Seven Sins System

Chapter 82: Tendrils and Tentacles

Seven Sins System Chapter 82. Tendrils and Tentacles

There were at least more than 10 gigantic demons standing in the park. They were about 15 meters in height. Their half body resembled a black scorpion with two spikes that dripped a greenish poisonous liquid on the tails. The top resembled a tree with reddish black tendrils. A red eye with a pupil resembled a feline in the trunk. Those features made them extraordinary killers.

All of them were frozen in confusion. Their eyes darted side to side trying to understand what was going on as if they had just woken up from a hangover. A common reaction for a creature that was moved without their consent.

With this reaction, I was sure the magic formation didn't summon them but kidnapped them and since those brainless creatures didn't understand what was going on, they would end up running amok. Especially if they could see the mortals around them.

Luckily my Shadow Space had hidden all creatures in the real world. Also, no one could enter this place without my permission. So everything that happened here was different from what happened in the real world.

I glanced over a monster's head.

[Name: Neglect]

[Level 41]

[HP: 2443/2443]

[DP: 826/826]

These types of demons usually lived in remote forests or abandoned places. That's why they would be so confused if they saw something new. But of course, their instincts already knew that mortals were the best food for them.

Again, a quest announcement appeared in front of me.

[You have received an emergency quest!]

[Kill the demons.]

[Target: demons.]

[Reward: Quest points and EXP.]

'For my father's sake, why them?' I hated them since they also have a lot of 'hands' like me. If I had my old power they wouldn't be a problem for me. I simply used my skill area to kill them. But my skill was limited now. So I could only depend on my speed and my teleportation skill. In other words, I had to kill them one by one.

But since I had covered this place with my skill, rather than immediately killing them, I decided to ask them. This time, instead of being their interrogator, I would pretend to be their friend.

I summoned all my demonic features, my tentacles, wings, horns, and tails to show that I was a demon before I teleported into one of them.

Upon my sudden arrival, he looked surprised. He raised his tendrils, preparing to attack me. Likewise with his tail.

I quickly raised both of my hands, showing that I didn't want to fight him.

"Tean! Tean! (I'm your friend! I'm your friend!)" I said quickly.

Slowly, he tilted his eye a bit and lowered his tendrils. It made an unpleasant cracking sound for his every movement. The middle of his trunk opened a bit, forming a strange mouth. It was similar to brittle wood that split with sharp edges around it.

"Tean? (Friend?)" He repeated in disbelief.

I answered him with a nod.

"Tean, ap te di? (Friend, what happened?)" I asked worriedly. Since they also rarely saw other types of demons, I had to act well to convince him.

He didn't answer but just narrowed his eyes. Looked like he was trying to remember what happened to him and why he got here.

After a while, he opened his voice.

"Sura agil ki… (A voice was calling me…)" It was the same answer as the previous demon.

"Sura kou? (What voice?)" I asked.

He fell silent again.

'Oh, please. Couldn't you answer faster?' I grumbled internally. This was what I hated the most. They were slow. Their language was limited. Their brains were too slow to process even a question. They really wasted my time.

A few seconds later, his eyes widened.

"Ah… Fana… Fana agil ki…(Ah… A mortal… A mortal was calling me)," he answered, this time his voice filled with excitement.

'A mortal?' I didn't get it, why did a mortal summon demons to their realm? No, he/she even kidnapped him with a certain summoning formation. How could he do it when the gate remained closed?

Before I replied, a grin appeared on his lips.

"Fana… Atia buna fana (A mortal… That means I'm in the mortal realm)," he continued. It was definitely not a good sign.

After that, a roar came out of his mouth as he moved his head from side to side excitedly. His eyes swept around looking for the surrounding mortals.

That roar was followed by the other demons. Soon, they also looked around.

'Shit he noticed it!' I thought.

But I decided to push my luck and asked one more time.

I teleported in front of him.

"Hey, carasey! (Hey, one more question!)" I said. But he turned his head the other way, completely ignoring me.

His eyes that looked down clearly showed what he was looking for.

I teleported once again.

"Carasey! (One more question!)" I repeated. Again he looked the other way in excitement.

Upset, I did not hesitate to change my tentacles.

'Wrath.' Then I swung one of them to his trunk.

[You have slashed a demon for 490 HP ]

That attack created a deep diagonal wound on his back. It was a bit too much, but I was sure I would get his attention. Or made him angry...

He turned to me, At the same time, his tail swung to attack me. But I simply moved my two tails and tied it. His sting stopped a meter behind my head. While my tentacles lunged at him and stopped half a meter away from him.

"Dekana! (Listen to me!)" I said in a commanding tone. My tentacles were ready to gouge out his eyes.

He answered me with a displeased look.

"Sais! Kan tean! (Liar! You aren't a friend!)" he shouted. His tendrils were starting to lift and his tail was trying to reach me, indicating he didn't want to talk to me anymore.

'Haa… Forget it,' I thought. My two tails pulled his tail in the opposite direction. In one snap, I cut it into two.

[You have cut a demon for 230 HP ]

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