Seven Sins System

Chapter 294: Thread Of Fate

Seven Sins System Chapter 294. Thread Of Fate

Aria's PoV

The seconds ticked by. Aria's mind began to clear. The events of the evening seemed less like a chaotic whirlwind and more like a series of puzzles waiting to be solved. She furrowed her brow in concentration, determined to make sense of the jumbled mess.

Ever since she had met Allen, things had changed. There was a stirring within her, like a slumbering beast roused from its sleep. But what was it? And why did it feel so familiar, as if it were echoing through her memory?

El. The name floated up from the depths of her mind, and Aria's eyes snapped open as realization hit her. El, the one she had lost, the one who had vanished without a trace. Could it be that the emotions she was feeling now were tied to those long-lost memories?

She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling the steady thump of her heart beneath her palm. Allen and El couldn't possibly be the same person. It didn't make sense. But the surge of emotion she experienced when Allen spoke of betrayal, was too potent to be a mere coincidence. It was as if her heart recognized a melody it had heard before, a melody that belonged to El.

Aria's eyes wandered down to her wrist, and she froze. There, coiled around her wrist, was something she wasn't there before—a faint, pulsating glow. Her heart quickened as she raised her hand, her eyes fixed on the ethereal thread of light. It was like a strand of starlight woven into existence.

"Threads of fate?" Her voice was a mixture of shock and uncertainty, her words more of a whisper to the room than a statement. Her fingers grazed the glowing thread, and she could feel a strange warmth emanating from it, a warmth that seemed to seep into her skin and into the very core of her being.

Aria's forehead creased with confusion as she stared at the glowing thread, her mind racing to comprehend what she was witnessing. Her gaze locked on the glowing thread encircling her wrist, her heart pounding with a mix of fascination and apprehension. This was new, different—something she had never seen before. The thread of fate, usually a shade of red that spoke of bonds and connections, now pulsed with a unique blend of golden light and dark power. It was as if opposing forces were entwined, dancing along the thread in an intricate pattern.

"This... this is the first time I've seen it like this," Aria murmured to herself, her words carrying a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the thread, her mind racing to comprehend the significance of this change. It was as if the universe itself had shifted, casting a new light on the threads of fate that governed the lives of mortals and now, apparently, hers as well.

Goddesses like Aria were rarely touched by the threads of fate in such a direct manner. Fate was often the domain of mortals, woven by the choices they made and the paths they walked. But here it was, an otherworldly tapestry of light and shadow, wrapped around her like a silent promise of something extraordinary.

The notion that this thread was a symbol of counterbalance and destiny only deepened the mystery. Aria had heard stories of couples whose lives were intricately intertwined, destined to mirror each other's actions. It was a concept that held both beauty and complexity.

"But why?" Aria's voice was a soft breath of confusion, her words directed at the thread itself. She traced her finger along the glowing strand, her touch meeting the transition point between the golden light and the darker power. It was a sensation unlike anything she had ever felt before—a tingle that resonated deep within her as if the thread itself held secrets she could only begin to fathom.

Aria's thoughts raced. Did this mean there was a couple destined for her, someone whose life was meant to intertwine with hers in a dance of balance and contradiction? And what of the dark aura? It was as if a storm cloud lingered over the golden glow, threatening to obscure its radiance.

Aria's brow furrowed with determination as she looked closer at the thread. The dark aura wasn't a sign of evil forces trying to break the thread. No, it felt different, more complex. The dark and light were not enemies, but partners, each playing a role in the intricate web of existence.

Her mind whirled with possibilities. Perhaps this dark aura was a symbol of the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, the obstacles that she and her destined counterpart would need to navigate together.

Silence hung in the air for a moment, as Aria's mind grappled with the implications of what she was witnessing. And then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. "Oh no…" she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with concern. Her heart pounded as she pieced together the puzzle that had been eluding her.

This thread, this blend of golden light and shadowy darkness, it wasn't just some abstract cosmic occurrence. It was a reflection of something much closer to home. Something that involved Allen.

Aria's mind raced down a path of possibilities. Could it be that Allen was connected to El in some way? That he was a reincarnation of the one she had lost? The threads of fate were no longer just symbols to her—they were tangible threads that wove lives together across time and space.

Once she considered the implications, a chilling thought crept into her mind. What if the dark power mingled with the thread was more than a mere reflection of balance? What if it was a sinister force, a power from the shadow realm, or even a demon, attempting to fray the connection between her and Allen? It was as if a shiver of dread had been injected directly into her veins.

Without wasting another moment, Aria's decision was made. She had to act, and she had to act quickly. Her fingers tingled with urgency as she summoned her teleportation ability. In a flash of light, she vanished from the room.

And then, just as swiftly as she had vanished, Aria reappeared in Allen's room. Her breath came in short, hurried gasps.

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