Seven Sins System

Chapter 271: Fallen Angel

Seven Sins System Chapter 271. Fallen Angel

"Yes," my father affirmed, his eyes narrowing as he studied me intently. The weight of his gaze bore down upon me, a mix of recognition and apprehension dancing within his eyes. "Your eyes... I remember that day clearly. They hold the same gaze as the ancient demon."

Our gazes locked, an unspoken understanding passing between us. I could sense the fear lurking behind my father's eyes, a fear born from the knowledge of the ancient demon's power and the potential dangers it posed.

"Is that why you chose to make peace with the light realm?" I ventured, my voice laced with a mix of curiosity and comprehension.

He nodded, a glimmer of confirmation in his eyes. "I believe that the ancient demon harbors a deep grudge against the angels," he surmised, his voice tinged with a hint of speculation.

A surge of understanding coursed through me, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. The ancient demon's vendetta against the angels was rooted in a history marred by betrayal and exile. It was a cycle of vengeance that threatened the fragile balance between realms.

"Actually," I interjected, deciding to share a truth that I had long kept hidden, "I've had a conversation with the ancient demon before." The admission hung in the air, a revelation that carried both weight and uncertainty.

My father's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and concern etched across his face. "You've spoken to him?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and caution. He leaned closer, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity. "What did he say to you?" he inquired, his voice brimming with anticipation. His leaning posture underscored his eagerness to glean any information I had obtained from my encounter with the ancient demon.

"He told me that the angels had cast him out of the light realm," I relayed, my voice tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation. The memory of that conversation lingered in my mind, each word spoken by the ancient demon etched into my memory like a haunting refrain.

My father's brow furrowed as he pondered this revelation, his thoughts spinning like a whirlwind of possibilities. "Hmmm... that's intriguing," he murmured, a mixture of surprise and confusion coloring his voice. "I've never heard of a fallen angel turning into a demon before," he confessed, his tone betraying his genuine lack of knowledge on the subject.

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "Well, it seems that whatever transpired, it happened long before our time," I stated, a hint of resignation in my voice.

"That could very well be the case," my father agreed, his gaze drifting to a distant point as he contemplated the enigma before us. "I will make it a point to discuss this matter with the queen," he declared, determination flashing in his eyes.

I cringed, unable to stifle the skeptical tone in my voice. "Do you honestly think she'll tell you anything?" I questioned, my skepticism laced with a hint of doubt. My father's determination to seek answers from the queen of the light realm seemed optimistic at best, considering the strained relations and escalating tensions that had marred our previous encounters.

He let out a long sigh, the weariness of his efforts apparent in the exhalation of breath. "I highly doubt it," he confessed, his annoyance palpable. "But I have to try. Her temperament has grown increasingly volatile, and our last meeting nearly pushed us to the brink of declaring war," he muttered, his words infused with frustration and anger.

I couldn't help but share in his frustration, the unfairness of the blame hurled upon us weighing heavily on my mind. "It's infuriating how they constantly find a way to shift the blame onto us," I seethed, my voice tinged with anger. The continuous scapegoating and the refusal to acknowledge their own faults grated on my nerves, fueling simmering indignation within me.

"Yeah," my father agreed, his weariness evident in his voice. "Anyway, you should take some rest. I'll call your women and Ivy over here," he said, his words carrying a tone of exhaustion. With a tired sigh, he rose from my bedside, a heaviness in his steps.

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary," I stated firmly, a newfound clarity shaping my decision. "I'm going to their place instead," I added, my voice resolute.

"Alright, then," my father agreed, his voice holding a note of confirmation. "If I recall correctly, they should be in the garden," he added.

With that, he wasted no time, transforming into a dark aura that enveloped him, before vanishing from sight.

I let out a weary sigh, my body sinking into the soft bed once more. My mind was restless, yearning for resolution and answers that remained elusive. In an attempt to find solace amidst the swirling thoughts, I instinctively reached for my system, opening it to reassess my skills and abilities.

"Hhh...," I exhaled, a mixture of frustration and acceptance lacing my breath. "This power, though improved, still falls short of my true potential," I mused, my thoughts swirling within the depths of my mind. It was a constant reminder that I had yet to fully tap into the depths of my strength. However, I couldn't help but acknowledge the progress I had made.

But the restlessness within me persisted, refusing to grant me respite. Unable to find solace in my room, I rose from the bed, a surge of determination propelling me forward. I used my Demon's Clothes, transforming my appearance with a touch of otherworldly elegance.

"I need more power," I muttered to myself, a quiet resolve evident in my voice. The pursuit of strength had become an imperative, a driving force that propelled me toward the unknown. And in order to attain the power I sought, there was one person I needed to visit.

"I think it's time I pay 'him' a visit," I declared, a spark of determination lighting up my eyes.

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