Seven Sins System

Chapter 255: Painful Victory II

Seven Sins System Chapter 255. Painful Victory II

"Azrael... What are you doing?" Dad's voice trembled weakly as he gazed at my former self with concern etched on his face. He appeared even more battered and broken than my former self, his body bearing the weight of numerous wounds and injuries.

I slowly walked toward the scene, a whirlwind of mixed emotions engulfed my being. My eyes fixated on my former self, crawling and laughing like a devil who had lost his mind. It was a chilling sight, a grotesque display of madness and despair.

On one hand, there was a glimmer of happiness, a flicker of relief that I hadn't merely passed out during the battle, but had actually against the ancient demon. The realization that I had been part of the struggle gave me a sense of validation, a reassurance that I had not been completely helpless in the face of adversity.

However, that glimmer of happiness quickly dimmed as the weight of the destruction and loss settled upon me. The battle had ravaged everything in its wake, leaving a trail of devastation and taking away everything and everyone dear to me. It was a bitter pill to swallow, a harsh reminder of the price paid in the pursuit of victory. Perhaps this was the reason why my dad still entrusted me with the title of the crown prince, despite my past mistakes and the painful losses that followed.

My gaze remained fixed on my former self, his eyes filled with madness and his sanity consumed by the darkness that enveloped him. It was a disturbing sight, witnessing the distortion of a once familiar face. Yet, despite the chaos that consumed him, his movements held a sense of purpose, a determination that led him toward the heart of the ancient demon.

With each painstaking crawl, my former self drew closer to his destination. It was as if an unspoken understanding guided his actions. In the depths of his madness, he sought to reach the core of the ancient demon, driven by a force that surpassed reason and logic.

Struggling against his own deteriorating condition, my former self finally reached the ancient demon's core. Despite the enormous size of the demon's body, the core itself was deceptively small, glowing with an ominous purple hue and emitting a dense, palpable aura of dark power. Tentacles writhed around it as if the core still possessed a fragment of life within it. However, even in the dim light, I could discern that it was merely a fading remnant, a feeble echo of its former potency.

I watched with bated breath as my former self extended a trembling hand toward the core. His eyes locked onto it, his gaze unwavering and filled with an indescribable mixture of hunger and madness. At that moment, I couldn't predict his next move. Would he destroy the core, severing the final connection to the ancient demon's power? Or was there another purpose behind his intent gaze?

To my astonishment, instead of annihilating the core, my former self did something unthinkable. He bit into it and consumed it. The act sent a shiver down my spine, for it defied all logic and reason.

With a twisted hunger, my former self sank his teeth into the core, breaking its fragile exterior. As he tore into it, a viscous black substance oozed out, staining his lips and dribbling down his chin. The putrid odor of decay filled the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. It was a grotesque sight, a macabre feast of darkness.

Blackened tears mingled with the crimson streaks on his face, forming twisted rivers of anguish and madness. The mixture of blood and tears created an eerie mask that distorted his features, accentuating the wildness in his eyes. He seemed both exhilarated and tormented, caught in a frenzied state between ecstasy and despair.

His laughter, no longer a sound of mirth or joy, escaped from his lips in a chilling cacophony. It was a laughter that echoed with the echoes of the fallen, laughter born from the depths of his fractured soul. Each deranged chuckle seemed to further unravel his sanity, leaving only the remnants of a mind consumed by darkness.

"Azrael! What are you doing?! Stop it!" I could hear my dad's shout from behind me, while my gaze remained on him.

As the last remnants of the ancient demon's core were devoured, a palpable shift in the atmosphere occurred. A dense, malevolent aura emerged, enveloping my former self's body like a shroud of darkness. The air crackled with energy, charged with an otherworldly power that seemed to seep into every fiber of his being.

I watched in both awe and trepidation as the demonic aura swirled around him, intertwining with his essence. It was as if the very fabric of his existence was being rewritten, infused with a potent darkness that defied comprehension. His features contorted, his body undergoing a metamorphosis fueled by the corruptive force now coursing through his veins.

His once-incubus form underwent a profound transformation. A miraculous regeneration began to take place. In an instant, his missing limbs were restored, emerging from his form with an eerie quickness. Flesh and bone mended themselves, knitting back together seamlessly. It was a remarkable display of his newfound power.

However, the regeneration didn't stop there. Something unsettling unfolded before my eyes. As his body healed, additional appendages sprouted from his back, resembling the sinister tentacles of the ancient demon he had just consumed. There were six of them in total, swaying ominously with a life of their own. They curled and twisted, imbued with an aura of wickedness that sent shivers down my spine.

And then, where his original tail once resided, two thorny tails emerged in its place. They coiled and writhed, adorned with sharp spikes that glistened with a malevolent gleam. Each tail possessed maleficent energy, a tangible symbol of the darkness that now coursed through his being.

"That's why Dad alters the lords' memories..." I muttered in shock. My eyes widened in shock and fixed on my former self.

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