Seven Sins System

Chapter 281: Cut It Out!

Seven Sins System Chapter 281. Cut It Out!

The smoke and dust began to settle. The aftermath of our intense clash came into view. The once-elegant parlor room now lay in disarray, furniture shattered and strewn about as if a tempest had passed through.

Amidst the wreckage, a figure emerged, their form both familiar and unexpected. Dressed in a casual ensemble of a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops, the newcomer seemed almost out of place in the midst of the shadowy grandeur that defined the realm. It was my dad.

His appearance was a stark contrast to the power he wielded. His eyes, a reflection of my own, held a mix of concern and irritation as they settled on Luci and me.

"Cut it out! I'm working, you fucking dumbass!" The roar of my father's anger reverberated through the room, a tumultuous force that seemed to shake the very foundations of the shadow realm. It wasn't a mere shout; it was a manifestation of his Devil Roar.

The room seemed to tremble in response to my father's fury.

Lily wasted no time. With a swift and practiced motion, she sprang to her feet, her expression a mixture of alarm and determination. She summoned a powerful barrier.

The servant didn't hesitate either, he too conjured a protective barrier. Ivy, not one to be left behind, joined the defensive effort.

As for me, I reacted swiftly, my instincts kicking in. Without a moment's hesitation, I commanded my tentacles.


With a swift mental directive, they shifted into their Sloth mode, enveloping my body in a cocoon of their protective form.

Yet, even with my tentacles' formidable defense, I could feel the immense pressure bearing down on me. My muscles strained against the invisible force as I fought to hold my ground. I gritted my teeth, a stubborn determination fueling my efforts to withstand the onslaught. I was sure Luci also experienced the same thing.

Once his roar finished, I found myself panting, my heart racing within my chest. Slowly, I released the grip of the tentacles that had shielded me. My gaze shifted to Luci, who stood across from me, his own wings unfolding to reveal a similar state of disarray.

But it didn't stop there, my father's hand descended in a deliberate motion, and a palpable surge of power followed suit.

In an instant, I felt the crushing weight of that power pressing against my body, a force that demanded submission. Beside me, Luci experienced the same impact, and like two opposing currents converging, we both found ourselves brought to our knees before my father.

His voice, resonant and commanding, pierced the silence that had settled in the wake of our fall. "You kids. Didn't I say that no one is allowed to fight in my palace without my permission?" The annoyance in his tone was palpable, a testament to his expectation of obedience from those under his rule. His eyes bore into us, a stern reprimand that left no room for defiance.

Caught between the sting of defeat and Dad's presence, I struggled to find my voice. Beside me, Luci too remained silent, his posture a blend of reluctance and simmering frustration. The weight of our pride, once a source of strength, now felt like a burden as we knelt in the aftermath of our clash.

His gaze was unwavering, my father's displeasure was etched across his features. The fact that his gaze was evenly divided between Luci and me only intensified the gravity of the moment. It was clear that this display was not just about the clash between two powerful beings, but a reminder of our roles within his dominion.

With a reluctant sigh, I offered my apology, my voice laced with the bitter taste of humility. "Sorry, Dad."

Beside me, Luci offered a similar apology, his tone tinged with reluctant compliance. "My apologies, Your Majesty," he stated, the words punctuated by a hint of frustration. It was evident that even the proud demon had been brought to heel by my father's display of power.

"Good," my father replied, his tone a chilling mix of satisfaction and intimidation. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze narrowing as it fixated on us.

My father's eyes bore into me, his focus unwavering as he delivered his ultimatum. "I still have a lot of work, so what I want is peace," he declared, the words laced with a threatening edge that sent a clear message. "Do you understand?" he demanded, his words leaving no room for ambiguity.

My response came without hesitation, a firm affirmation of my acknowledgment and compliance. "We understand," I replied, my voice steady despite the knot of unease that had settled in my stomach. Beside me, Luci echoed my sentiment, his tone carrying a similar gravity.

After that, Dad used his teleportation skill and disappeared from the room. The weight that had pressed down on my back seemed to dissipate, allowing me to straighten up from my kneeling position.

I rose and couldn't help but shoot a pointedly displeased look in Luci's direction. It was as if the words "This is your fault!" were written in bold across my gaze. But despite the irritation simmering beneath the surface, I withheld my words, recognizing that another confrontation wouldn't serve any purpose other than to reignite the conflict that had just been diffused.

However, it seemed that Luci had different plans. Almost as if he couldn't resist the temptation of continuing our quarrel, he spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "What's with that stare?" His tone carried a clear undercurrent of displeasure, a mirror to my own feelings. "Don't blame me," he retorted, his expression a blend of defiance and frustration. "You're the one who started first. You just ate me with your tentacle, remember?" he reminded me. The words tumbled out in a rush.

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