m just really upset. Sigh, why do I feel like I need to know too much? ” Mu Zilin continued to lament.

Shui Shui looked at his silly look and turned her head back to continue reading her book, waiting for morning reading.

Mu Zilin looked at the back of Shui Shui’s head and continued to sigh. Damn it, he was still a little conflicted about yesterday’s matter. How did his brother Fall in love with Shui Shui? He had already made it very clear that Shui Shui definitely didn’t have any feelings for him. Moreover, with Shui Shui’s character.. It wouldn’t be so easy to fall in love either. It was hard to fall in love in the past, and now it was even harder to fall in love.

Want to pursue Shui Shui It was really difficult, and he couldn’t help because of Shui Shui. Sigh, he was conflicted and didn’t know how to say it.

Brother, why did you have to fall in love with such a difficult person, and he was even his good friend.

Mu Zilin didn’t think that Shui Shui wasn’t good enough for his brother. On the contrary, Shui Shui was very suitable for his brother. However, he had to consider the age difference between the two of them, as well as the difference in their thoughts. Shui Shui had always been unreliable when it came to love and love. She had never been in a relationship with anyone. She had been single until now. In the past, she would at most flirt with others, but only flirtatiously for a while.

Mu Qing looked at Mu Zilin. “What are you doing? Why are you sighing so early in the morning? It’s affecting my mood. ”

“What has it got to do with you? I’m very conflicted right now. You definitely can’t understand. ” Mu Zilin continued to be conflicted. Why was he so conflicted? Why Was it still because of his brother and Shui Shui. These two people, what should he do.

He reached out and scratched his head, messing up his hair. “Who cares? Why should I think so much? I can’t interfere anyway. ”

Many people looked at Mu Zilin. Mu Zilin hurriedly shook his head and waved his hand. “It’s fine, it’s fine. I’m being silly. ”

Shui Shui could feel that Mu Zilin was abnormal today. After the morning reading, they went downstairs to do morning exercises and then returned to the classroom. Shui Shui Shui walked to Mu Zilin’s side “Zi Lin, what’s the matter with you? You’ve been sitting in the back and sighing. If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t stutter. Looking at you, it seems like it has something to do with me? ”

“Er, it does have something to do with you, but it doesn’t matter much. ” Mu Zilin stretched out his finger and made a gesture.

“I won’t ask you anymore. I don’t think you’ll tell me. As for me, I have a lot of things that I’m struggling with. “But I feel that it’s useless for me to struggle, so I won’t think too much about it and won’t guess anything else. ” Shui Shui said this because she was struggling with a lot of things For example, the matter of her biological mother, and her father’s current mood.

Of course, she couldn’t change it, and she didn’t have the ability to change it, so she didn’t think about it anymore. When it really happened, then she would think about it again. That was the right thing to do.

Mu Zilin wasn’t as mature as Shui Shui. He could understand Shui Shui’s meaning, but he couldn’t do it.

Shui Shui looked at Mu Zilin. After all, he was only a boy in his teens. His thoughts weren’t mature enough, and he didn’t have enough knowledge in all aspects. It was difficult to control his own thoughts and thoughts.

In her heart, she said quietly, “do your best. You still have to experience it yourself. ”

Because they were friends, she would pay attention to Mu Zilin’s emotions and monitor his movements. There were many things that she could not say directly. She could only let Mu Zilin slowly experience it himself.

“Shui Shui, don’t bother about Mu Zilin. He might have his period today, ” Mu Qing teased.

Shui Shui laughed. “Mu Qing, don’t let him hear you. Otherwise, he will definitely scold you. ”

“Tsk, so be it. I feel that his temper is a little short today, but he still has a gentle attitude towards you. This is simply a difference in treatment. ” Mu Qing was just casually saying it. She did not force anything. The two of them were very close. She already knew that It was impossible for the three of them to become extremely close friends after playing together for almost two months.

Shui Shui shook her head. “You are thinking too much. He is a little strange today. Just ignore him and let him be quiet. ”

“Mm, I don’t plan on paying him any more attention. He’s so fierce, ” Mu Qing said as she pouted.

Summer was already approaching autumn.

When Shui Shui sat down, the wind blew from outside the window. Shui Shui Shui sniffed the scent of pollen and sneezed. She touched her nose. “It’s autumn. ”

Mu Zilin took out a jacket from his school bag. His mother had put it in, so he did not want to bring it. He threw it on Shui Shui Shui’s table. “wear it if it’s cold. ”

“mm, thank you. ” Shui Shui was not polite, even though she did not feel cold.

This action was really seen by many people.

This relationship was really different. It was so enviable.

“I also really want to have such a caring male best friend. Sometimes, he can be a little overbearing. ” The little girl began to fantasize.

“Yeah, I’m really envious. Mu Zilin and Qian Shuishui are completely good friends, and then they care for each other. Why haven’t I met such a good man? ”

Because the voice was very soft, they did not hear it.

Shui Shui put on her coat and looked out of the window. She had been here for a short period of time. Suddenly, she saw that the leaves below were falling down because of the wind. The corners of her mouth curled up and a smile appeared on her face. She sighed and then felt that the world was unpredictable Since she had come, she would take things as they came. Once again, she repeated it in her heart.

She could not help but think back to when she was in high school. Because of her parents, she had lived a very painful life. In fact, when she thought about it, there were some happy things, such as the success after hard work.

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